The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2636: Dominate the Cemetery

As a new ruler, the God of Justice has the advantage of having enough omnipotent souls!

This kind of opponent is not the Cell test body that Thain encountered before in the world of despair.

Nor was it the Gallente Federation’s Juggernaut-class fleet that suffered serious damage after returning to the star realm, or the Juggernaut-class giant mecha that suffered great damage.

Together with the blessing of the God of Justice and the home plane of Faerûn, this guy has become another difficult opponent that Thain is facing now.

When Thane controls the Thor Fortress group of robots, he can also burst out with dominating power.

But he does not have an omnipotent soul.

The energy of the Thor Fortress robot mainly comes from three sources: the energy of all the fortresses that make up the combination, the energy in the Rubik's Cube, and Thane's own majestic elemental power.

Thanks to the fact that these three energy sources are extremely strong and deep, including the fact that Thain himself received feedback from the power of the astral elements after returning to the material star realm, and he is now in a state of self-sealing explosion.

So much so that when fighting against a seventh-level god with abundant dominating soul like the God of Justice, there was no sign of lack of successor power.

Fierce battles, collisions with the dominant power of "Boom", took place on the second level of the purgatory space all the time.

In this battle that was beyond the imagination of lower creatures, the army of wizard civilization from the time and space gate of the third layer of purgatory also rushed in and arrived at the mainland of Faerun.

Not only that, the demons of the Qatar Star Thief Group, in collaboration with the magicians of the Wizarding World, began to build more flesh and blood gates in the third layer of purgatory as the time and space fluctuations on both sides gradually stabilized.

The construction of these gates of time and space does not require the fragments of the Tablet of Destiny as a primer this time.

Just the boundless blood power flowing down from the second level of Purgatory is enough.

As a result, more and more wizard civilization legions arrived, so the pressure on the troops at the forefront was gradually reduced.

"What the hell is this?" A level five middle god from the Wings of Nature organization looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

This is a fifth-level plant god who masters the divine laws of green, verdant and vitality.

In his long life, he should have seen a lot of things.

But what appeared in front of him, the endless defense of the Titan giant army and the well-organized mechanical army, was still beyond the knowledge of this plant god.

Later, in the war that lasted longer, when these indigenous gods of Faerun came into contact with the Death Army under Rose and the Dragon Rider Army of the Beren Empire.

They become more numb.

The legions of the undead from the wizarding world are much more ferocious than the legions of the dead created by the death gods in Faerûn.

The Dragon Riders of the Beren Empire, both in terms of equipment and tactical advancement, are far superior to those dragons in Faerûn that are like a ragtag group of people.

More elite legions from more powerful civilizations made the five major divine alliances in the Faerun continent encounter the vanguard legion of the wizard civilization headed by Thane.

It is difficult to make even half a step forward.

Later, the group of followers who belonged to Thane and were brought back from the world of despair took the lead in joining the war in Faerûn, which made these "frogs in the well" of Faerûn realize what the real gods are. Super strong!

The continent of Faerûn has been peaceful and comfortable for too many years.

Although there is a catastrophe of saints, although there is a battle among gods.

But in the eyes of truly powerful top-level civilizations like the Wizarding Civilization, the self-competition that occurred within Faerûn in the past was actually like playing house.

Truly powerful and fierce civilizations are all created through war.

Including Thain's group of followers, their rich combat experience far exceeds that of the local gods in Faerûn.

This is a war of unequal strength.

Of course, if the strength is equal, the war will not break out so easily.

When the war on the second level of purgatory took place, with Thane

When people enter, it gradually freezes.

The God of Elements, as the guardian of this world, was the first to sense it.

After all, it is the guardian of Faerûn.

The influx of so many wizard civilization legions into the continent of Faerûn means the erosion of supernatural power for the God of Elements.

It's just that it's difficult for the God of Elements to respond to the war taking place on the second floor of Purgatory because there are too many supports at once.

Even its main body cannot move.

So the God of Elements could only mobilize and call on more gods to lead his army of believers to the second floor of Purgatory to participate in the "holy war."

At this time, the local gods of Faerun continent gathered in the second floor of Purgatory are not all of this large world.

Maybe not even half of it.

Many gods are accustomed to living a free and undisciplined life, or those with low strength are afraid of the power of demons, so they do not participate in the war in the purgatory space.

Among the major gods in Faerûn, none is the Wings of Nature force, which has always been in the "neutral" camp, and has the largest number of gods.

Facing the guardian's second call, a group of gods from the Wings of Nature camp began to unite the legions of believers and march toward the purgatory space.

However, their speed was too slow.

As early as on the other side of the Gate of Time and Space, the army of wizard civilization that almost filled the entire Wild Star Territory would not give Faerun Continent time to slowly prepare and respond.

It can be said that Faerûn is unlucky. It has just ushered in a wave of transformation, and is expected to expand outward in the future and establish a more prosperous and powerful divine civilization.

But as soon as I came into contact with a "disaster-level civilization" like the wizard civilization, there was really no way to reason.

However, the country that Faerûn is today must have its origins.

What first attracted the wizarding civilization's attention to the continent of Faerûn was the fragment of the Slate of Destiny that appeared in the wizarding world.

So, how did that fragment appear in the wizarding world?

Located far north of the center of Faerûn, on the top of the endless mountains, there is an extremely luxurious and vast ancient main temple.

The god Io is currently healing his wounds in this ancient temple.

Although it has been more than a thousand years since he returned to Faerûn, Io's injuries are still not healed.

"What a terrifying woman." Whenever he thought of the black-robed woman holding a sickle he had come into contact with in the Land of God's Fall, Ao couldn't help but tremble from the bottom of his heart.

A bottle of pale golden divine blood plasma appeared in Io's hand.

This was one of his gains in the Land of God's Fall, and it had the miraculous effect of slowly repairing the Lord's omnipotent soul.

And the land where the gods fell seems to have another name in the surrounding star realm - "Lord's Cemetery".

It seemed to be an ancient battlefield left behind by the battle between two unimaginably powerful top civilizations.

Although the two top civilizations have disappeared.

But on the ancient battlefield left behind, it is said that there are more than 300 remains of master-level creatures!

It was there that Io came into contact with the woman who broke his main artifact, the Tablet of Destiny.

Unlike Io, who was collecting various ancient treasures in the Land of God's Fall, the woman in black robe seemed more like studying the various things there.

Being driven back to his mother plane in embarrassment, although Io also collected a lot of benefits in the Land of God's Fall, the humiliation he suffered and the heavy losses he suffered from the Dominant Universal Soul were obviously not so easy to eliminate. wiped.

The special resources of the Land of God's Fall, as well as some of the rules and regulations brought back by Io, triggered the transformation of the continent of Faerûn.

And Io also hopes to lead the continent of Faerûn into a new era.

However, at the same time as "going out", it seems that some alien civilizations are looking at the continent of Faerûn with prying eyes.

"Who is it?" Io couldn't help but open his eyes at this time and looked towards the second floor of Purgatory.

He is the second person in this large world besides the God of Elements to keenly observe that there are more turbulent and different forces in the second floor of Purgatory than originally expected.

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