The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 161: Chance Encounter

"Have you heard? A few days ago, there was an official magician in the training ground who was testing magic in the apprentice area, which made a big hole in the sky of the training ground." Outside the library, a group of magic apprentices whispered.

"Ah? Which master's handiwork is it?" One of the intermediate magic apprentices couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know. Master Reiner is also looking for the magician who caused the accident, but there were only apprentice-level magicians in the training ground at that time."

"According to some rumors, it is said that the official magician who destroyed the energy shield of the trial field is likely to have the means to conceal his aura and pretend to be an apprentice to deceive Master Reiner's detection." Another woman Apprentice Gossip added.

When Thain walked outside the library, he was still in a trance and excitement.

His excitement has actually lasted for several days.

Next, it is necessary to regroup and make corresponding plans and arrangements for the next stage of study or research.

The low murmurs of the apprentices in front of him finally brought Thain back to his senses.

After all, the protagonist of their discussion is themselves.

Thain himself didn't pay much attention to the experience a few days ago.

He was not caught by the official magician on duty at the trial site. Few people would have thought that the apprentice level could cause such exaggerated magical damage.

Including the training ground area where he was at that time, although it was a separate space, but fortunately, the sky of the training ground where his solar eye was pointed was a public area.

When Thain slipped away in time, even when the magicians in the training ground realized later and started screening and checking the apprenticeship level, Thain had already returned to the dormitory.

Ignoring the whispers and gossip of these apprentices, Thain shook his head, shook away the rest of his thoughts, and walked towards the library.

This is what makes him different from most apprentices at Holy Tower Academy.

These ordinary apprentices are generally interested in some of the gossip that has happened in the academy recently, while people like Thain are only concerned about the progress of their own magic research and experiments.

He doesn't even understand things that have nothing to do with him.

This may be one of the reasons why Thain felt a little out of place after coming to Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy.

However, when Thain was about to enter the library, he just glanced sideways and saw Green standing in the center of the circle of apprentices with his peripheral vision.

Senior Apprentice Green is undoubtedly one of the highest-ranking apprentices among these apprentices, and the location where he stands is also the core area of ​​these apprentices.

But what was incompatible with the gossip and chatter of the surrounding apprentices was that Green did not participate in their discussion. Instead, he lowered his head slightly, seeming to be deep in thought.

Greene was in such a state that Thain had never seen him in the library.

This guy was actually able to immerse himself in his own world amidst the noise of discussions among the apprentices around him.

Is he probably lowering his head and contemplating his magic research?

Green's situation was not surprising to the magic apprentices around him.

They have become accustomed to Green's character and regard him as a transparent person most of the time.

If Green, the "nerd", hadn't already possessed the strength of a senior apprentice and was one of the three strongest apprentices in their circle, he probably wouldn't be in the core position.

"Green, you are here."

"Are you going to do something?"

After all, he was the first friend he made after coming to Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy. When Thain saw him, he said hello and asked.

Thain's voice was not high, but because of the magical trick of sound transmission, Green in the crowd came back to his senses immediately.

In this noisy environment, even if Green could immerse himself in learning and thinking, he would not be too deeply involved.

Therefore, Thain's verbal greetings were not considered as disturbing him.

"Yes, we are going to perform an academy mission." Green said to Thain.

Green's performance and Thain's approach caused the voices of the magic apprentices around him to gradually drop.

There are about ten magic apprentices in this circle, and all of them are intermediate or above. Their strength cannot be underestimated.

Facing the arrival of Thain, Green introduced to the surrounding magic apprentices: "This is a friend I met in the library. His name is Thain. He has considerable attainments in the fields of light and fire magic."

Green's introduction did not elicit any reaction from the surrounding group of magic apprentices.

Green's popularity is not much better than that of Thain.

The apprentices around him were all apprentices from the same country as Green.

And not everyone is familiar with Green. There are only three or four people who have a really good relationship with him, and they are all mid- to low-level apprentices.

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Green finally added: "This apprentice of Thain is already a powerful apprentice at the level of a quasi-magician."

Green's words finally moved these magic apprentices.

The quasi-magician has stood at the top of almost all the apprentices at Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy.

These apprentices did not know that Thain had defeated Mark. After all, it had been several years ago, and since then, Thain had never been to the challenge stage again.

The so-called new prominence and reputation at that time were quickly overtaken by other apprentices.

It is worth mentioning that Mark has been quite famous in the academy in recent years.

Although he has always been barely at the bottom of the top 20 in the academy's strength list, being able to occupy the list for a long time is enough to prove that this guy has two skills.

At this time, a black-robed magic apprentice standing next to Green came out and greeted Thane outside the apprentice: "Hello, I am Hildas Goron."

The magic robe of this black-robed apprentice was obviously more gorgeous than the magic robes of the surrounding apprentices.

There was even a pattern inlaid with gold wire on it, and Thain felt a touch of elemental power from it. This was an intermediate magic item.

If Thane remembers correctly, the kingdom where Green was born seems to be called the Kingdom of Goron.

The guy in front of me should be a member of the royal family.

And he is also one of only three senior apprentices among all the apprentices present.

Although he was impatient to deal with these aristocratic apprentices, for Green's sake, Thain still nodded and replied: "Hello, I am Thain Grant."

A quasi-magician, whether in the Holy Tower or in the secular kingdom, is worthy of Hildas Gronn, a member of the royal family of such a weak kingdom, trying to win over him.

If they develop normally, they are likely to use Green as a medium to form a good relationship as classmates.

Thain can get in touch with the royal family members of the Goron Kingdom, and Hildas can also gain Thain's friendship.

And from a more profound perspective, there is a certain interest connection between the Kingdom of Goron and the Grant family, a great nobleman of the Lycian Alliance.

But it is a pity that Hildas may have this social intention, but Thain and Green have no intention of doing so.

After briefly introducing himself to Hildas, Thane ignored the senior apprentice again.

Similarly, Green did not realize the idea of ​​introducing Thain in detail and recommending it to other magic apprentices in the Kingdom of Goron.

It makes sense that these two guys could become friends.

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