The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00097 # Morning in the Rain % 26 #

# Past (6), Psychotherapy (2)

Fixed date and fixed time. The reunion of the woman and boy was slowly becoming routine for both of them. Ordinary appointments with no burden or reason to dislike.

The woman was still a calf. She became accustomed to her other name. At first I thought it was an act, but increasingly it wasn't. There was no doubt or conjecture about the boy. You don't have to artificially decorate it. Rather, it's more comfortable than writing the original name. When you meet a boy, you focus on him. I could forget the reality.

The conversation was now spontaneous. The results take time to become familiar with each other. Occasionally speaking, listening to answers, otherwise accepting margins with each other.

The boy, in the middle of winter, was calm and calm in every word. You do not howl, cursing with misfortune. The woman was relieved. On the one hand, it is sad. Winter's maturity is unnatural.

I keep wondering about its maturity. Winter never said it was hard.

Are they still covering their insides? How many more meetings does it take to get rid of the filters? The woman asked softly.

“Winter, how are you? ”

A boy reading someone's reputation looks up at a therapist. Press into both pages with your fingertips, blinking silently.

“What are you talking about? ”

“In the early days of post-insurance, many subscribers complain of a variety of misadaptations. For example...... Yes, it's hard to decide from the attitude towards artificial intelligence. I can't stand the thought of not being human. It's kind of an obsessive compulsive disorder, the result of which is hypertrophy in the virtual world. It's a common maladjustment for most people. ”

I didn't make up words to listen to my heart. Identity is a lie, but she is definitely an insurance adjuster. Reports she encountered were more detailed than going up to the government. Symptoms mentioned were psychological checkpoints that all policyholders went through at least once, whether they were often distinguished.

‘There are people who can't get over it. ’

I hope it's not just the boy. I was unhappy enough to be alive.

So I ask.

“What about you? Are you confused? ”

“ ……. ”

The answer was not immediately given.

The problem that the woman mentioned is that the better the TOM rating and qualifications, the easier it is to overcome. But not necessarily. Because the nature of the problem was the world itself that didn't exist.

High empathy is a rich sensitivity. The boy was too old for self-determination. Who am I and what else? Judging by the standards of an adult who had stopped asking this question for a long time, it was difficult.

“I'm fine. ”

The boy's short answer at last. It was not enough for the woman. How much meaning could there have been in the void before the words came out. We're gonna need more time. The woman hides a small sigh.

But a readable boy doesn't miss it. I used to smile.

“You don't believe me. ”

“Huh? No, it's not like that... ”

A little embarrassed, the group folds the book completely in front of her. Then, using the environmental composition function of Lobby, one blossom was flushed out of the air. Choose a variety and choose a color. The result was a rare color rose. Winter, when you catch the stalk away from the thorns, while looking at the flowers, is briefly reminiscent.

Soon, the boy asks the therapist.

“What color do these flowers look like? ”

“…… It's green. ”

“Yes, it's green. But, sir, are you and I looking at the same color right now? ”

The woman was embarrassed. It was hard to understand the meaning of the question.

“What do you mean? ”

Winter recalled her life. In an old memory, the boy was staring blankly, holding a broken green crepe.

“When I was a kid, I thought, Wouldn't the same green look different for everyone? In fact, everyone feels different colors, but since they grew up learning to be green the same way, don't you think people will see the same colors as me? ”

“That must have been very difficult. ”

“Yes. The question never ends. All I know is, it's all I can feel. Others were always out there. I couldn't reach it. No matter how hard you try. ”

She seemed to know. Why the boy brought it up. It was the unfamiliar beginning of a familiar concept.

“If you have no way of knowing the difference, does that mean that AI is just like humans? ”

“The important thing is that I think of myself as my own mind...... I wanted to say that. You say people are social animals. Depending on how I interact, the other person may or may not be me. whether it's really a person or an artificial intelligence. ”

“So you're actively deciding? ”

“I want to. I wasn't human in my life. ”

“ ……. ”

Winter caught my attention to the psychotherapist's fluctuations. And I apologized.

“I'm sorry, I said something strange. ”

“No, no. Looks like something bad happened. ”

The woman pondered: the boy's words could become much rougher as he interpreted them.

Is there anyone who doesn't want to be treated as a person? ’

A thief might have a low level of respect. However, there would be anger in a calm boy. A grudge against those who did not take themselves for human beings. Despite no reason for the grudge against her, the woman once worried about it.

It was different now, not for the boy's character.

Winter smiled again.

“Anyway, you don't have to worry about my adaptation. There weren't a lot of people out there anyway. I feel much better now. I miss them all the time, but I don't miss them at all. No matter how much brothers and sisters love each other, it's hard to see their faces when they're old...... I just wanted to say that I went through it earlier. ”

The woman tried to hide the truth and lies from the boy's words.

It wasn't easy.

# Morning in the rain, Lake Santa Margarita

Geoffrey made a promising observation.

“The raindrops have shrunk quite a bit. The wind is pretty weak. I've been harassing you all night, and it's a day with a rat's tail. I might wake up after daylight. Fort Roberts will ask for aerial reconnaissance. By the way, the minimum operational time has already passed. ”

If the mission had gone without parameters, the troops would have already returned to the base. Winter is the answer.

“I hope so. It's actually a problem even if the child is born safe. ”

“Yes, well……. I don't think a baby is healthy because a mother is like that. It's hard to come up with a way to keep warm. You won't be able to make it to the base alive. ”

The two of them were avoiding the rain under a rainy canopy. Winter reminded me of the National Cyclone Center warning slip. It seems that it is now the gap between the storm and the storm. Even that small gap was a valuable opportunity for those who faced their limitations.

Geoffrey takes off his helmet and scratches his mangled head nervously.

“Why are you talking about something so unlikely? from the fact that the mother and child are safe to the miracle that we're hoping for good luck getting an aerial surveillance on time. ”

“In Northeast Asia, these words work. We do everything we can, we leave the rest up in the sky. We did the best we could. I don't think I'll be punished for wishing me luck and miracles. ”

“Oh, I don't know. The Almighty up there is very wicked these days. The world's shit is the proof. So we look like this. ”

Jeffrey stammers, grudging. I was looking for something, and it was cigarettes. However, it was not sacred. It was Gabby who threw away a pack and rescued it. At least I had to rip off the wet end of the rain. Now Jeffrey's looking for fire. Winter took out the paperback lighter. The clear sound of iron. You pull the flint and it catches on easily.

“Where did you get this? ”

“I got it from Santa Maria. ”

Winter shows inside the lid. where John Frey himself engraved a phrase. Geoffrey siphones his cigarettes and makes light. Read a line of text and grumble again.

“Ranger takes the lead, J.E.F. takes pride. But compared to these guys, I'm a salary thief, so there's nothing to say. ”

Geoffrey habitually covered his cigarette fire. All around the forest, the ridge to the east and the dam to the north were blocked, but it couldn't hurt to be careful.

A quick burning cigarette was an indicator of Jeffrey's burning heart.

“I just want her to come out of the world. That way, these bastards will get a heavenly addition point. A little comfort for the rest of the family. ”

The bastards of the platoon commander were lying next to each other in the rain. The order to evacuate the building came winter. Wherever the office is, heat is full of moisture, which is why we are concerned about the decomposition of the body. I was worried about my weakened mother's mental state.

The answer of winter.

“Hard to wait, isn't it? ”

“That's a tough one. It's probably the hardest person to have a baby, but I'm still fighting for my life, so I think there's a corner of Biville. I'm getting scared of getting married already. ”

More than two hours have passed since winter returned with the Hernandez Squad. However, the obstruction that the Medic White warned about was still ongoing.

After resting, the soldiers outside stand out. Winter called the familiar one.

“Elliot! Why don't you go inside and get some rest? I need you to close your eyes for as long as you can. ”

The corporal looks very tired, but shakes his head.

“I get nervous just hearing fireworks. Will you be able to sleep when you hear the groaning? ”

Soldiers who have experienced combat experience have consequences, big or small. I couldn't sleep without medicine.

Weakened mothers scream at a crude level. It continues intermittently. The soldiers who came out and got hit by the cold were hard to bear.

There are more than twenty men waiting to be born.

Geoffrey tosses the burned cigarette into the bottled water.

“I miss the bed. If it were last year, I wouldn't be out of bed on a holiday like today. I would have slept all day. It's dangerous outside the sheets. ”

“Holiday...... What day is it today? ”

“It's Korematsu's Day. You're still less American. ”

Hearing this, Sergeant Liverman gives me a cotton ball.

“What kind of American carriage is it on a state anniversary? Patriotism is an American citizenship. ”

“Oh, no. ”

At the end of the crappy workshop, there was no longer any conversation. Everyone was exhausted. It was hard enough to even slow things down with jokes.

Everyone is patient with silence.

Knng! A bolt of lightning falls on the hill. It was at the point of dawn above the clouds. Thunderstruck trees glow blue and burn briefly. The fires did not survive long under the rain clouds.

Winter came to mind.

‘Will aerial reconnaissance be difficult to anticipate……. ’

Even when the rain is low and the wind is weak, lightning can make it a little difficult to raise the military courage. It was a potential explosion of the weapon on board. We'll be safe if we don't have any weapons at all.

You hear the cry of a newborn baby.

Jeffrey raises his head as he squeezes his arms together to resist the cold. Winter and gaze collided. And then, as they rush through the door, they rush in. As winter followed, the Medic White lifts the newborn.

The mother gives a faint smile to a pale face. Jeffrey is filled with excitement and asks:

“Hey, Doc! Is it over? It's over, isn't it? ”

A nervous gonorrhea medic shoots at you.

“Lieutenant, hold still. We're not done yet. The placenta and umbilical cord are coming out. And the mother needs to rest. There's nothing good about being noisy. What if he freaks out? He's weakened so badly, if he goes wrong, will you take responsibility? ”

“... Really? Sorry."

The detained lieutenant remained frozen.

Her husband was sitting helplessly. I cut the cord and stare blankly while I fix the placenta. There doesn't seem to be any energy left to rejoice.

After all, the mother had a fever, but the medic wanted to separate the child from the father and mother. The child was surrounded by battle clothes and friendship instead of Bo. I don't know if it's enough. But it was the best. The medic came back.

“Do you have any fever packs left? Please prepare a meal immediately. I can't make it a birthday wedding. ”

In this moment, White's authority was greater than winter's.

In the middle of a scattered movement, news comes from the radio man who was unfolding his antenna outside.

[Lieutenant, I need to see you for a moment. We have contact with the front control.]

“ ……. ”

Jeffrey, who was firmly fixed, began to lift his prayer. God, next time I see you, I'll only see you once, blah, blah. As it was a message sent to the platoon lines, the other soldiers heard it, too. Responsiveness is universal. She sighs and leans somewhere.

I had a miracle. I had luck.

Sometimes there were days like this.

Artwork Reviews

# Sympathy and Peace

The last comment ran out of sympathy for the author.

People, depending on you, chat parts may or may not feel fun. It's a realm of personal appreciation.

There's no problem exchanging opinions about this. But that shouldn't be coercion or condemnation.

Let me tell you before. Opinions may vary.

Everyone should be respectful of the opinions raised while maintaining them.

We hope you all have the right sympathy.

# Won

I heard that the portrait artist, who was supposed to be illustrating the issue, had a sudden father award.

The editor asked if there was a portrait artist he wanted personally, but there was no portrait writer he knew...

Please let me know if you know any Korean painters.

# Celebrities

We're sorry you have so many reviews. The cover will be drawn in real time, but it is said that choosing an existing person with a similar image will help a lot.

So the editor asked me again, but the ignorant writer had no other celebrities to know...

No, I didn't watch TV in the first place.

I'll get your readers' opinions on this as well.

Since the reviews are longer and the writer is likely to die, we'll skip the Q&A. Good night.

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