The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00085 # Night by the lake

# Night by the lake (4)

The night grew deeper and the temperature dropped. Eyes and feet start to mix in the thick rain. It was a sharp, cloudy snow that melted upon contact. This is also the eye that sticks to the lens. Winter decided to take the night vision off. But the Black Mountains are everywhere. Although the boy's eyesight is unusual, there is also a limit to the naked eye.

His breath was white in the cold wind. The boy is short of breath because of the long running. Even at a light old speed, I was already running for half an hour. At least the mountain passage isn't long. I'll see it done before half an hour passes again.

Rainfall was also a disaster for those who were not human. The body floating in the pond by the side of the road was, in fact, not human. A ghoul with white flesh. Winter approaches and decides to take a look. I needed to gather information, and I needed to be able to breathe. Send a stop signal to the vehicle and carefully enter the dead water.

Buck up, buck up.

I slipped under my feet because I was out on the road. It's mud. The water rises to your waist. There is little flow velocity, but there are two streams of water bumping into each other on the muddy ground, a slight whirlpool. Then you don't have enough suction to knock someone down. Winter tilts its head once and replaces its weapons. The handgun seemed to have the advantage if we were to prepare for melee combat.

I put a gun to the head of the ghoul and gently tapped it with my remaining hand. He's not moving. Is he really dead? Winter hits you hard with a pistol grip. Heave! The power of the back of my head is ripping. The floating head drifts under the surface and bounces back out of the buoyancy.


The gray monster convulses like a seizure. He swung his arm and hit the sleep. Winter takes a few steps back and raises one hand to stop the soldiers from firing.

I think I see someone drowning. A confused person drowns in shallow water. Unlike most animals, swimming for humans was an ability obtained by training. If you don't know how to breathe, you can't float on water. It was the same for others who hosted humans.

‘Probably, he lost his foot and never got back up again. He's in mortal danger, so he must have stopped functioning. ’

Infectious variants can turn themselves into suspended animations. The muscles harden, and the breathing is almost gone. And then when you get external stimuli like touch, vision, hearing, smell, you wake up a little bit as violently as before.

In this worldview, we saw firsthand mutants trapped in Atascadero State Hospital. Originally, it was a way to save energy. However, this could have been a means of conserving oxygen.

Of course, as far as winter knows, it cannot last forever. Reduced oxygen consumption, not dissipated. If we had just let this ghoul go, it would have ended up dead.

The ghoul, who discovered winter, struggles fiercely. As I clap my teeth, I drink more and more water. The winter when he observed the pathetic movements, based on his experience, he was again confident that the mutants would not be able to swim for a while.

Winter hits the head of the ghoul with two bullets. Gunshots are buried in thunder. A thin stream of blood flows from the perforated head, and the gray figure sags.

Another officer was waiting for a young officer coming ashore. Jeffrey asks.

“What was that? It looks like the dead are coming back to life. ”

“Jeffrey, do you remember those people in the room in Atascadero? ”

“Ah……. That's the same thing. Huh, well. Thank you for showing me something good. From now on, I'll have to see the drowned body again. You might get beaten to death for nothing. ”

“That's right. We should spread the same warning to other bases. Especially in San Diego North Island. ”

Jeffrey's acceptance of the winter experiment simply solidifies his expression at the end. Jeffrey was also a well-trained American officer, even though he seemed discouraged.

“It's amazing what you can think of so far. I admire you, Lieutenant. ”

San Diego North Island, the last military outpost on the west coast of North America, is using the sea as a natural barrier inside the bay to defend itself. It was because I firmly believed that the mutants could not cross the water. The same was true of American citizens who fled by ship.

But if things were floating on the water when they died, and if someone didn't like it and touched it, the Abigail circle would immediately unfold. Marine refugees are living in each other's bellies. When the infection started, the rate of transmission of the plague would be no different than on land.

Jeffrey is very confused by the possibilities he has realized. Winter reassured him.

“Don't worry too much. It's been confirmed that mutants are afraid of water. There's still time for them to get their hands on this. ”

“It's raining like this. It's not unusual for a few mutt chicks to float in the water. I'm afraid the accident has already happened.... ”

“We can't do anything about that. Maybe someone else already warned you. ”

It's a worldview where all living people are wary of mutants. Other than what the boy realized, it was not strange for anyone else to realize it first. Some people at the Pentagon get paid to do that.

Winter pushes Jeffrey away.

“Well, that's as far as time goes. Let's go.”

Time consumption did not exceed expectations. Before another half hour passed, winter came to the point where the mountain roads crossed the Round-trip secondary highway. From here, winter no longer had to lead the way. It ran for almost an hour in the rain.

Winter loosened the winch loop around her waist. When he sees the boy officer returning to the vehicle, two soldiers sigh in a complex manner. The corporal holding the turret advised winter to rest.

“Well done. Now get some rest. ”

“Rest. We're on a mission. I'm the commander. Get out of the gun range. You're sitting there anyway, but you're inside, and it doesn't make a difference, does it? ”

“Lieutenant, I can't lie to you that Humvees are like hotels, but I think anyone who's been in the rain for an hour needs a little more comfort and warmth. Let's just eat inside. While you were running, the other vehicles were sequentially finished eating. ”

Then it wasn't dinner yet. Jeffrey must have ordered the meal on his own as the second in command. In fact, even if they didn't have any instruction, the soldiers would have taken it by themselves.

Winter hesitated for a moment and accepted. The soldiers' abilities will not be better than winter, but their sensory corrections will not decrease that much even if they are in the car.

“Just a moment, then. ”

The corporal sighs again.

“You can keep asking. Please sit there for a while. ”

The driver helped.

“I never thought I'd see a soldier sit down and watch an officer run. It was the first I've seen in four years. Wow, I definitely felt like the world was going to hell. ”

Winter made a quiet smile. It seemed like the soldier wanted it.

The vehicle ran steadily without shaking. It was just a round trip lane, but the designation seemed to be well made since it was a highway. He would have been well cared for until the disaster happened on the west coast.

So it was easy to get drunk in the car. At least I didn't have to move the water and spill it.

The FSR that I ate in the lobby of Atascadero State Hospital was largely simplified. Now winter is the official MRE: Meal, Ready to Eat. He glances at the winter of unpacking on his knees, and the driver says another word.

“Enjoy your meal, though it may not taste good. ”

“…… I'll try. ”

Winter was not because he empathized with the soldier. Every time I heard about the bad combat food, I thought about what the boy would do once.

‘No matter how bad the food is, it's nicknamed Massive Rectal Explosion (MRE). ’

Still, it's better than the energy gel I've eaten in my life. Winter really hated that artificial aroma and chemical taste. Thanks to my sister's efforts in autumn, I was able to taste real food occasionally. If it weren't for the unusual efforts of autumn, winter would have grown up ignorant of the pleasures of eating. It was a bad family that didn't have a virtual reality account that everyone else spent it on.

I don't know. I just didn't know they had a parent account. ’

I was distracted for a moment. Winter felt like she was wasting her time. It was a meaningless recollection, a meaningless recollection. You don't need to make heavy stones any heavier.

I decided to focus on eating.

The combat rations contained heat packs. Add some water and the temperature will rise sharply. Heating various foods and beverages with this. It was a cautious process because it was easy to burn, but even as I moved my hands, the winter gaze was almost on the front.

Tearing off the cheese spread that was placed in the heat pack, the halfway liquefied cheese crawls out of the Smell. Place it appropriately on top of the cracker, waiting for moisture and butterfat to soak in, then bite down on one mouth.

Delicious. Winter smiles lightly without embellishment. Although the tongue was heavy on salt, a warm meal in cold weather was enough to give a high rating.

Chicken stew had an artificial aroma. I hated that. Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the texture of my breasts that were almost real. If you chew a few times and roll it with the tip of your tongue, the whole bowl will be split open with wet skin. The hot sweetness of the hot beverage also stuck to my mouth.

“Why do you think you're really enjoying it? ”

To the suspicious driver, winter replied.

“I see. There's no Jeffrey next to me. ”

The two soldiers who heard this held back their laughter, not the time. Looks like Geoffrey ruined a bunch of people's meals with a poop story.

A voice came from the radio with a noise. voices that don't fit in front or back. It was a familiar pattern. Soldiers died. I feel nervous, and the voice of winter calmed me down.

“Never mind. It's a long way from a noisy robbery. Probably heading west towards Santa Margarita. They've been checking for nothing around here for a while now, so they won't be coming out and looking for nothing in this weather. Tell them to ignore the car in the back. ”

The shooter sends a call as instructed.

After that, the noise and meaningless transmission lasted for a while, and the formation of vehicles snapped fearfully off the highway. Due to the terrain, a peak of 1200 meters above sea level blocked radio waves.

After dinner, winter laid out the map. Although the readability method was corrected, the memorization level was low, so I liked to look at the map often. The boy nods.

“Almost there. No more eggshells. We're only 11 kilometers away. ”

The soldier glances at the map and asks.

“All the way up to the flat with no obstacles. Can we speed this up a little bit? ”


The licensed driver of the winter slowed down. The following vehicles were encouraged to follow without panic.

However, the sprint did not last long. Arriving at the river slows down the formation of vehicles Because there was nothing where the bridge was supposed to be. I see only rough flowing rivers. It looks like it's over 30 meters high. It was the only place on the Tactical Map that had been marked as dry for a long time. The burrito was a strangely appetizing breed of names. Not at all.

The bridge may be locked under the surface. But there was no way to confirm it.

‘And this level of water makes me nervous even with legs. ’

A submerged structure cannot be trusted for durability.

What to do. Winter stands shallow on the water's edge, looking for a way across the river.

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. Thanks again for writing today. I've been reading your novel since Seon Chu Pyo, but I'm always happy to hear that your novel is filled with hope and compassion. I'm going to reset humanity today. I'm on the road, and I'm reading your article, and it's in a really sweet romance novel. By the way, have you ever read Magic and Dragon or Maharaka? It's a novel from a decade ago, but it still sounds fascinating to me. Especially after the conclusion of Maharaka... Magic and Dragons was finished here, Maharaka was finished in Munpia. Recommended for you

A. I'll read it when I have time. Or take a break and make time... no, no, no. Hahahaha.I 'm just kidding.

Q. Dohwahn: @ Do regular denture BJs play games with a sod master?

A. Most of the time.

Q. Ghozt: At this point, I would like to have a game introduction or gallery conversation with dreams, hopes and compassion.

A. Given this painting, it's only three times before, but isn't it a little early to show up again?

Q. Is it because you are compassionate? I think you're really cute when you look at the catalog. I'm still watching the good stuff today. Winter is still capable and cute. The soldiers are fainting at the sight of winter. Some flowers have flowed calmly. Will the bloodshed and flesh spread again soon?

A. The exact point of view is hard to tell, but blood and flesh are components of compassion.

Q. Sex: It's a zombie novel, and after about 300 coins, I'm going to come up with fantasies and compromises.

A. No. There's no such thing.

Q. 14C2A58H2: Based on today's review, is it because the protagonist predicts (or may be) that modulation will evolve and act strategically?

A. Any variation that is directly affected by winter and its effects may be affected by the TOM readings of winter. And TOM readings are different from conscious predictions.

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