# stuffed paradise (3)

Within days of receiving the notice, Winter was informed that her promotion to the colonel was confirmed. It was to complete the training required in advance before building a combined mirror and non-adaptive system. Depending on the Field promotion officer qualification program set up by the Department of Defense, the ranking will only change after six months of reinforcement training at Carlyle, Pennsylvania.

Although it is a standard within the military, at that time it will also be recognized as a bachelor's degree. He also graduated from the National War University in D.C. with a Joint Advanced curriculum (JPME), but his hands-on experience as an officer is sufficient as a substitute for education. Seohoon's history was also an addition point here.

Winter wasn't being treated particularly well because there were examples like the former chairman of the John Bessie Joint Chiefs, who had already started out as a second-in-command in high school and had been promoted to the commander.

Local media in the west expressed a deep interest in the unresponsive system that will be created in the future.

You can call the Air Force at 911!

An analysis of the effect of Federal Government initiatives on Western 3 state housing quotes and transaction volumes.

Is it profitable or real? In the midst of some scholars' concerns, an absolute majority of residents welcomed the atmosphere.

There shall be no more crisis. A bold decision by the Kramer administration.

There are a lot of media outlets who have expressed their support just by looking at the headlines.

However, if you actually read it, there were no voices that were concerned about federal interference with the state government. The head of the USAF district is supposed to take over the region's security administration, which is practically a permanent administrative measure.

The name of winter was also mentioned here, of course, when Western municipalities were competing intensely to attract new Garrisons in the 2010s. The awareness or reliability of the Independent troops is higher than other troops that will form a response system, and it naturally emerged as a matter of concern to local senators as it is a matter of perceived safety by residents.

Among those mentioned frequently was Senator Talton Brannon. We're making a big impact on the people of San Diego based on past deals.

“ ……. ”

Winter looked upon the name I had seen for a long time. At the time of the strangely kind offer, you may not have looked at it this far, but you would have seen the benefits of being an old politician.

Is it because of the high interest of subscribers? There were also many articles covering the future of winter's march.

At this point, he is more likely to advance to the commander or director before he reaches the age of thirty, even if he has an average career. Many have taken advantage of his political advancement, but if he continues to choose to remain in the military, he will be able to gain a very solid position inside the military. He will serve for more than 30 years as an adult. He's not gonna make it to senior year.

…… the retirement age of a winter colonel is 58 based on YCS from the date of the first inauguration, but can be extended to 66 by order of the Minister of Defense and 68 by the president. Since one lieutenant is likely to have a positive influence on the support rate in any future regime, there is a very high probability of prolongation of the service interval…….

…… given the fact that the expertise as a soldier and the professionalism as a politician are in completely different realms, there would be considerable benefits for a commander in the winter to insist on a soldier's path. Especially considering that it is impossible to challenge a national championship because of its origin... ….

It was worth reviewing. Winter has a future, after all. Improving the treatment of refugees is also necessary to design a life with Anne. Living as yourself for all eternity in winter. However, it was hard to feel a sense of reality in that future.

‘This is why, the spring will come. ’

The spring that winter thought of was the spring that Anne mentioned in her letter.

I believe that spring will surely come. The first spring we will welcome as one we cannot share.

A comforting passage for winter leaving for Zero Ground. The letter now began to wear out the folded part. When I got this letter, I vaguely thought I would get married as soon as I came back.

However, it is extremely unlikely that Anne will be able to request a vacation or leave again in the near future, even if she fails to fulfill her appointed leave as deputy director of the FBI. American society will be noisy for a while.

It is easy to be a couple by law. You'll end up in front of the city or county office where you can make a commitment, pay a fee, and get a certificate of marriage. All we need is one day or so.

However, the fact that it is difficult to live together as a couple does not change. Nothing actually changes. The responsible Anne will have to travel back and forth with D.C. as deputy director, and winter will have training and missions to carry out. Furthermore, Anne and herself wanted the wedding to be a beautiful memory.

Of course, that doesn't mean that winter can abandon its responsibilities.

‘I feel frustrated as if I pretended to be...... ’

The sigh of winter has been a habit for a long time, but the number of times I've heard it has increased. In fact, even after finishing the last battle, my heart is still not light.

Knock, knock.

A polite knock reminds me of the winter's attention.

“Come in.”

The crack in the door splits into sunlight. Commander Singh was the one who came in. Winter's gaze stayed on his hand-carried documents.

“Is that it?"

“Yes, I have attached the final confirmed list. ”

The major handed over the documents to Winter.

Watch the list of winters.

“Thirty-one additional medical officers.... Less objectively, more subjectively. ”

List of soldiers unavoidable throughout the medical force due to the symptoms of radiation poisoning. Although it is unlikely that there are 31 people in the whole generation, there were some who were judged to have been discharged first due to more direct injuries or mental problems, and the overall loss was considerable.

Major Sing is comforted.

“Still, there are few casualties for returning from an operation that even used the Strategic Nuclear. Don't let it get to you. ”

“Well, I can't help it.... ”

Winter, who handed over the list, muttered.

“Luckily, Captain Park isn't on the whole list. I don't know if I should call this a good thing. ”

Since Jin's return, I was worried about radiation poisoning because my hair was too much. However, tests have shown that this is stressful alopecia. The findings also assessed that it was difficult to perform duties for a while due to stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, which are presumed to be caused by stress.

I was the type to push myself to the limit.

In addition, Jinsuk, who was angry here, shaved off his head. The soldiers complained that the commander was too disappointed to do so. Upon hearing that, Yura, who had long been appointed as the next commander, also began to be overconfident because she was afraid of hair loss.

This flow has made Jin even angrier.

Winter signed a HR order that included Yura's promotion and job change. Major Sing watches it and asks.

“How are you feeling? ”


“Health. ”

Winter shrugs.

“It's no big deal right now, but they want me to get tested more often. ”

This was also heard by most members of the generations. It was natural to be cautious for a lifetime after experiencing a fierce battlefield, even if you did not receive medical discharge. For peace of mind, you must spend at least two or three years safely.

Winter changed the subject.

“By the way, there are a lot of things to say about replenishing the reception.... I'm sorry, but I need you to take care of him while I'm gone. You're still one of those people who understands the qualities of our generation. ”

Combining the reductions from the entire Independence Battalion makes it almost a major one. However, according to the new policy, the human resources to join are no longer limited to refugees.

Officers of various origins, however, it is contrary to the intention of the first generation to recruit even ordinary soldiers. The Independent Squadron, a predecessor of the generations, has always wanted to use refugees as a military resource.

‘In a way, this is normal...' ’

No matter how it started, the Independence was now a special force. It was more natural to accept excellent resources regardless of where I came from.

However, there were concerns within alliances and refugee societies that there was no intention of such measures. It was part of the process of separating the image of winter from the refugees. Some even used a new form of white washing.

In the beginning, there was a speculation that the designation of the Independent troops as Special Forces was not a political siege.

Major Sing nods slowly.

“I know what you're worried about. It's a little less Alpha squadron, but the rest of the squadron seems to be making a lot of noise. ”

“It seems that so far, each company has a strong sense of originality. You can't complain about that. But make sure that the troop personality is unavoidable, that the recruitment of refugees is not stopped, and that the future of the remaining troops is also advantageous. ”

“I already care. While you're away, we'll make sure everything goes smoothly. ”

Major Sing has been fighting with us for a long time, so the soldiers won't be seen as outsiders. Winter was a good time to say this.

In fact, there is no doubt about winter.

Commander Fort Roberts has been replaced immediately by someone else. It's even weirder to leave it on behalf of someone who's been away for over a year.

It is formed because there are so many places to use winter, and it is much better to dispose of it than to be neglected in one job, but it is true that winter is long-term liberation from refugees. At this point, depending on the policymaker's propensity, there was enough room for other ideas.

Nevertheless, the words Winter can say to the soldiers as an officer were set.

Major Singh has checked the time.

“Why don't you leave a little early? ”

It was a joint ceremony between the two mirror countries that was scheduled to take place an hour later.

If you leave early, there will be many who want to talk to winter.

“Sure. Explore the city's new residential area. ”

Since the funeral was supposed to be dark, winter recalling the CIA's request for a meeting with Russian officers felt a bit complicated.

In downtown San Diego and in the vicinity of San Diego, there were residences purchased or leased under the name of the Winter Alliance. While winter was gone, Brannon's offer of a deal went through normally.

Jang Chul favorably evaluated the activity of the white coral.

“I've had some bad things happen before, and I honestly felt bad about them, and they were very sincere about their work. I was surprised that people were completely different. ”

It was a natural assessment because I didn't know the background.

When visiting the base as a business report, the White Coral did not meet winter and snow to see how the intelligence agencies had dealt with people.

Winter leans against the car window. In the flowing landscape, sometimes yellow ribbons tied to the roads pass by. A yellow ribbon tied to a tree in front of the house in the United States was an old symbol of a soldier leaving the house to fight. Among the knots that winter saw, there were a mix of things that would never go away.

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# Q&A

Q. Karphis: Oh my God... My top dog... Gosh/Yes, the commander and the president who can do anything... Long live the Winter Kingdom!

A. In order for winter to be elected president, the constitution must not be changed. By the way, have you been weak lately? I can't believe you missed number one. I'm very happy for you.

Q. Gangdo: @ So Writer. When does winter get shot by your father-in-law and die?

A. Confidential.

Q. San Moon: @ I'm going to read it well. The great old writer was inferior (? I'm asking you to show more affection for winter and Anne because there's no such thing as tentacles in the living room.

A. I'm just going to make you puke sugar.

Q. Chicken mania: I think I've got the @ prototype. It's time to start a new unit. With the colonel on board, Gazua to the stars! The stars are so cool.

A. If you want to attach stars to your side of the fence, there should not be too much volume.

Q. Bug: I have to go to get the @ resource, but the pilgrimage to the pilgrimage will start.

A. After the restoration, right?

Q. Chelsea: As you can't say in the comments below, the next Governor has won. But you said that the end of the story is almost over, so should I interpret that you're going to invest at least one chapter in the real world?

A. Yes. The final chapter will be filled with a complete reality part story.

Q. inssia: @ African-American colonel's words are turning into reality in their 20s!

A. Winter started its military life early, so if you look at the speed of the promotion, there are a few examples similar to that in World War II.:)

Q. KTH: I don't know exactly when the date is on @. How long has it been since the outbreak of the current epidemic and how long has it been since winter?

A. Based on the age in the world, I was 17 at the beginning, 18 at the time of my birthday, 19 at the time of my birthday in the coup, 20 at the time of my training as commander of the Independent task force in Rogers, and 20 at the time of the change in the sun.

Q. Munin: @ essentially was strategized..... You don't have to worry about the signing committee. Unlike Scalochen (strict) (solemn) (serious), everyone jokes, and I think even if the author doesn't do it, he's just a playful puzzle. He just wants to hang out with the writer and do something about it. Sacrifices, red pizzas, or worship. So you just have to be as good as you are right now.

A. Knng... Chicken or pizza is warm, but worship instead...? It's not a panic?

Q. Pledge: @ Are there any surviving countries that are currently functioning fairly normally, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, Indonesia?

A. There are some countries that are reviewing large migrations, like Russia, and some that are protecting their territory, like Iceland, with the support of the United States.

Q. Pick up some soap: If you are on vacation before the @ army, you can go to the mountains.

A. Isn't it inefficient for you to go up the mountain to get my autograph?

Q. QGEGEGQE: We need to prepare a steamer for the @ Jin Ending.

A. Come on. I actually die if I get hit by one.

Q. ❗ 28734; Dear: @, I have a question for you. Has the research confirmed that the virus does not adversely affect food, or is it taking risks and eating it? Meat, you can feed your livestock in the safe zone, but fish are impossible. In the past, killer whales have been zombie eaten and exhausted, and the toxin seems to accumulate in the body, even if the animal has no viral strain symptoms./And it was raining? He's famous for generations of star-crossed old men. He was an unlimited dlc or something. So when he's infected, he's a lightning zombie? Then I wonder if that trait will pass on to the next generation.

A. Then, of course, it's distributed through a series of water tests. There's no amount of Melville there, but it's a special variant, so it doesn't make up much of the entire marine ecosystem, and there's very few marine species that can eat Melville./Yes, characteristics obtained from DLCs are partially preserved even after infection. Not all characteristics will be propagated to the next generation.

Q. Arts D: @ Hello Writer. Are you feeling well these days when the weather is getting cold? It's been a long time since I've had any comment since I've had a busy life./Not only that, but something will actually happen at first that looks hopeless! It's because of your kind gesture. When do you think you'll open it?/I have important exams in November and December. She is trembling between her expectations and her fears - she is confident that December will also be waiting for her to climb the snowy mountain! Please answer. Always be healthy and have sweet fingers (u//fuck//u)

A. Comments shouldn't be left for long. Leave me often. I have an indestructible soldier without a comment./After the finalization and the aftermath? If it has to be December... well... yes. Fewer readers will come on Christmas Eve. Everyone's either dating or spending time with their family.

Q. Jingado: Are you going to do it on the weekend of @ signatures?! You have to do it on the weekend! Absolutely, absolutely!

A. I must avoid the weekend.

Q. I want to get some sleep: When the @ crisis is almost over, will my share of reality increase… Can you tell me roughly how much time I have left?

A. After this episode of # stuffed paradise, after the episode of # finalist * * *, the script is finished. And then there's a little bit of * * * * * in later days of # *.

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