The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00034 The Little Prince of the Charnel House

# Journal, page 55, Camp Roberts

We control the situation.

The broadcast began with optimistic remarks again today.

After the defenses in Los Angeles and San Diego were broken by Grumble Shock, we felt we had to give up the last major cities in the region. But it was an early frustration. Brave Americans, self-armed, fortified streets and buildings. We've joined forces with the police and military forces that survived here. And as a result, amazingly, the 160,000 citizens who haven't escaped in time have secured their strongholds.

One of the advantages of an officer's quarters was the TV set up in each room. It was only news and disaster broadcasts, but it was great just to be able to hear the news on time.

Early mornings were relaxed. That's because I belong to the Federation. How to deal with refugee dispatchers has not been established. The job title is also unclear until the medical squad is completed.

Not just this. Survivors have been spotted in San Francisco, San Jose, and even in Sacramento, where there were nuclear attacks. How could this happen?

The aerial view of the Sacramento is reflected on the screen. Follows expert opinion. It's possible because a weak tactical nucleus was used.

There was a nuclear explosion on the roads leading east of the city, down the blockade. Survivors' Nodes are more than 15 km west of the floodwater. Many buildings in the center of the city would have prevented the radiation. That way, you'll run out.

Delayed Death.

"Look, the ancestors are hanging all over the city. Can you see the people waving their hands? They haven't given up hope yet. We shouldn't abandon them, either. Because we live in America!

It was the same in every country that inspired patriotism in crisis. The raised voice of the anchor continued.

"An estimated 800,000 civilians are waiting for rescue in thousands of contaminated sites on the blockade that were thought to be the land of the dead. While the government focused its aviation capabilities on delivering supplies, it embarked on the construction of aircraft to be converted into aircraft carriers. A spokesman for the Department of Defense announced that he would achieve 5,000 tons of daily transportation before Christmas holidays to support more than 2 million citizens.

The screen is full, with supplies falling from the parachute illuminated.

Even at a time when the world is at stake, the United States is still a powerful country.

An angle that fills the sky. The world on TV was always bright.

# Clown (1), Camp Roberts

The journal was over, but the broadcast could also be seen in the restaurant. Since the use of American restaurants, winter has never seen the TV hanging from the ceiling turned off.

Lieutenant Robert Capston and a group of Charlie executives sat at the same table. They always wait for winter. I'm afraid the bison will be abandoned. Even if you're close to the soldiers, it's better to be with the officers since you're facing the officers. It can be a shield for other officers here. Thoughtful

Winter reminded me of what I had seen through the journal and asked what everyone thought.

“You have to filter out the broadcast. Because of his patriotic news practices……. ”

Lieutenant Capston was cautious. Government discourse, as well as reputable media agencies, is an unreliable position. In a national crisis, the U.S. media tends to avoid adverse coverage for the country. Sergeant Pierce shrugs.

“It's been a tradition since World War II. Well, I get it because there were real bad guys there. ”

Lieutenant McCoy, one of the platoon commanders, intervened.

“I'm sure it's safer to transport them by helicopter. Rescue is possible, but there may not be enough numbers. Maintenance problems, transportation problems, noise that gets in the way of landing sites, crashing fuel problems. It's a lot of trouble.”

Jeffrey confronts him.

“Yes, but it's not just about air transportation. What's the recovery rate if you drop a parachute while the survivors are distributing in the city? If you fall into a dangerous zone, you have to give up. Well, he's trying to spray 5,000 tons a day up there. Money has always been a necessity in this country. ”

Obviously. Jeffrey complains.

“I haven't had enough supplies for that. I can't believe you only open PX two days a week. It's the opposite, isn't it? Especially without alcohol. We're running low on incoming tribes... ”

Lieutenant Capston frowns.

“Thank you for not being closed. In the meantime, I'm assigning you an unnecessary Sortie. It means that the frontline troops at the top are desperate enough to maintain morale. Don't complain in front of the soldiers. ”

“Phew. Got it. ”

The platoon commander, who was too young to look young, grumbled and complained. Lieutenant Capston takes a moment to think about PX and asks the boy a question.

“You're a decorated officer...... How did you decide to get paid? ”

Since his discharge, he's called winter in a comfortable way, you or so call it.

Among the things received during the winter, there were green field IDs, payroll cards and cards. Winter responded that she received a pay card.

“Is the payment threshold O1? ”

“I don't know about that. because my commission was a special occasion, and it happened all of a sudden. I just heard you get a little less than 3,000 dollars a month. ”

The Lieutenant shakes his head.

“That's literally the base salary, and it should include a life allowance, a payoff, a special assignment... … I guess the city didn't have a detailed explanation for that. I'll see what I can do. ”

“Thank you for always taking care of me. ”

“No, there's no need to thank me. I owe you a lot more than that. ”

After all, he is a wise man.

“If you need cash, use the ATM on your listing, Bison. It's not in PX.”

Sergeant Pierce advised.

“Is there anything I can do for cash? ”

When the boy asked, the boss was concerned.

“You don't know it yet, but there are soldiers selling to refugees. PX bought something and sold it for a change. The refugees say they have a lot of money... Phew, those bastards who are not even basic in the military. Just think about raising money in this situation.... ”

He once kicked the tongue and asked the lieutenant.

“Don't you think they want to know about this too? ”

“I'm not sure...... but I think so. Restricted to Refugee Officers, they will set trade limits based on rank and apply the prize winner discount rate separately. ”

Winter was convincing.

“You're trying to empower refugee officers like me. and motivation."

“That's right.”

The lieutenant was displeased. But winter was sweet. That's good information. I don't know who's in charge, but I think I did a pretty good job.


There was a lot of noise and gunfire coming from the TV. The screen seems to have changed while you were distracted. Subtitles were flowing below.

“San Diego.”

Geoffrey's mumbling. What you see is a firefight. White sand with remote view of the resort. There is only one road that leads. Sideways, narrow streets. The Marines sealed off the thin sands. Along the shore of the roads and waves that run through the sand, a fearsome number of infectious varieties flourished. Multiple grumbles were mixed.

However, a narrow path with immense firepower remains impenetrable.

The sound of the explosion is covered with a cover, and the anchor's voice is in the background.

What you see here is a defensive battle in North Island of the First Annual Hospital Regiment, which was yesterday afternoon. By successfully completing this battle for more than two hours, we were able to defend San Diego's naval depot and Halsey Field Airport.

“How far is it? ”

The lieutenant is optimistic.

“It's going to be a long time. There's only one road and one bridge to get into, so it's good to keep an eye on it. I'm sure you'll be desperate to apply up there, too. There's no place for troops to come from the Pacific when they fall. We need a place to rescue the citizens of San Diego. The refugees who escaped to the sea could be supplied there. ”

Sergeant Pierce sighs.

“By the way, the death toll is still remarkable. There seems to be no end to it. ”

“You say there are a lot of mutated populations. If you kill it again and again, one day you'll see the bottom. ”

Despite McCoy's answer, the boss still frowned.

“Hey, Lieutenant. That's not what I mean. An infected variant doesn't have to eat anything to make it stronger. It's weird how many of those numbers are still running around like that. ”

Then McCoy laughs.

“Have you ever seen a horror movie? Zombies don't usually starve to death. ”

By the time I finished eating and talking about it, the in-house broadcast had found winter.

"Lieutenant Han Geur shall come to Operations by 0900 hours. I repeat, one crawl...

“That's my name, but it sounds strange. ”

The location of the people sitting together. It's not uncommon for the commander to find winter. The commander had command of the dispatch officer.

Winter rises with a plate.

“I'll go first, then. ”

“I hope that's okay. ”

Lieutenant Capston was worried to the end.

There were three officers waiting for winter in Operations. One small-faced commander, chief of operations, and a faceless captain. Captain didn't look so good. Winter bows to the commander. The commander, halfway to his head, puts the winter in his shivering eyes.


A bottle of poison, half-empty, on the table. I've had a lot to drink since morning. He shakes his head and frowns, making sure he's out of focus. The stranger's face gets worse. The commander looks at it and laughs low. Like, what are you gonna do?

It's a dying world. With one commander at the Refugee Camp together, it's going to be stressful. That won't be an excuse.

“At ease, Lieutenant. ”

Get some rest. Winter has changed its position. The commander introduces a strange captain.

“Let's say hello first. This is Captain Niels Maguire. I'm from Public Affairs. Captain, as long as you've been waiting for me...... I'm a lieutenant. ”

The boy and the captain exchanged eyes with each other.

“Very well. Let me start with what I've been calling you about, then, Lieutenant. ”

He explained the special mission that came down to Winter.

“The Department of Defense is in need of promotional and educational footage. Well, it's nothing. I want you to go to Santa Maria, and I want you to take care of some of the monsters that are gonna be there. It'll be quick if we don't do NGO's. ”

Santa Maria is a city about 100 km south of Camp Roberts. Given that Paso Robles is a much closer operational position, it would not be a vehicle.

As expected, there was a heliport. Instead of a nagging commander, the Chief of Operations laid out a map.

“Operation commences at 0600 hours the following day, until 10 minutes ago, at the command center as a lone soldier. We can't take a noisy helicopter into the city, so we'll land here in the fields northeast of Santa Maria. The estimated time is 0630 hours, as one Ranger squadron has secured safety, there will be no danger until this stage. From here, join reinforcements and travel 7 km by foot to the area of operations. Wait here for a moment. Once the red tide attracts the target, you hunt. This concludes the operation. Any questions?"

So far, so unilateral.

That's what soldiers do. Winter nods.

“You said you wanted to attract the target, what do you think? It's too dangerous for people to do. ”

“We plan to use drones to make noise. ”

“Is that possible?”

“I've already tested it several times. Infectious mutants don't have that much intelligence. ”

That intelligence, it's getting higher and higher.

But not yet. More time later, Mogelons would begin to utilize the host in more diverse ways.

The public defender who was observing the boy. Throw a word.

“I've heard the testimony of the soldiers we acted with, but you're not really afraid. ”

“Yes, you can. ”


He shuts up with an unknown expression.

“Do you think you could take someone I want? ”

When winter asked, the Chief of Operations cut it down decisively.

“Not possible.”

All they wanted was one winter man.

I felt bad about winter. With most safe environments, you can give your alliance's reserve troops a good experience.

The details were then communicated. It wasn't great.

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Q. Hughes: Is it true that you can skip 40,000 years by tapping on a recommendation?

A. It's true. Time flies. It's been 40,000 years.

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