The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00032 The Little Prince of the Charnel House

# Up

For a long time, winter found a cozy darkness. Black zero-gravity. All these years, the stars are full of rounded sky. Starlight may spread, but no one can reach it. All directions are just a faint void. That's good. If there's something, you have to lie to yourself. It's real.

After that, we'll have to make every effort to stop thinking.

Yes, the darkness is good. A resting place for the mind.

I haven't been here since the twenty-seventh game began.

‘Because it had to be me, not me. ’

In fact, he shouldn't have come back. There is winter here, and nothing but winter. Therefore, the boy regains his original self. It was a difficult task.

But I couldn't help but come. The stone in my fickle chest was heavy according to today. That weight brought the boy down to the abyss. Winter waited for its time. Over time, it will lighten itself. I was used to waiting my whole life.

Drowning the pieces of a broken heart into a silent forgetfulness. Time when a swell past turns into a small spike. The only way a boy can comfort himself.

But it rarely sinks.

The additional wounds today were the most humiliating memory for the boy. Rare enemies are treated as intact humans in their lives. However, it was never treated as a thorough item as before. Rage like lava. A sharp, hot stone. It looks like it will explode soon.

I tried to think of something else. Luckily, there was one. A man who was not treated as a man, with a boy. It was a brief encounter, but the sadness was impressive. There are others like me in the world. I wasn't the only one who was sick.

A little less loneliness.

I wonder how quietly he drifted. There was a signal to wake up the boy. Light and sound. A message of non-human intelligence that tells people who are looking for a different life because they don't have a life, that it's time to go back to the people they care about. The boy sighed. The night is too short when I think about it.

It's not complete yet.

Can you do it? ’

I had no choice.

# Negotiation, Camp Roberts (2)

Winter closed its eyes. It's because of my heart that still grows. It seemed like the ground was rippling even when I stood still. A little forward, until immersion.

Three, two. One.

The boy who opened his eyes quietly asked.

“Unreasonable? ”

There were two men standing in front of him. Park Jin-seok and the reason for waiting for winter in front of the house. Yura is in a frenzy, and Jin watches over the winter. It was because of the image of the boy who had been silent with his eyes closed before. He thought he was angry.

However, he did not avoid saying what to say to his personality. Jinsuk nods.

“Yes. I'd rather admit it if I were you. But not you, Yura. Think about what happened in Paso Robles. You put everyone in danger. ”

It was a protest against making Yura a battlefield. Courage and abilities are separate. The sarcophagus was now fairly stable. That was the place of winter. Harder speech than necessary, still trying to erase the awkwardness that remains.

“He's much better off than anyone he knows. But you have to distinguish between will and skill. I don't think he's qualified to lead anyone. ”

He was also greedy. I want to be a battlefield leader. That's not necessarily a bad thing. A man without greed has no will. Therefore, it is a talent. In order not to get wet on this planet, the Winter Alliance requires a person who is authentic.

Normally, yes.

For now, Yura should not bow his head. Winter said.

“Do I have that qualification? ”


“By Jin Seok's standards, I thought I put everyone at risk... … ”

A deceptive look on your face. The turbulence of the stone was great. I'm so embarrassed, I'm blushing.

In this winter, there is presence, skill, and performance. Therefore, Jin must defend Winter. But it won't be easy. Winter's decision in Paso Robles was wrong, because you still believe it in your heart.

The winter stabs him, turning his head to Yura before he answers.

“What do you think? ”

She hesitates. There's a lot of emotion on her face. Apology and fear were the greatest, and lack of confidence was the next. The boy waited calmly. Indeed, what came out was not different from what I expected.

“I'm a... woman... and I'm weak. I'm sorry. I appreciate the little commander trusting me, but I'm not sure. ”

There were gazes watching closely around me. What does that mean? The boy is not stupid enough not to know. Yura was conscious. No, those eyes are the pressure that pushed her all the way out here. It would have been a strength for Jinsuk.

Yura, who was picking up more words, opened her lips again.

“It's okay if one of me gets hurt or dies. I can't hurt anyone else. I can't cope.I 'm not good at it. And……. ”


“People who go out are usually men. I think Jin-seok will be much more comfortable for people than I am as a woman. ”

“Exactly. ”

Winter when you smile. Yura and Jinsuk were embarrassed. Yura tilts her head.

“What do you mean? ”

“Jin-seok, can you turn around and cover your ears for a second? ”

“Yes? No, why……. ”


You look ridiculous. Jinjin is uncomfortable, but he follows you. People who stood at a distance pretending not to, who couldn't be bothered to listen. They were also a few steps away from the view of the winter. The more I get tired of it, the farther I push. Awkward coughing sounds.

I don't know what to say. To Nervous Yura, winter shakes its head gently.

“You don't have to be nervous. I'm just trying to explain why I made Yura my first battlefield. Listen comfortably, if you still don't like what you hear, then I'll change my mind. ”

“Ah! Yes, yes! ”

It was useless to listen comfortably. Yura holds two fists and swallows dry saliva. He comes closer for a secret conversation. Winter came to mind. It'll get better and better.

“Did you just say that? It's mostly men out there. ”

“Well, what? ”

“It's about gender and gender. ”

Words that go peacefully afterwards.

“It still doesn't fit. You know why? Because every time something happened, men would stand up, men would fight, men would die. More men would have died while evacuating to the camp. And now he's dying of an outdoor struggle or an inter-agency struggle. ”

Many men die in areas with high crime rates. Strength and violence are men's domain, so fighting and dying are their own. It's just a principle that good resources run out first.

Here, Camp Roberts' refugee camp has more crime rates than in any pre-pandemic zone. Every group of refugees who want to protect themselves, they're half violent.

“It's going to get worse. Things are gonna get worse. Because sane men die quickly. People who have a strong conscience and a strong sense of responsibility are the first ones to fight injustice and risk their lives for everyone. It's a story that the two of us talk about, and there are very few people who are about the size of Jinseok. He's in a hurry, but he's okay. ”

Yura nods earnestly. Even in the Winter Alliance, there are more than one suspicious man. Although there were not many women, the male side was highly proportional. Like the Winter saying, sane men die quickly.

Ability and conscience are not proportional.

In San Miguel, too. When everyone rushed to the restaurant on the side of the road, there was a man who knocked someone else down and filled his bag first.

The physical condition of the refugee volunteers was the best.

“After that, what will the rest of the men start asking the women? That's what worries me. ”

Yura has a difficult face.

“It makes sense, but it's probably nothing to worry about. I heard that men have been reduced and women's rights have been strengthened... ”

What she pointed to was cases like France and the old Soviet Union. But today's refugee camp was not one of them.

“Hard to say. It doesn't have to be a female role. I have to get everything from the outside. Can you feel anything when you look at the rest of the organization? ”

Women's rights were boosted during the war because they retained the productivity of society. But Camp Roberts had no proper societies, no means of production.

“Uh, well……. ”

Yura is touching his fingers with an embarrassing face. The words that followed were almost mumbling.

“Even with the little commander... Will he?" ”

“What if the deviant men protest against the group or fall into another organization? I can't handle our entire alliance on my own. I can't say it will happen...... but it's too dangerous to ignore. We have to prevent it."

After the Apocalypse, users of the world tend to cause these problems on purpose. It is an effort to impose some multidisciplinary or monopoly on the community. For them, this was not a problem, it was more like a goal.

It's usually like this. First, reduce the number of men. Only the talented remain. I put some tricks into this process. Every time a woman goes out with you, you deliberately make a sacrifice. Kill the men who need to die anyway. Back then, they would say a man was dead instead of a woman. Of course, a woman has to die. To create fear among women.

Repeated lies become the truth. The community's consciousness changes, and women restrict their own roles. Sacrifices that have already occurred are evidence. It's hard to argue.

Men and women want to live anyway. Women are given the advantage that they are not directly exposed to external risks. In other words, it's easier to convince yourself. Instead of being safer, I give up my responsibilities and rights at the same time.

Yes, yield is the movement of power.

Operation AI responded to the flow of consciousness.

AI Tip (Insight Grade 10): Community Characteristics - Nam Zon Female Expenses

"Prerequisites for applying this characteristic to the community include: 9461; Fewer than 180% for Boys and Girls. , § 9462; Granting commitment properties to more than 30% of women in the community. , § 9463; The average skill rating of men in the community must be 5 or higher than women. , Building community opinion against women. , 9465; Conservative Characteristics for Over 80% of Community Members ......

The expected effects of Community Characteristics - Nam Jong-Woo apply to Winter Alliance are as follows: 9461; Some Multidrug Practices Available. , No. 9462; Strong and Incremental Calibration of Organizational Efficiency, Soundness, Diversity, and Productivity. , £9463; Strong and Incremental Calibration of Women's Productivity. , Enduring Calibration Critical to Outside Women's Communities. , ― 9465; Down-regulate the willingness of men in the community ......

I didn't have to read it all. Very few advantages and disadvantages are overwhelming. It wouldn't be a problem for those who built up a circle or applied DLC, but winter didn't intend to. I just don't like it.

“I know what the little commander wants from me. ”

Yura sighed.

“Just as you're an American billboard, I should be your billboard, right? ”

“Yes, I don't think anyone can do it without Yura. ”

“No way! I'm not good enough! ”

She's got her brow wrapped around her forehead. I have courage, but I'm not sure about my abilities. So her courage is passive. If there's no one else to stand up to, I have to. In fact, it was the same in Paso Robles.

“I'm really not good at fighting. You know... ”

“I don't know.”

At this rate, Yura lost her words. Winter added softly.

“Be confident. You volunteered to leave the camp, you volunteered again for something much more dangerous. That's what I'm good at. Fighting? Honestly, no one's good here. They all look the same to me. It's an acorn keeper.”

“That's because you're the commander. ”

Yura is a madman. Winter was already out of specification for her.

“Can you trust my eyes? Don't you trust me? ”

“No…… that……. ”

She can't say she doesn't trust me, but she's crying again. Winter hits the wedge.

“If it's hard, you can stop now. ”

“Yes? Really? Why? We're wasting time and opportunity. An opportunity for others to grow... ”

“It's not a waste. Remember in Paso Robles, I said I needed a goat? ”

“Huh? Oh, that? Yes, but what... ”

To her who could hardly keep up with the conversation, winter told her about the King of Columbo. And then, once again, grown-up talk.

“I mean it. If it's hard, you can stop. But there's something I have to do for Yura. The experience will never be wasted. ”


After gripping his forehead again, Yura barely accepted.

“That's all you have to say, so I'll try. ”

“Wow, thank you. ”

Winter that brightens your face. Yura sighed, rested, and eventually laughed.

“I don't know what you see and believe in me, but I'll do my best not to disappoint you. ”

“Yes, and I look forward to seeing you again. ”

The truth was still the way it was. Winter patted him on the shoulder. A young man who looks around silently with his ears closed. You don't seem surprised. Winter shakes its hand toward your ear.

“You don't have to cover your ears anymore. ”

“Is it over? ”


Winter stares straight at him. Jin-seok is avoiding his gaze immediately.

That I had been silently deaf to that personality. There is no tapping response. And the first thing to do is avoid staring. Last face. Enough clues to read inside.

You overheard me.

I was afraid I wouldn't eavesdrop. You've heard of yourself as a decent person.

‘Cause you still care about your job back then. ’

Neglecting an unresolved conflict can create a stir.

What will winter think of itself? Now that you've established yourself as a leader, won't you punish me in the future? These anxieties, they must have been contained. Anxiety eventually leads to an outpouring of anger.

So I did this. It'll work better than a flattering compliment.

Pretending not to know, winter said.

“It's a decision for Yura to become a combat promoter. It's a decision I made as a leader, and I'm not turning back. ”

“I understand.”

Not much of a rebuttal. Knowing that winter does not hate him, it is probably because of his relief. Winter again I'm sure he heard from the reaction. Then say.

“But there's one thing you need to know. ”

“What is it? ”

“I said Yura was the first. Just once, I think you all heard it. ”

“That means... …. ”

An uplifting expectation. Winter nods.

“We have to form a medical unit anyway. I think of the battlefield as a squad leader. We need at least two, four for regularity, and more than just shifts. The second thing I think about is Mr. Jin-seok. I can't deal with the workforce today. ”

“…… I look forward to it. ”

A tighter tone.

“If you have nothing else to say, may I be excused? I think I should meet the people in Sumiyoshikai. ”

I was nervous.

“You have to be careful. ”

“Of course.”

He even left with a funeral he didn't expect. It's just a formality.

Yura pondered again.

“If I'm a battlefield commander and I'm going somewhere dangerous, shouldn't I follow the escort? ”

“I'm not looking forward to it yet. I'll leave you to your abilities, Yura. Rest assured. ”

“Ah, thank goodness. ”

It got brighter, then refined and asked winter to pay attention.

“I'm really scared of them. He's very violent because he's vicious. ”

“It's going to be okay. But it's still in your head, so you're not going to hurt me in this situation. ”

“Is that so……. ”

She left after being so relieved.

However, there was someone who still had business with winter.

“What's going on with Director Min? ”

Min Wan approaches quietly, warning in a low voice.

“There are people who encouraged Park Jin-seok. ”

“Yes, I'm sure. ”

Those glances that winter sensed. Among them, greedy people would have volunteered to be supporters of Jin Jin. They want to build up power, bond.

It was too easy for Min Wangi to accept it.

“And yet you promised me a battlefield? ”

“It's convenient to put things away where you might see them someday. Isn't Jin-seok a good bait for a battlefield? ”

“ ……. ”

The boy's resounding voice.

Hmm. Min-won with glasses flatters the boy.

“The little commander was scarier than I thought. ”

“Well, I'm only trying to be nice to people who can be nice and who can be nice. And that's always the case. There won't be any cleaning up. ”

The expression is simple but heavy. Hoho, middle-aged scholar smiles satisfactorily. He was the one who found out what he was supposed to do.

“Then I'll keep an eye on both of you. ”

Winter nods. Now that Judas has a executive ticket, there should be deep access and temptation. People who want to get close and profit from it. Faction.

People are indistinguishable from desire.

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# The Future of Writers' Dreams

Writer: You! Be my reader!

Putin: Scrooge.

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