The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00025 The Little Prince of the Charnel House

# Communicate with viewers (1)

AI: After the end of the world, we would like to inform you about the winter of B612. The dialog you're viewing now has filtering enabled by user settings. Messages from viewers who do not have significant content, repeat the same content, receive multiple reports from other viewers, or wish to be blinded arbitrarily are not displayed in the dialog. If you would like to change your settings, please call Operations AI.

"Female ROCK: Oh, the symbolic sign appears that the broadcaster has opened a dialogue window.

Hanamerican Alliance: BJ is here!

Winter (Facilitator): Hi, everyone.

"Dodo public 52152; Kwaaang ~! Hello, sweet little Oppa! I'm watching the broadcast.

Your Mother: Facilitator

"Winter (presenter): Deo Kwon 52152; Hello, your mother.

"Your mother: four.

"Jessica Full-Time: BJ Inooooooohom!

Snow Fox:?

"Black Heavy: You!

"Mustafa: Your sins!

Mi-young Kim: Let me know!

"Tsarapapa: Let me know"

Favorite shape: suckers match their breath like a sucker

Snow Fox:?

"Jessica full-time job: uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Winter (Facilitator): What's wrong?

"Jessica Full-Time: Why?! Come on, let's get together!

Winter (Facilitator): Is this a game typo? … I'm already playing a game, but what else are you talking about……. For the time being, I don't intend to access any other worldview other than "after the apocalypse," but if you can tell me what you want, I'll see you later.

Black Hyung Frequently: BJ The Pure 49572; ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

"Chili bean sprouts: pure shit. It's just an old fashioned phrase, you guys.

Jessica full-time job: I don't know if the kids are around these days? You know, good for men, good for women.

Winter (Facilitator): … Are you referring to sexual activity?

SALHAE: Yes! Why are you ignoring me?

Winter (Facilitator): Yes?

"SALHAE: I made up my mind and put on a quest for 100,000 won… and you canceled it as soon as you saw it. What's wrong with you? T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T.

Winter (Facilitator): Ah…….

"SALHAE: I have 200,000 won left in my allowance except for my monthly rent and transportation, insurance, installment savings, housing applications, and other utilities. It's a lot of money for me... I'm 30 years old and I'm not in a relationship, and I'm getting married even less, and I'm trying to hit my daughter with a connector, so why are you kicking it? Your broadcasts are endless and fun, Hunty, and I don't have a day to cum in the hole that I put up.... I might rape Namsan Tower... T-t-t-t-t-t-t

Snow Fox:;;;;

Wilma: Khyap. That's right. Awaken the facilitator. T.

Winter (Facilitator): It's not because there is little money……. I didn't think I'd be immersed for a while if I accepted that. I'm sorry if I offended you.

Doom Tooth Tooth: That's your problem. Once you start broadcasting about getting paid, aren't you supposed to do what consumers want?

"Storm224: Don't be ridiculous. Son of a bitch, how many channels I used to love because of those Trolls who put their stupid quests up for fucking learning how to pay...? When it's time to hit the bread, you can hit it.

How to Taste: ㅇ ㅇ Storm224 The areas that need to be acknowledged, this broadcast For each item of jam? What's the status of each VJ's contingency report? ㅇ If you do not approve of this, the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Winter (facilitator):?

Snow Fox:?

AI: Reminder to add filtering options. You can choose a block category for tasting, or interpret it as an online environment search feature.

AI: Search functionality is enabled, but automatic interpretation according to the translation instructions is not possible Try updating your translation engine.

AI: Update failed. You are currently using the latest version of the engine. Manual interpretation of the user is recommended.

"Doom-doom-doom-doom-doom-doom: What a howl that is.

ACTIVE X Fuck you: Don't do that.

Encourage: Don't do that. I don't want to see my room explode. Even the best-known freak breaks the flow and, frankly, tries to fuck her. I know you understand, but it's too much.

"Don't drip with Nick: come on, facilitator. It's good to see a bold progress. Just do it."

[Don't drip with Nick has given you 100 stars.]

Winter (Facilitator): Thank you. I'm glad there are so many people who understand.

Thick Dog: But a thousand stars is not that small, but I watched as soon as the quest arrived and threw it away. BJ What a rush blah blah blah "

[Jin Han gave you a 5-star gift.]

[Active X dick has given you a 10-star rating.]

"Excellent pay: I haven't had sex once in a week at city hall..." Feeling tortured by hope.

[Snow Fox has gifted you 100 stars.]

# Journal, page 45, Camp Roberts

I heard that I will receive a medal. The Comrade in Chief and the Valor Device. They are often awarded together when they establish a great lack of discipline on the battlefield.

The U.S. government classified the giant monster I defeated into special variants and named it Grumble. It appeared simultaneously all over the contaminated area, and I was the only one who killed it with a gun and a grenade. The rest of us had to take an assault helicopter or a chariot and crush it. It was a public defender's speech.

For the ceremony, a public defender from Washington always wore a mask. They say they only eat what they bring. It seemed extremely unsettling to have entered this part of the blockade.

No cases of airborne pathogens have yet been found. If he was as contagious as he feared, the camp would already be hell. Inside the fence, everyone lives without body masks.

He didn't just bring a medal. I received my citizenship certificate along with my letter from the President of the United States. He also said he would open a path to becoming an officer as an exhibitor if he wanted. There is only one price. A pledge of allegiance to the United States. I said yes, of course. Since the day I accepted my reinforcements, I decided to become an American soldier. It would have been much better to be an officer than a regular soldier, if that would have been possible. Thus, the award ceremony has also become my so-called inauguration ceremony.

I received all sorts of congratulations from the faced Americans. According to Lieutenant Capston, there seems to be a good reason why my commendation was so swiftly determined.

I was a billboard for refugees. That was all, but Grumbling has caused some serious damage now. It should do the same for the U.S. military and its citizens. It was said that there was little confusion in the safety area due to the emergence of many different varieties and different kinds of variants. The only time he defeated Grumble was with the intent to make him a hero and calm his indiscretion.

I plan to hold public opinion about refugees who are getting worse every day and give them role models for refugees at the national level. I think I know. They're planning to hire refugees as mercenaries at the government level. In the past, volunteers have been brought in by the camp commander as self-help, but this will now be done with national policy.

I can't believe you're still the First Lieutenant of the Reinforcements. The more glamorous the billboard, the better, but I think it's bad. Besides, I'm a minor. The United States government seems to have a bad situation. Anyway, there was nothing bad about accepting it.

There were worse looking people at the award and inauguration ceremonies.

First things first, Captain Markett. After seeing me with my rank and medal in conquest of an officer, I made an impression. I had to withdraw miserably, but I did my homework. Grumble admitted to being a force majeure because there were many other commanders destroyed. But rumor has it he lost a lot of manpower to his subordinates. An officer who abandons his soldiers and flees.

I guess there hasn't been a human connection since then.

That's why there was no one near the Captain. Your subordinates will only suffer if you ignore them, but you won't be comfortable with them being superiors.

Among the refugees who mobilized to get the best photos, there were fewer fat ones. It was not hard to guess who belonged. Whether they want to strengthen cohesion, organizations have often tattooed their own tattoos, shared flags, and so on.

While the photographic flash flashed and several cameras were rotating, the President's handwriting letter was roughly like this.

You took a risk not only for 34 American citizens, but also saved the sons of the United States who met powerful enemies, and fought with courage and skill that was comparable to the new threat to national security. As president of this country, I thank you for the amazing determination and sacrifice you have shown me, and I reward you with a worthy honor. I look forward to seeing you faithful to your civic duty. God bless America.

It may be difficult to bluntly optimise the future, but at least hostile organizations will find it more difficult to use their hands on me. The people I'm with will accept me more sincerely.

# Executive Order No. 9066, Camp Roberts (1)

Officers' uniforms were now added to the clothing options, but winter still wore battle clothes. Conquest is better based on efficiency. The leadership upward correction will be applied. But winter felt it was childish.

The offer to use the officer's quarters was accepted. I couldn't help but wonder about Captain Markert, but to get used to the facials with the officers. In case the camp collapses or the United States enters anarchy, we should establish a path to join those with the most abundant combat power.

“Hey, little bison. Where are you going?”

The one who sends greetings and greetings. Sergeant Cohen is still stuck on crutches. This was the general attitude of American soldiers toward winter. I'm not saying you won't admit it maliciously. It was an expression of emotion mixed with admiration for young people and playful friendship.

A lieutenant is not their direct supervisor. They were part of the National Guard, and winter was like being dispatched officers to the Federation Army. I didn't think I needed to catch each one while making me feel bad. You can switch to performance and skills. Now it just looks like a gentle smile.

“I've been instructed to form a medic squad. To get volunteers from the refugees. ”

Winter was always a billboard, so it was difficult to be absorbed into existing U.S. military organizations. No matter how spectacular it may be, it's difficult for the US military to resist. So it was the idea of the U.S. military command to try out a permanent squadron of refugees.

There is also the precedent of Colonel Kim Young-ok who led Japanese American mercenaries in World War II as a Korean American. The commander told me to try to be Kim Young-ok the second time in public.

It may seem discriminatory, but it's a privilege. The right of selection was entirely in winter. The selected personnel will be recognized as June (23803;), who received the pre-commissioned winter military status. Given the poor conditions of the refugees, there will be many refugees who want it.

If a certain system of government is maintained in the world view of "after the end of the world," and a player is a refugee, the treatment and duration of the system will vary depending on the player's actions. I wonder if I can get there with just one person...... but I'm the protagonist. I can explain it with the butterfly effect.

“Are you coming with me? ”

The smiling black face is puzzling. It seems that it was not a person who would simply act on their own minds, but not on their own. No offense. I couldn't resist the winter just by looking at the updated likes and information. I have a hunch, but pretend not to know, and I will ask you to check.

“What do you mean? ”

“I may not be smart enough to go to Harvard, but I know the periods of people who just lived. I grew up in a slum. Given the camp atmosphere, there must be a lot of things you're dying to screw over, but it's our brothers-in-arms. Can this gorgeous Mchang body just leave it alone, sir? ”

Flatfish and eel are a mess, but in the end it is a warm consideration. It meant that the company of American soldiers would make many things easier. They won't do any harm. Winter laughs again.

“Thank you very much, but take care. because it's a privilege for children to have a guardian, and I'm not a child. If you look shallow, you have to overcome it with skill. ”

“Huh. Don't be so formal. ”

“Was it cool?”

The last word he uttered in a truly plausible posture burst into laughter from a black sergeant. He smiles joyfully, his fist sticking out. Yo, handsome brother. A slum called a brother is a black intimacy expression. Winter slammed into my fist.

I wonder how long it's been since I said good-bye. Corporal Elliot approaches awkwardly. Before Paso Robles, I thought I had become quite close to him since San Miguel. Unlike Cohen, who's still limping, everything that's hurt is better. To winter, Eliot asked me what happened after receiving the salute.

“If you're on your way to the Refugee Zone, it's, uh, um.... You want me to come with you?”

Winter said that after smiling coolly once, I would only accept the heart again.

“And if it's just the two of you, you can relax. ”

“Even if you're a lightning rod, you have to distinguish between the ball and the ball. It's hard to be respected by others. Maybe if we meet in person after work. ”

“I see. Thank you very much. ”

Even though virtual reality is close to reality, I feel unrealistic in this area. There can't be this many good people. Winter salutes Elliot, taking a light step toward the refugee zone.

Artwork Reviews

1. You're in Nobles 18th place, so if you add it up a little, you'll be in 15th place. Maybe we should take a break till Monday...

2. Hitting Recommendations may help. Can you do it?... Amorland...

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