The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00011 The Little Prince of the Charnel House

# Intermission, Nationalism and totalitarianism

When defending the interests of a group, nationalism is prone to be transformed into totalitarianism. All totalitarianism in history gave birth to an evil empire. The Japanese empire carried out the brutal Colonial and Nanjing massacres, and the Nazis carried out the holocaust.

Totalism, on the other hand, is one of the fastest ways to elicit a broad group of inconsistencies.

In the course of humanity's extinction, it may be necessary for the cause of species to survive. Whether moral extinction or immoral survival is a bigger tragedy depends on the person.

Can evil be the pursuit of good? What is your choice?

# Faction (3), Camp Roberts

Rogue is dead. Favorability Decrease Calibration Occurrence Warnings. Imsoo gestures, strangely silent, with no one else's voice but the screams of a Japanese girl.

“Put that away for a second. ”

The girl between the barricade and the boy was dragged to one side. It's packed. She doesn't realize the risk of being plundered is past. I'm so scared, I can't judge normal situations. I screamed constantly. Im Hwa will work hard.

“Shut up! Shut him up! ”

The method was violence. I couldn't communicate, so I slapped him on the cheek a few times. The scream grows louder, but only until it's quiet. It's creepy that we can do that with the same woman, no matter how much virtual reality describes it. At last, when the girl with the puffy face almost fell down, the static returned.

Imsoo stared at the boy.

“The little one is... worthless! Shining Earl of the Nation, the spirit of the Oriental Court is nowhere to be found! This is all because of the weakness of the ethnic group... ”

“Why are you doing what they're doing? ”

“You're rotting in your head! ”

He frowns, convulsing on his face.

“They did the beast and did not reflect to the century! It's just a formal apology! If we let it go, we'll get hit again! It's blood! That's how they were born! There was definitely a chance for forgiveness! Those are the bad guys that kicked you out! If you've committed a sin, you'll pay for it! My people have unlimited claim to Japan! Anything deserves forgiveness! This is both a preventative war and a political defense! ”

The ulcer. The front is right and the back is wrong. Japan is responsible for the past. However, the right to genocide should not be given in return for genocide. Something that requires forgiveness and refusal. I hope it never happens again. And I want the surviving victims to feel at ease before they die.

Im Soo's logic is that I will rape your daughter because you raped my daughter. No, people should be respected as people. Winter itself did not do so in her lifetime, so she was more angry than she needed to be, and she responded sharply.

“Can you not justify masturbation in the name of your people? I feel bad for the same people. ”

“Even if he did! ”

Survival sensation and crisis detection reacted. Disarmed by breaking the incoming arm from the side, he pulls the sword and presses it against the collar. The shrewd and agile body seemed like someone else. Skilled characters only defend and subdue. ’surprisingly elaborately embodied the approximate intent.

Whether it was an explosion that did not overcome anger or to show such allegiance, the man suddenly ran whitened his face. If the boy cuts like this, it's over.

But winter did not intend to kill him. Finished control. Enough for a hot crowd to look back at my life. It's a long shot to get out of this one anyway, and I didn't intend to die here.

“There's no next time you do this. ”

He says a word, throws a knife and then releases the man like a push. Shortly after, the man knelt down and choked himself. He was nervous and couldn't breathe.

Despite his contempt, he didn't scream to kill him right away. Instead, I hold things down with my hands. A logical AI operation. You couldn't have created this organization if you were in a hurry.

“You. ”

No more false respect.

“Do you think you can make it out of here alive? Against this many? ”

“No. If I fight, today is the last day of my life. But be prepared to kill. You won't be able to handle it. ”

“You're bluffing. You think a bunch of reinforcements can protect you? ”

“I think I'm an example. It's a living billboard set up by the U.S. military that says that if there is a reliable and excellent person among the refugees, they will be superior. If you sprinkle blood on that billboard, I don't think the U.S. military's just going to walk away from that if they don't. because there's not a lot of them. Isn't it important to face the majority when it comes to controlling the majority? So, great barricade, you won't be able to kill me. At least not here. ”

“You're a beast. You can hardly risk your life believing that. ”

“I'm sorry, I'm not the only one who trusts the U.S. military. I believe in my skills. It's not like there's no chance of killing all of you and getting out. ”

“You can't mean that, can you? ”

“No way. It's no place to lie. If it's hard to believe, can we really kill each other? ”

“ ……. ”

“I wonder how many people will die and be loyal. Would you like to check?”

After a long time of anger, Parliament tried to persuade him again.

“Don't you know, young and ferocious, that your talents and bold courage are all because of the heritage of a great nation? Our people have a sacred mission! Like all countries, soon America will crumble! Then the descendants of our eunuchs will build a new home for the Korean people, a great country in this rich Americas! ”

“The world history teacher at high school said, All nationalism that is not world citizenship is the Devil's Faith. Pardon me, are you a demon? ”

Foreman loses his horse again because of his blatant provocation. Given his position, it would have been a greater stimulus not to have been so severely insulted.

In fact, this is what winter actually told me in the first grade of high school. The teacher was retired decades before winter was born, but the course record of passing the national test was still being used for later generations of classes. In addition, there were many courses offered in the virtual reality environment, but all the other courses written afterwards felt empty somewhere.

Maybe because the teacher's lecture is the last record of the classroom class.

“I can't talk anymore. It's not just rotten spirits that rot. ”

Imsoo sighed on his forehead. In fact, all the suffering in the world seems like a wise man because of the plausible appearance of his actions. This could also be the talent of a con artist.

“I agree. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm rotten from rotten people. ”

The false sage's eyebrows soar up.

“Maybe your confidence is right. We can't kill you here. But what if it's not here? You don't always want a life of anxiety. ”

“I told you before. Let's kill each other together. I don't really want to fight, but once you start, I'll pay you back. ”

You have the guts. Due to talent gains, the level of ability you currently have cannot be at the beginning. Your body is unlikely to be damaged unless you attack in droves. An assassination attempt would be a separate story.

The boy who stood up walked away from the exit. Those who were in that direction withdrew, both men and women stumbling. It's because the boy was holding the handle firmly. It was only an obvious threat that I did not draw.

“I'll take him with me. Come prepared to die to stop it. ”

As I looked around, all I could hear was the vomiting voice, and no one really stepped up. A large, flinching one stands out. He seemed to be one of the most poisonous people here. However, he does not move after facing his eyes. It was probably someone who had either a survival instinct or a crisis detection or a dissection.

“ , . (If you want to live, take my hand.) ”

Relying on technical correction, words were conveyed in the same way. Grade 6 "Japanese". Although not at the native speaking level, the meaning would not be wrong. The less shaken girl still trusts someone who speaks a familiar language. I held hands and followed the lead. There was no one to stop him. However, when I looked back, Imsoo was staring with a hollow eye.

I took him out, but I didn't intend to keep him. It became a weakness, headed straight for the Japanese Dragon Ball. It was surprisingly stable after the collapse of Sumiyoshikai, because the Japanese organizations that were isolated united against a great threat. Even if there are fewest Japanese refugees, they cannot be ignored unless they fight each other.

“Bcc! Who are you?) ”

“I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, no. 24758; Czech Republic, Inc. (Calm down. I just brought your people. I don't mean to cause any trouble.) ”

The men who were holding back at the boundary of the Japanese guillotine seemed perplexed by the end of winter. Winter pushes the woman forward. Without asking her name, she looks back, crying horribly.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the conversation they had entered the boy's ears. Survival instincts give the senses an upright correction, and the Detection partially reads the intent of the opponent. Killing the sound was meaningless. The men who glance at this side with suspicious eyes did not seem like very good people. You'd be an active member of an organization.

“Are you Japanese? ”

“Yes, this is Kushinada Setsuna. I was kidnapped by the Koreans.”

“What's that guy? ”

“I think he's Korean... He fought the people who kidnapped me and got me out. I'm a savior.”

“That way, they're all the same. What kind of savior has a family? ”

“I think my parents will be there. If... you're not dead already. ”

“I see. Hey, Daisuke. You go find your family. ”

“Yes, sir! ”

When I heard that, winter turned around. I didn't want to thank you, and I didn't think I could.

A Japanese activist shouted at the boy's back.

“Hey, Josenzing! Tell me your name! I'll save you from your vengeance one day! ”

Winter glances back, rebuking you with an expressionless voice.

“I don't need it. ”

Then I walked, and then there was access from several organizations. There was nothing new about it, but there was something unique about it. It is because they used the expression "children of God" instead of ethnic transportation.

The members of the congregation who grabbed the passers-by in groups of two and talked hard. One of them recognized winter. Dozens of gazes immediately focused, surrounding and chattering in front of him.

“Brother! You have to believe that the One and Only Jesus has risen from the dead. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus is near! It is not too late now, so if we repent and believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can receive God's blessings. Enoch was lifted up to heaven by faith and did not experience death. Faith is the shortcut to eternal life! ”

“Our congregation is led by Pastor Park Tae-sun, a righteous man from the east who prophesied this Rapture earlier. Only those who have faith can be saved from this disaster! ”

“If all Gannan in this age were in the Bible, would you believe it? I will wipe out everything on the ground. I will sweep away the humans, the beasts, and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. I will overthrow those who fall and those who are wicked, and I will wipe out the seed of man from the earth." The Bible is the Lord's word. ”

“And in the Bible," the day of judgment is near, so keep your mouth shut before the Lord God. The Lord called the people who would eat the sacrifices and sanctified them. The Bible says that if you are infected with the plague, you eat the living, or those infected are the people who eat the sacrifices! We are a sacrifice to the Lord! Truly, faith is the only way to survive God's wrath! ”

“Pastor Park Tae-sun will show us the way to live! Once you get there, you'll feel stabbed and thrilled! The thrill of revelation! Here, little brother. It'll only take a moment. Come with us. ”

I feel dizzy with the fanatics chattering. I tried to ignore the winter.

“Sorry, excuse me. I'm not interested. Please stay away. ”

“Those who do not listen to the voice of the Lord are Satan's household! ”

An old man tried to strike the boy down with a picket of blasphemy hell in Jesus' kingdom. I stumbled and snatched it away. When I threw it away, I ran to pick it up, screaming.

The people who arrested him hid their tracks only after crossing the U.S. military perimeter.

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