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According to the information previously provided by Nick Fury, Suck soon found where the Hulk lived.

“Knock knock…”

Although Hulk is a hot-tempered big man, but his human form, Bruce Banner is a famous scientist, since he came with a talking mentality, then Suke felt that he still needed to be polite.

But of course, if Hulk is not polite, then he himself will not be polite!

“What people?”

With a knock on the door, a somewhat wary male voice sounded from the house.

“Bruce Banner, I need to talk to you!”

“You’ve got the wrong person!”

The man in the room said in a very blunt tone: “I’m not Bruce Banner, and I don’t know this person!” ”

“Don’t be like this, Banner, I’m just here with a talkative mentality, you don’t have to guard me like this…”

As he spoke, Suke opened another spatial passage to the house, and as soon as he stepped in, he had already appeared in front of Bru Spinner.

“This… What’s going on? You… How did you do it? And also… Who are you? ”

Inside the house, Banner asked with a surprised look.

Randomly found a stool in the room and sat down, Suke then spoke: “Your question is a bit much, but let me answer your last question first, my name is Suke, from Saturn Titan, to put it simply, I am an alien!” ”

Bruce Banner is a very intelligent scientist, it is completely unnecessary to lie to him, plus Suker is ready to meet Banner honestly this time, so he directly stated his identity!

“Saturn… Titan… Are you an alien? ”

Banner was a little surprised at first, and then seemed to remember something, and then smiled helplessly: “How?” Are even aliens interested in the Hulk now? ”

“Don’t get me wrong, although I am an alien, my planet has long been destroyed, for me the earth is my home, and the purpose of my coming to you this time is to protect the earth, long story short, there is an Asgardian named Loki who is going to invade the earth with an alien army, I need your help!”

Suke went straight to the point.

Although he was a little surprised by what Suke said, then Banner shook his head lightly and said: “Although I don’t know if what you said is true or false, but I’m sorry, I can’t promise you, because Hulk is uncontrollable, he is just a monster, can’t be a hero, for so many years, I have been trying not to let him appear, so it will be so peaceful here, please forgive my refusal…”

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, Banner was suddenly stunned, because he found that at this moment, Suke did not seem to listen to himself, but looked out through the window.

What’s going on?

With some curiosity in his heart, Banner also leaned over.

With just a glance, his pupils suddenly contracted violently, because he saw General Ross!

This human being has been frantically hunting for itself!

“I’m sorry… I should go, I don’t want to hurt anyone…”

Banner said anxiously, carrying the backpack on the table, and then prepared to open the door and leave.

However, just as he was about to open the door, a slight and neat sound of footsteps suddenly came in from outside!

Oops… There is no escape… I don’t want to kill… The Hulk… Don’t come out…

With a burst of nervousness in his heart, Banner’s heart began to beat faster, his pupils were dilated, and in his eyes, a green light flickered…

Who knew that at this moment, a spatial passage suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and on the other side of the passage, it was actually a desert!

Suke walked to Bruce and said slowly: “Banner, now you have two choices, either follow me, or become a Hulk and kill everyone, you choose by yourself!” ”

After saying this, Suke stepped straight into the spatial passage.

After a short silence, Banner followed…


Just as Suke and Banner left the house on their front feet, the door of the room was suddenly shattered, and then a group of soldiers with heavy weapons rushed in…

“General, he has fled!”

Downstairs, hearing the report from upstairs, General Ross’s face suddenly became extremely angry again.

“Find me! He can’t go far! ”

But actually…..

Suker and Banner have appeared in a desert in Africa………

“Thank you for saving me!”

Gradually calming down his nervousness, Banner said with a grateful face, knowing that if it weren’t for Suker, the Hulk would definitely come out!

But hearing this, Suke just shook his head slightly, and then said: “Don’t thank me, I brought you here for a purpose, I need Hulk, Banner, please release Hulk!” ”

What the?

Hearing this, Banner’s face became a little ugly at the moment.

“You’re crazy… Can’t let the Hulk out, he’ll ruin everything, he’ll even kill you! ”


Suke stretched out a finger and shook it: “You are wrong, first, there are no people or buildings in a radius of five hundred miles, Hulk can’t destroy anything at all, second, Hulk can’t kill me, he can’t even hurt me, please let him out, otherwise I may think of other ways to let him out!” ”

Suke said, and an evil smile suddenly flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Sensing the hostility that suddenly surged from Suke, Banner’s heart instantly accelerated again, and then the green light that flashed before appeared in his eyes again…

“Why… Why are you doing this…”

Banner’s body began to swell, his skin gradually turned green, and even his voice changed.

“I said before, I need Hulk’s help!”

Suke said indifferently as he looked at Banner, who was transforming in front of him.

“As I said, Hulk won’t help anyone, he’s just a monster and no one can control him… And you, release this monster, you will die…”

Before he finished speaking, Banner had disappeared, replaced by a large green man with an angry face and only a pair of pants all over his body.


Staring at the Hulk in front of him, Suke suddenly laughed, simply moved his fingers, and then said to the Hulk not far away: “Say that the Hulk is a monster, it’s because you didn’t meet me…”


With a roar, the Hulk rushed directly towards Suke.

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