After returning to the mutant school, Professor X~ instantly became the focus of the entire school, and everyone looked at him with a surprised face.

“Hey, the two boys over there, I’ll teach you to play basketball when the time comes, your skills are terrible!”

“And that kid over there, is football that playing?”

“Wow, this kid is good, he runs really fast, but I’m sure I can run faster than him!”


In the playground of the school, in the face of those surprised mutant students, Professor X~ was a burst of guidance from time to time, and Suke and the others behind him were a little speechless.

“I feel better to let the professor go back to the past!”

Wolverine said speechlessly.


Hank laughed awkwardly twice, and then deliberately distanced himself from Professor X~…..

After returning to the office, the witch and the others were surprised to see Professor X~ who could already walk, and then Professor X~ showed off his wind/coquettish dance steps in front of everyone….

Looking at Professor X~ who was so excited that he couldn’t help himself, Suke knew that there was no hope of talking to him about leaving here today, so he simply left here with Jean.

As for leaving here, let’s wait for tomorrow to talk to Professor X~.

Taking Jean to the lake in the school playground, Suke said softly: “Jean, I plan to move out recently, I should live in New York City, I want you to leave with me!” ”

What the?

When Jean heard this, she was a little surprised at the moment, but then she suddenly remembered what Professor X~ said before.

Professor X~ tells him that Suke is not a mutant, he will not stay in mutant school forever, he will always leave here!

But what Jean didn’t expect was that Suke was actually going to leave so soon, and he had to take himself with him.

Jean has been living in the mutant school for a long time, she has gradually adapted to everything here, she doesn’t know if she can adapt to other places after leaving here, she actually doesn’t want to leave the mutant school….

But then again….

She couldn’t bear Suke….

So in the end, Jean still nodded with a red face, and then whispered: “I promise you, no matter where you go, I will go too!” ”

Suke originally thought that Jean must have a lot of dependence on the mutant school, and it was not easy to let Jean leave with him, and he was even ready to let Professor X~ persuade him early on, but what surprised him was that Jean actually agreed to it like this!

With a slight smile, Suke suddenly held the small ~ face of the piano, and then kissed it gently.

Jean’s face flushed ~ red, and she did not refuse Suke, but shyly greeted him….

And this scene was just seen by Professor X~ standing by the window.

For a while, Professor X~ suddenly thought of his old lover.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was evening, and although Suke wanted to take down the piano, but the piano was not Emma after all, so in the end he had to give up the idea first.

But just as he was about to rest, the phone suddenly rang, and when he picked up the phone, it was actually Tony who called.

“Suck, can you come to Stark Building? I need your help! ”

On the other end of the phone, Tony’s voice was a little strange, as if he had drunk.

Needless to say, it must have been for his parents.

Thinking like this, Suke did not hesitate, and directly opened a spatial passage connecting the Stark Building, and with one step, he instantly appeared in the Stark Building.

“I’m coming! What’s the matter with me? ”

Hanging up the phone casually, Suke shouted to Tony not far away.


When Tony heard this, he took the phone to his eyes with some curiosity and glanced at it, and after making sure that Suke’s voice was not coming from the phone, he looked back.

Immediately afterwards, Suke appeared in front of him.

However, Tony did not seem to be too surprised by Suke’s sudden appearance, because Suke is not human, he can do many things that humans cannot, what is there to be surprised about?

But Suke was a little surprised when he saw Tony, only to see that at this moment, Tony’s eyes were red and swollen, his face was extremely haggard, his body seemed to be unable to stand, and there were wines, white wine, champagne and other wines on the table, on the floor, and everywhere, as well as a lot of empty bottles, obviously he had drunk a lot.

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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