The Little Ancestor Teaches You How To Live

Chapter 400 Su Su’s friend (3)

"It's hard to say. Many big incidents start from small family conflicts. Shao Jinyang raised his lips slightly, "It's already caused a big commotion in the street, so we should pay more attention to it. "

After saying that, Shao Jinyang turned to Sang Zi, who looked inconspicuous among the crowd: "Xiao Zi, come and do me a favor. Check the accounts of these two people. I suspect that these two people were hired by others to deliberately cause trouble."

"Hmm... ok!" Sang Zi walked out of the crowd.

He has a ponytail and black-rimmed glasses, and looks a little shy.

Open your handbag, take out your portable laptop and start working.

Xu Tengfei didn't know Sang Zi, but he knew Shao Jinyang's ability.

Anyone who can help Shao Jinyang with things will naturally have good abilities.

So he must not gamble!

"Captain Shao, isn't this against the rules? Nothing has happened yet. Now you ask the technicians to investigate other people's communication records, making it seem as if these two people have committed something." Xu Tengfei said hurriedly.

As he spoke, Xu Tengfei winked at Qin Jinfang.

Qin Jinfang said hurriedly: "Yes, sir, who are you? Why do you ask us so many questions when you come up? We are legal citizens!"

"Would a legal citizen sit in front of someone else's store and cry and make a scene like this?" Shao Jinyang asked.

"We are being exploited and have no choice but to complain. We have no choice but to come here to redress our grievances!" Qin Jinfang explained.

"Someone is exploiting you? Are you saying that this family has violated your rights?" Shao Jinyang asked. The question seemed casual, but it was guiding Qin Jinfang and Hong Baozhu.

"Yes! They are the ones who took over the house in our hometown! We can't get the demolition money!" Qin Jinfang said righteously.

When he said this, Qin Jinfang was completely unaware that he had fallen into Shao Jinyang's questioning trap.

"Very good. I also feel that your interests may have been violated. In order to help you seek justice and get back your rights and interests, I will ask my former colleagues to come over and help you investigate the ins and outs of the matter."

"Investigation?" Qin Jinfang and Hong Baozhu were both stunned.

"What? Don't you want justice? Aren't you afraid that there will be no way to complain? Let me open a door for you. In order to better provide justice for you, we need to investigate and help you find enough evidence." Shao Jinyang said.

Qin Jinfang and Hong Baozhu were dumbfounded. Daqing asked them to change their identities and accept the investigation!

"Or do you not dare? Huh?" Shao Jinyang asked.

How dare Qin Jinfang and Hong Baozhu answer the conversation.

When things have reached this point, the onlookers have already made their own judgments.

The two people who made trouble kept saying that they came to make trouble because they had no way to complain, but when they were given a way to complain, they started to argue again.

This is obviously a guilty conscience!

Seeing that something was wrong, Xu Tengfei hurriedly said: "For such a small matter, we don't need you, Captain Shao, to take action, right?"

Shao Jinyang replied: "That's not true. I haven't cared about these things for many years. I just want to ask my former colleagues to come over and help, and this friend of mine is happy to provide them with technical support."

"Yes." Sang Zi agreed.

Shao Jinyang's words silenced Xu Tengfei, leaving him unable to stop him even if he wanted to.

Shao Jinyang walked up to Xu Tengfei and asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Xu today? He cares so much about two insignificant people. Does this matter have anything to do with you, Mr. Xu?"

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