I didn't find the inspiration, but I was very happy to play.

After visiting the museum, boss Li invited Zhu Yun to dinner and generously provided a full set.

Zhu Yun picked up Korean cuisine in Li Yao's disdainful eyes, and ordered Korean bibimbap in his more disdainful eyes.

"The appetite is really good." Li Yao sat across from her and looked at her.

Zhu Yun raised his eyes: "Don't you eat?"

Li Yao shook his head.

"You are so brainy, why are you not hungry?"

He didn't speak.

She choked on the bibimbap, and sighed with emotion: "The efficiency is high and the consumption is low. Your system is going to go against the sky."

"Pay attention to what you can do, swallow and talk." He glanced at her and looked out the window.

People with dysphoria pretend to be civilized.

They sat by the window, and Li Qio looked outside and said, "Will smoking a cigarette do?"

"Puffing." She turned to look around, the school was on holiday, the entire university town was empty, and only two of them were in the small restaurant.

Li Yao lit a cigarette and exhaled deeply.

Listening to that deep breath, Zhu Yun suddenly remembered the short-term Chinese medicine research he had done before.

"Mental stress hurts the spleen and stomach, affects sleep, and loses appetite."

Looking at the outside, Li Yao looked cold as if facing the screen, and seemed to be thinking.

There is nothing to see in an empty city outside the window.

Everyone is gone. Zhu Yun recalled that Gao Jianhong pounded Li Deng's shoulder before he left, and Li Diao laughed as usual as before. Participants of the project went home for the New Year in a relaxed manner, and she planned this as well.

No one thinks about failure, as if they have no reason to fail.

With him, they seemed to have no reason to fail.

What about him?

She thought of this problem for the first time.

Will he consider failure, will he be nervous, will he be under pressure?

She quickly concluded that why not, genius is fart.

"That," Zhu Yun swallowed the bibimbap in his mouth, and said: "Li 峋, you--"

She had just opened her mouth, and when she saw that the other person's face was loose, she smiled.

Her words were interrupted by his laugh.

Li Xiao lifted his chin out the window and whispered, "Look."

Zhu Yun turned his head.


The snow came late this year, and no one was there. It slowly arrived and attracted the few remaining eyes.

Snowflakes are small, weak and can't help but wind, hovering in the air and unwilling to land.

The sky is bleak, and the small snowflakes are flying all over the sky, revealing a gentle and gentle gentleness.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, I will go with you."


"Blue Crown Company."

Li Xie paused and whispered, "Where to go, hurry home for the New Year."

"My house is close." Zhu Yun said, "Trains and coaches are only a few hours away, don't worry so much. Besides, one more person and more strength."

Li Xiao sneered, "What power, the power of carrying bags?"

"It's okay to carry a bag."

Li Xie gave her a glance.

"That's it." Zhu Yun buried his head again and ate.

After being quiet for a while, Li Diao pressed the smoke out, "I really convinced you."

It was already afternoon when I left the restaurant. When I pushed the door, Li Xiao shook instantly.

"How the **** is getting colder!" He strode to the intersection and pushed Zhu Yun back. "You go back and wait, I'll call the car and come out."

I'm thicker than you, OK?

It's not easy to get a taxi on a snowy day. Zhu Yun looked at Li Gao's high back in the restaurant and shrunk her shoulders. After five minutes, she went out to change her guard.

Li Xie's lips were purple.

I finally hit the car smoothly. When the school was over, the snow fell harder and the wind blew harder. Li Diao finally did not pretend to be forced, got out of the car and ran to the base, Zhu Yun laughed behind.

After laughing, she took a deep breath and looked up at the blue-gray sky.

The first snow of Kimchi tastes perfect.


The next day, Li Yao had a cold.

"You deserve it ..." Zhu Yun looked at Li Xiao with a cold face.

He became more ill-tempered, with bloodshot eyes, as if he would eat her raw.

Zhu Yun handed him the medicine he bought.

"Take three."

Li Yao took the medicine and swallowed the whole row of five pills in his mouth.

Zhu Yun was shocked, "What are you doing !?"

"You can't die!" He said impatiently. "Do you have to eat more medicine for the first time? Is this common sense?"

What is the common sense of this planet? ? ?

Energy is really not allowed, the logo on the homepage can only fall on Zhu Yun's head. Boss Li used four chairs to temporarily set up a bed at the base and lay down to recuperate.

The base is very quiet, only the sound of the mouse and keyboard, and Li Qio evenly breathe.

"Just get one, it doesn't have much to do with the system anyway, and I'll ask someone to change it then." He said with his eyes closed. Zhu Yun thought he was asleep, but he just rested.

The drawing software is on, Zhu Yun rests his chin on his hand, thinking. After a while, she entered a state of wandering again.

Li Yao awakened her with a sneeze.

Anyway, you have to change it, so let ’s put one up for now. In the sight, it was the bamboo forest outside the window. Zhu Yun looked for the material according to this picture.

She is really not good at this. It took more than four hours to complete a picture.

This is ten thousand times harder than the code.

"It's so **** ugly ..." Li Zhi had risen sometime and stood behind her with her arms. "The color is stiff and the composition is ugly."

Zhu Yun gritted his teeth.

Li Yao: "Are you still a woman?"

She pushed the mouse and turned back: "You are not satisfied with yourself!"

Li Yao looked down at her for a few seconds and wrote lightly: "Let's put it on."

Would say big things ...

She guided the picture into the program, and Li Xiao coughed a few times behind her.

The more he coughed, the more fierce he seemed to want to force down the discomfort.

It took four hours to draw a picture, and it only took four minutes to import. Zhu Yun moved quickly. After finishing it, I tested it again and got up.

"I'm going out, you wait for me."


"I'll buy you some cough medicine. You can't stand your cough like this."

"No need."

Zhu Yun didn't even listen and picked up his coat. "You will come back immediately after you wait for a while."

"Hey!" Zhu Yun ran out, and heard Li Xiao's roar in the corridor, "Come back! Give you money!"

I can't afford cough medicine? You look down upon me too!

Zhu Yun ran to the pharmacy and bought a bottle of cough syrup under the introduction of the nurse.

She sincerely prayed that Li Xie would get better soon-he would go to the Blue Crown company tomorrow. In case he couldn't open his mouth, would she let her tell the person in charge?

No way.

She is not him, she can't withstand that much pressure.

Zhu Yun hoped that he would get better soon, and at the same time thought he deserved it.

"Playing handsome and thundering ..." Zhu Yun gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, the phone shook and took a look. It was the mother's phone. Her footsteps stopped suddenly.


The mother asked with concern: "Zhu Yun, how is the monitor over there?"

"It will be over in another day or two."

"Don't be busy, go home quickly. It's just a matter of helping me. It's so sweet, it's just a year away."


"Your Aunt Jiang is here and have dinner together at night."

"Tonight?" She thought she had misheard, "Tonight?"

"Yes." The mother said with a smile, "Aunt Jiang's son has also returned to the country, do you still remember him? That is really a famous school student. It is different from the domestic one. You come back to talk to him and learn some experience. To prepare for the future. "

"Tomorrow, I can't catch up anymore today. I didn't even buy a ticket." Zhu Yun quickly calculated the time in his mind. "I must be home by tomorrow night."

"Relax." The mother was calm, "Your dad was right there with you. He was in a meeting today, and he was on vacation after the opening. I asked him to pick you up directly and you will come back together. You explain it to your monitor, this It ’s also an emergency. Aunt Jiang, but I ’ve taken a lot of effort to come here. Your little brother is so busy with school that he takes time out of his busy schedule to meet you. You say you ’re not a big face? Pack your things quickly, your dad will soon Just come, don't let him wait. "

Mother finished speaking neatly and hung up.

Zhu Yun stomped hard.

one day.

Just one day away.

Wang Yuxuan, why do n’t you **** crash your plane!

After more than half an hour, Zhu Yun received a call again, and Li Qiu said dissatisfiedly: "Where did you go? Buy medicine for so long."

She threw the third smoked cigarette on the ground and stamped it out.

"Go back immediately."

As soon as Li Qiu's phone was dropped, his father's phone call came in.

Zhu Yun wanted to smash the phone.

She did not answer and ran back to the base all the way.

At least he must be given cough syrup.

Li Qiu was testing the procedure in her seat, and she ran past breathlessly, putting the cough syrup in front of him.

Li Yao looked at the computer intently, and the uncle ordered her like: "Go get me a glass of water."

Zhu Yun didn't move.

Li Yao squinted, "You let me drink?"

He has a hoarse voice.

Usually the voice is so nice, now it is so dumb.

Zhu Yun was irritable, and three cigarettes were simply not enough.

"What's wrong?" He quickly saw that she was not right.

"Li Dao, my house ..." Zhu Yun whispered.

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"My Home……"

"A bit urgent ..."

"I might have to go back first."

The bamboo forest outside the window is quiet.

After a short pause, Li Qiao said, "Nothing serious happened."

Don't ask with such concern, I just go back and eat with an international student.

She shook her head.

Li Yisong came down, "Yes, there is nothing to do anyway, go home for the New Year." He took the cigarette from the table and whispered.

She wanted to persuade him not to smoke, but she couldn't say it again.

The phone rang again, and Li Zhi motioned to her, "Phone, what is stupid."

Zhu Yun is connected, it is her father.

"Zhu Yun, why didn't you answer the phone just now?"


Li Xiao reached for his coat.

"Your mother has told you, I'll be there right away. Come to the school gate in half an hour."


Hang up the phone, Li Yi has finished wearing clothes.

"Come on, I will take you to the station."

"No need," Zhu Yun said.

He was looking at her, she didn't look back.

After a while, Li Yao took off his coat again.

"Be careful along the way." He turned and sat back in his seat, and began to type the keyboard endlessly.

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