The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 692: There is an old man in the family

 “Herding?” Li Xuemei asked, “Do you want to leave seclusion?”

Yan Yu nodded and shook his head.

"At present, the pastures outside the pass are better. We have defeated the Beirong. It should be quiet in the past few years. There is no need to go out to graze. In the long run, we should still plant some pasture to deal with various natural disasters."

She counted on her fingers: "Horse riding must be popularized, starting from childhood. From now on, every person in Xiao'an Village must be able to ride a horse and drive a cart."

"It would be a pity not to make use of those people in the quarry. My uncle once said that they are all knowledgeable people. They are really the kind of bookworms who just concentrate on studying in books. They will not cause trouble and will not be exiled. They will have to It doesn't matter if someone catches some loopholes so that they can be convicted, there are no stupid people there, and they have more brains. It doesn't matter what the reason for the crime is, as long as it is good for our village, use it and reuse it!"

 Look at her Uncle Kang, her father is with him to help him.

“No matter how busy we are during the spring plowing period, we can’t lose sight of people on the Arrow Tower.”

Defenses can not do without.

The military camp next to the village is currently empty. She cannot rely on her father to patrol it, so she has to do it herself.

"I'll hold a meeting for them later and feel out their bottom." Yan Yu said seriously.

"Also, the prince wants to send someone south to deliver gifts to the crown prince's family. I have inquired about it, and he said that he will take a waterway and take a big boat." Yan Yu's eyes flashed: "This is a rare opportunity, we'd better take a boat and go south. One trip.”

There was no need to ask her father for a detailed account. She knew exactly how much Huju could give in exchange for food. It was about the same. It looked like a lot, but in fact she couldn’t calculate it in detail. The food could only be harvested from now until autumn. It took several months. , Sitting back and forth is not her style.

 “You want to follow?” Li Xuemei has gradually gotten used to it, haha, there is a daughter who loves to run around.

"I'm not going." Yan Yu has been on a boat. It's quite novel to come here once in a while. Not many people can stand floating on the water for a long time.

Those who run boats have been trained for many years, and she doesn't want to suffer that fate.

“If dad wants to go, let him go. If dad doesn’t want to go, let’s see who in our village can adapt to life on the ship. Whoever can do it will go.”

Whoever doesn’t vomit will win the opportunity to go on a business trip at public expense.

Li Xuemei thought about it for a moment and said, "Your dad doesn't get seasick, but he can't get away from it." All kinds of busy things, a lot of things.

Yan Yu chuckled, with a sly look in his eyes: "Just leave, don't you still have me?"

 “Mother Rong!” She turned around and shouted, waving cheerfully.

 Mother Rong stopped what she was doing and walked quickly, panting.

Looking closer, there were beads of sweat on her head and face. She wiped it with the handkerchief in her sleeve, put it back and smiled happily at the mother and daughter.

Li Xuemei took a serious look at it and praised it in her heart. This bionic technology is really powerful. Without them telling her, who would have known that Grandma Rong was not a real person.

"Mother Rong, have you made the flag for me? It's the one I asked Jiuxiao to take a picture of, with the word "Yan" embroidered on it." There was a bit of excitement in Yan Yu's voice.

 Mammy Rong nodded, indicating that it was completed.

Yan Yu was excited.

“Is that side of mine the same as my dad’s? The character “Yan” is the same size, with two small characters “小二” below it? Is it obvious? Can’t you tell if you’re not up close?”

 Mammy Rong gestured with certainty: the same style, the same size, the character Yan is exactly the same, only the waiter’s flag has two more small characters, which is inconspicuous.

 “Ah ha ha ha ha!” Yan Yu smiled happily.

 “Come on, mother, let’s go home and help the cart carry the soil!” She shouted to Sambo who was munching grass leisurely: “Sambo, come home!”

Sanbao waggled its tail and walked slowly over. When he got close, he lowered his head and mooed twice, as if asking if he wanted to ride it home.

Li Xuemei shook her head, holding Sanbao's reins in one hand and Yan Yu in the other, and walked home.


The house of the Yan family is spacious enough for the family to live in, but for visitors, especially distinguished guests who cannot sleep on the same bed, it is too cramped for the guests.

Fetched Miss Mu and placed her in Yan Yu's house, while Yan Yu moved to her eldest sister's house.

If Wang Deshan comes alone, he will stay in Yan Xiangheng's house.

 But suddenly there was a young master, and it was not easy for the Yan family to make arrangements. Let him stay in Yan Huaiwen's room?

To be honest, neither Yan Yu nor Li Xuemei dared to make such an arrangement.

 Fortunately, the prince came forward to resolve the matter.

   Sentence: I don’t worry about the young master, so I’ll let him take care of me during the time I live in Yan’s house.

 Successfully squeezed away the people serving around Shi Yunmian, and temporarily stayed in Yan Xiangheng's room.

Shi Yunmian was still young, so he was naturally convinced by his father-in-law, who was in charge of his father-in-law. He spoke highly of him, and considering the layout of the rooms in the Yan family, both Yan Xiangheng and Yan Qianchu lived in the east room. Their rooms were separated by a wall, so they were not very close to the second brother. .

 The child is very happy!

I was so happy that no one needed to use it, so I climbed onto the kang by myself using my hands and feet.

 After successfully getting on the kang, he felt extremely accomplished. He used his little feet to measure the big kang, which was still a little hot for his feet. He walked first, then trotted, back and forth, and he was very happy.

The prince stood aside with a smile and whispered:

 “Sir, please be patient, don’t stumble.”

"Old slave, please serve the young master and change your clothes. This kang is very hot, and I feel uncomfortable if I sweat."

"Master, come sit down and have a rest. The old slave will wipe your face and these little hands. After the old slave has finished serving you the bowl of goat's milk, the master will close his eyes and squint for a while."

"This goat is raised by Xiao Er's family. The goat's milk just squeezed in the morning is very fresh. Look, the milk skin is so thick and sweet. You drink a bowl, and I will drink a bowl too. Enjoy. Blessings to our good grandson!”

Wang Deshan really gave the young master a sip, and then took a sip himself.

Once he said it was from the second brother's house, it was like turning on some terrible switch. Shi Yun reluctantly did not make any fuss, and An Ansheng drank a whole bowl like Wang Gonggong.

He also followed the example of Wang Gonggong and ate all the milk skin.

 One old and one young, drinking until their stomachs were warm, their eyelids began to tremble.

 The prince also changed into thinner home clothes.

 Go to the Kang and spread the two blankets neatly.

The old and young people got into bed.

 Not long after, the slight breathing of a child was heard.

Wang Deshan opened his eyes and saw that the young master was sleeping deeply, as if he was hot from sleep. His two little feet stretched out from the quilt, and they were hanging out in vain.

 Sleeping in such a position is certainly against the rules.

Wang Deshan did not take action to correct it.

 The baby has already left the palace, so it doesn't matter if the rules are looser.

 He closed his eyes, rolled over, and quietly sent his feet out.

Don't mention it, the Yan family's kang is really hot!

I don’t know how long I slept.

 Wang Deshan woke up slowly.

Looking at the young master first, he narrowed his eyes when he saw that the young master’s sleeping posture was even more bold.

 Then he stood up quietly, put on a coat, opened the door and went out.

Walking further away, he calmly ordered the people working in the yard: "After the kitchen is finished, clean it up for others. From now on, don't point to anyone to prepare food for you. At this time, everyone is busy. Let me take you out. They are not those who enjoy happiness. They have a bit of liveliness and cleverness in their eyes. Don’t look at anyone who can help. This is our good family. It’s okay for my family to eat and use it, but I don’t have to let others serve you. , Let’s start with our ugly talk. If any of you are naughty and ignorant while living in Yan’s house, let’s see how our family will deal with you!” (End of Chapter)

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