The Life of a Gangster That Started In a Gun Shop

Chapter 212: Diana's language talent

"The life of a gangster from a gun shop (

"Diana, I'm so happy for your honesty. You didn't choose to deceive me, look at this!"

Bringing the laptop and Thomas to the hotel where Diana was staying temporarily, Ye Qing looked at the girl who was a little nervous on the opposite side, and turned the laptop in her hand with a smile. At the same time, I got up and walked out the door...

Looking at a note with a phone number written on it, Ye Qing paced back and forth.

No matter how I want to train Diana in the future, it will be at least four years later. Ye Qing had no idea of ​​exploiting a 14-year-old child laborer. For the past four years, she gave her family $1,000 a year, and the total amount was less than $50,000.

Money is not much for Ye Qing, but a stable learning environment is not so easy to find.

With Smith's small moves on the Federation side and O'Hafa who had just left, Ye Qing had a feeling. In the past two years, it seems that it is impossible to be as expected before.

After two years of reading books in peace and stability, and then going back again, the development step by step...

It is said that opportunities always coexist with risks. Once you enter the fast lane of development again, the risks you face will also increase year-on-year. In this way, it is obviously not a wise choice to carry a tow oil bottle with you.

But when it comes to the stability of the environment, Ye Qing immediately thought of his motherland.

The note in his hand was given to him by Colonel Chen of the embassy back then. Said if there was anything more to find, let yourself call him...

Ye Qing never made the call, but the note was never discarded.

Ye Qing didn't know if he should make this call, but after making the call, how should he explain his relationship with Diana?

If no one said hello, it was Diana. A little girl who is only 14 years old, without a guardian, without proof of assets, wants to legally obtain a visa to enter the country, that is wishful thinking!

After thinking about it, Ye Qing gritted his teeth. beated! It's a big deal, if it doesn't work, think of another way...

"Hello? Is that Ye Qing?"

A little bit beyond my expectations, the call I made was quickly connected by the other party.

"It's me, Uncle Chen. You haven't seen me for two years, can you still remember my voice?"

Hearing the strong male voice across from him, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qing's mouth.

"Haha, I saved your phone number at the beginning. How is it? Boss Xiaoye, has it been going well in the past two years? Is there anything wrong with this call?"

"Thanks to you, everything is fine. I am currently studying for an EMBA at the School of Management in Lausanne, Switzerland..."

"Oh? Good thing, that school is not easy. Young people are not arrogant or impetuous. They know how to recharge their brains when they are young, great!"

Perhaps because of his compatriots, Colonel Chen's words always made Ye Qing feel the intimacy of chatting with the neighbor's uncle.

"Haha, Uncle Chen, don't brag. I'm calling this time because I have something to ask you."

"Oh, tell me? Is there anything I, or the motherland, can help you with?"

"It's like this, when I was studying in Switzerland. I met a little sister, Ukrainian. The family was too poor and was brought to Switzerland by some brokers. I think she is very pitiful."

Hearing Colonel Chen's words, Ye Qing quickly made up a reason. Although the starting points are somewhat different, the general situation is like this...

"I just wanted to help her study hard and become an adult, but you know that. The environment in foreign countries is always not as stable as ours at home, so I want to ask if it is possible for her to apply for a student visa and study in our country's schools? "

"Ukrainian? It's a little tricky. I'm not going to lie to you. If you have legal adoption procedures or proof of custody of this girl, and you want to send her to China to study, then we will check your assets. Prove, make sure you will continue to fund her studies, and if the child has no criminal record or anything, this visa is actually easy to get."

Colonel Chen, who was sitting in the office, looked at the subordinates who brought in the documents outside the door. He waved his hand, motioned for the other party to put the document on the table, and then said.

"There is another point, because she is a foreigner. According to her age, she should be in middle school. She will definitely not be able to attend public schools in our country, because they are all supported by the state, and she cannot enjoy this benefit."

"And some private bilingual schools don't have low tuition fees. Why do you have to let her study in China?"

"I'm busy with work, so I don't have time to take care of her. Here, I'm not worried at school, but after school I'm afraid that something will go wrong. So thinking about it this way, I can feel more at ease leaving her alone in the country."

Ye Qing smiled and explained a little. In fact, there was one more thing he didn't say.

A 14-year-old child has yet to form a worldview. If he is educated at home, he will have a stronger sense of belonging to himself in the future and be less likely to be out of control.

Mastering Diana's family information is only the last insurance after all. If possible, Ye Qing didn't want to use her family to threaten the girl to do things for herself.

After all, there is a world of difference between being coerced into working and working actively and

"Uncle Chen, so what you mean is, I will first find a way to obtain custody of this child. Then I can apply for a student visa, right?"

"Yes, that's basically it. Our country is still more welcoming to international students. By the way, how much is your email address? I'll send the JW202 form to your email address later."

Colonel Chen explained with a smile.

"This form is the application form for foreigners' study visa. Fill out this form. It's best to have the admission letter from the school you are studying in, or the admission invitation letter, etc., prepare these two, and then go to the local The embassy just needs to apply for a visa! As long as the procedures are legal and the qualifications are complete, there is no need to ask me for anything to do it!"

"Okay, then thank you Uncle Chen! I wish you good health and smooth work!"

Although Colonel Chen didn't help him do this, he showed himself a clear path. Ye Qing was still very grateful.

"Haha, then I wish Brother Xiaoye a successful career!"

"Thank you sir..."

Just after putting down the phone, Ye Qing suddenly felt a soft mass hug him from behind.

"Do you understand Chinese?!"

Ye Qing was really shocked, this girl. Could it be...

"Well...a little bit. At school, I had a good friend who was Chinese. I learned a little bit when I went to her house to play. But it's not good..."

Hearing Diana's voice from behind, Ye Qing recalled the information Henry sent back. It seems that her teacher did mention that Diana had a good relationship with a Chinese child.

But in this case... French, Russian, plus a Chinese...

Good guy, I'm afraid I've discovered a language genius? !

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