The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 525 Sword Duels On Mount Hua (8)

The letter did not bear any signature, but as soon as he saw it Guo Jing recognized Princess Huazheng's handwriting. He translated the letter for Huang Yaoshi father and daughter, and asked, "Father-in-law, what do you think?"

Huang Yaoshi answered, "This place is close to Lin'an, but if we inform the royal government they won't necessarily believe us; even if they did, it will take a long time for them to react. This is an urgent matter; your little red horse is swift. Leave for Xiangyang today. If the garrison commander is willing to cooperate, help him defend the city. If not, kill him and lead the troops and the people to fight the Mongolians. Rong'er and I will wait for you on the Peach Blossom Island."

Guo Jing asserted his agreement, but Huang Rong's countenance changed. There was nobody who knows her heart better than her father, so Huang Yaoshi smiled and said, "Very well, Rong'er, you can go too. Come home as soon as you are done; if the government wants to reward you, don't take it."

Huang Rong was ecstatic, "That's for sure," she said.

The young couple took their leave from their father, riding the little red horse heading west. Guo Jing was afraid they would be late; if the Mongolians had already attacked the city, he knew the massacre would be unimaginable; therefore, they continued their journey almost nonstop.

One night they stopped by an inn to spend the night. They were already nearing the two southern roads which linked towards Jiangxi. Guo Jing's mind was occupied with Huazheng's letter; he recalled their childhood together, how he, Huazheng and Toulei played together in the desert. And then his mind wandered to things that happened since until today. His heart was depressed. Huang Rong saw he was staring blankly, lost in thought; she sat by the lamp sewing her clothes.

"Rong'er," suddenly Guo Jing broke the silence, "She said she had caused my mother's tragic death that she is ashamed to see me ever again; what did she mean by that?"

"Her father had forced your mother to her death; naturally she felt sorry for that," Huang Rong reasoned.

"Mmm," Guo Jing mumbled. Lowering his head he tried to recall the scene surrounding his mother's death. Suddenly he leaped up and slap the table, "I know! So that's how it is!" Huang Rong was startled that the needle punctured the tip of her finger and a drop of blood came out. She smiled and asked, "What is it? You made a fuss about nothing; what did you know?"

Guo Jing said, "When my mother and I opened the Khan's secret order and decided to go back south there was nobody around, yet Khan immediately found out and captured us, mother and son. In the end my mother committed suicide and died. Who reported on us? I have been thinking hard about it. Turned out … turned out it was she."

Huang Rong shook her head, "Princess Huazheng loved you very much; it is impossible for her to betray you."

"She did not mean to," Guo Jing explained, "She was outside, accidentally heard everything my mother and I said. She told her father so that Khan would prohibit us from going back home; who would have thought that it ended up in a great tragedy?" Saying thus he sighed and sighed again.

"Because she did that unwittingly, you must go to the west to find her," Huang Rong said.

Guo Jing disagreed, "I love her as my sister. She is now with her brother in the west; she has all the honor and riches she deserves; why would I go and seek her?"

Huang Rong smiled, secretly she was very happy.

Another day they arrived at the southern Jiangxi town of Shangrao; the horse trotted along the mountain road where the grass was tall. It was a desolate place. Ahead of them was a dark forest thick with trees. High above them the pair of eagles let out a loud angry cry, and then they dived down and in a blink of an eye disappeared into the forest. Jing and Rong knew something was not right, quickly they urged their horse to run ahead.

Winding through the forest path they saw their eagles were spiraling down above a man who was trying to fight them frantically. They came closer and found out that the man was Peng Zhanglao [Elder Peng] from the Beggar Clan.

Peng Zhanglao was brandishing a steel saber trying to protect himself. The saber moved swiftly; although the eagles were brave it would be difficult for them to score victory. The female eagle made a sudden attack from behind and managed to snatch Elder Peng's head covering, showing a patch of baldness on his head. Peng Zhanglao's saber swept up, cutting down some of its feathers.

As soon as Huang Rong saw the baldness on Elder Peng's head she remembered something, "That day the eagle's breast was injured by a short arrow; turned out it was this evil beggar who did it. Afterwards the pair of eagle fought the criminal again by the 'qing long tan' [Green Dragon Shore] where they managed to snatch a piece of scalp; so it was this evil beggar."

"Surnamed Peng!" Huang Rong loudly called out, "Look who is here."

Peng Zhanglao lifted up his eye to see two people, he was scared out of his wits; he turned around and ran away. The male eagle dived down and struck the top of his head. Peng Zhanglao swung his saber to protect his head. The female eagle swooped from the side and pecked his left eye. Peng Zhanglao screamed, throwing his saber away he ran without looking where he was going and entered thick thorn bushes nearby. Peng Zhanglao valued his life more than a few stabbing pain from the thorns, so he went even deeper into the bush. The pair of eagles still did not want to let him go, they circled above the thorn bushes.

"He has lost one eye, just let him go," Guo Jing called his pair of eagles. Suddenly he heard a baby's noise among the thick patch of grass nearby. "Ah!" Guo Jing cried. Quickly he dismounted his horse and parted the grass only to see a baby sat on the ground. Next to that baby he saw a pair of a woman's feet. He parted the grass further and saw a woman wearing dark green clothing was fainted on the ground. It was none other than Mu Nianci.

Huang Rong was pleasantly surprised, "Mu Jiejie [Elder sister]!" she cried; then she stoop down to help her up. Guo Jing carried the baby in his arms. The baby's bright eyes were staring at him intently, they did not show any sign of fear at all.

Huang Rong massaged several acupoints on Mu Nianci's upper body; then she also pinched the acupoint next to her nose. Mu Nianci slowly regained her consciousness; she opened her eyes and saw these couple. She thought she was dreaming, "You … you are Guo Dage [eldest brother Guo] … Huang Jia Meizi [younger sister from the Huang family] …"

"Sister Mu, why are you here? Are you injured?" Guo Jing asked.

Mu Nianci struggled to stand up, but she fell down again; turned out her hands and feet were bound by pieces of ropes. Huang Rong quickly took her dagger out and cut the ropes. Mu Nianci quickly took the baby from Guo Jing's arms. After calming down herself for half a day bashfully she started to recount what had happened to her.

Turned out Mu Nianci lost her chastity to Yang Kang at the Iron Palm Peak, and she was pregnant. She had hoped to return to her hometown at Lin'an, but when she reached Zhangrao she was too weak to continue; so she found an empty hut in the forest and took a rest. Not too long afterwards she gave birth to a baby boy. Since she had no desire to see other people, she stayed in the forest, hunting and picking up wild fruits to survive. Luckily the baby boy was so smart, so she was comforted amidst her suffering and loneliness. That particular day she took the baby out to gather some fire woods, unfortunately they met with Peng Zhanglao. Seeing her beauty Peng Zhanglao wanted to rape her. Mu Nianci's martial art was not weak, but Peng Zhanglao was one of the four Elders of the Beggar Clan; he was the peer of Lu Youjiao Zhanglao; second only to the Bangzhu [Clan Leader], Hong Qigong. Naturally Mu Nianci was not his match. She was subdued easily and her hands and feet bound. In her anger and desperation she passed out. If Jing and Rong, two people did not arrive at this exact moment, and with their sharp eyes their pair of eagles spotted their common enemy, Mu Nianci would suffer a terrible fate, molested and disgraced by this evil man.

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