The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter - 100 Everyone Showing Off Their Abilities (4)

Liang Ziwong, who is sitting beside him, laughs, "General, fret not, come, sit down for a cup of wine." And with that, stretches out his fingers towards Tang Zude's left shoulder.

Wang Chuyi is aware that although his two fingers can suppress Tang Zude's fist, but is unable to prevent Liang Ziwong's one press. (not very sure of this part) He releases a finger and aims for Tang Zude's right shoulder. With this quick change of stunt, Liang Ziwong is unable to restrain himself and two fingers press both sides of Tang Zude's shoulders at the same time. It is really Tang Zude's honor to have two highly skilled fighters to ambush him at the same time and his both hands uncontrollably punches forward, with the sound of two clashes, his left hand punches into a plate of left over fish and his right hand enters a bowl of hot and sour soup, two of the dishes break into small pieces. The fish bones and broken fragments of the dishes pierce into Tang Zude's hands, mixing flesh blood with remains of the soup, causing him to yell out in pain.

The crowd laugh out aloud and quickly move aside. Tang Zude by this time is furious and very embarrassed, thus dashes out of the hall. The servants then suppress their laughter and move forward to clean up the mess.

Sha Tongtian marvels, "Quanzhen sect really lives up to its name! Brother here wants Taoist Wang to enlighten me on something."

Wang Chuyi replies, "It's nothing much, please ask, elder Sha."

Sha Tongtian replies, "Yellow river clan and Quanzhen sect have all along been at peace, so why does Taoist Wang make things difficult for brother here by going all the way to support the seven freaks of Jiangnan? Quanzhen sect may have many disciples, but brother here is not afraid."

Wang Chuyi replies, "I think there is some misunderstanding. I have heard of the seven freaks of jiangnan but I don't know any of them. I have a martial brother who made a little bet with them. But I have never planned on helping the seven freaks of jiangnan against yellow river clan."

Sha Tongtian exclaims, "That's great, then please hand over this rascal to me." Speaking, he reaches forward to grab Guo Jing's throat.

Wang Chuyi knows that Guo Jing is unable to avoid that grab and will get injured, thus stretches out his arm to push Guo Jing's shoulders gently. Guo Jing falls out of his chair uncontrollably and a "ke cha" sound is heard, with Sha Tongtian's five fingers changing direction towards the ground, the back of his chair is broken. This claw, smashing wood like bean curd (correct me if its wrong) is indeed one of the least seen but powerful stunt in the wulin world.

Sha Tongtian, who has failed in grabbing Guo Jing, furiously asks, "So you are going to protect this rascal?"

Wang Chuyi replies, "I brought this child in, so I will naturally bring him out safely. Why not brother Sha let him off today and find him another day?"

Ouyang Ke speaks up, "This young chap offended brother Sha, let's talk this out shall we?"

Sha Tongtian thinks, "This Taoist priest's skills are definitely not below mine, me and martial brother alone may not be able to make that little rascal stay behind. This Ouyang Ke has good skills and I'm not sure of his background, if he gangs up with that idiot, then there will be trouble." He then speaks, "I have 4 useless disciples who followed Prince Zhao to Mongolia for a big mission. They were about to succeed when this rascal whose surname is Guo appeared and spoilt everything, making Prince Zhao extremely furious. Gentlemen, please think, if we cannot even overcome a little rascal, how can we still accept the invitation to eat and drink in the place of Prince Zhao?"

Although Sha Tongtian is very bad-tempered and rash, he is not stupid, with this speech, Guo Jing immediately became the centre of suspicion. With the exception of Wang Chuji and Guo Jing, everyone else was invited by Prince Zhao. Wanyan Kang is Prince Zhao's eldest son, after hearing what Sha Tongtian said, he is a little displeased and everyone present decides to capture Guo Jing and present him to Prince Zhao.

Wang Chuyi is anxious deep down and tries to think of a plan to escape, but there are so many strong opponents that it is quite impossible to do so. Actually he thought that since Wanyan Kang is his martial brother's disciple, even though he is a Jin, he won't dare to attack his teacher's martial brother. However, he did not expect Wanyan Kang to be so insolent and even plan to trap them with the help of skilled experts, if he knew this would happen, he would not have rashly come, even if he knew, he shouldn't have brought Guo Jing along. If he wanted to leave himself, no one had any reason to stop him, but to escape with Guo Jing at the same time was very tough.

He thinks, "Under this situation, it's best to stretch time" thus saying, "Every single one of you are highly skilled and well-known, I have the utmost respect to each of you, to be able to meet you all today is my honor." Pointing to Guo Jing, "This child is unaware of the serious trouble he has cause you all and offended elder Sha, if you all want him to stay, I am powerless to stop it but even so, I cannot agree to that. Thus, I daringly request that each of you display your superior skills to Guo Jing so as to let him know that it is not that I don't want to fight, but it is I am unable to help him."(im not very sure of this part)

Hou Tonghai has been suppressing his boredom all the while and immediately jumps out from his chair, pulling his sleeve, "Let me taste your skills first."

Wang Chuyi replies, "My shallow skills are unworthy to exchange stunts with all present. I hope that brother Hou's superior skills will impress and teach this little rascal a lesson, allowing him to know the existence of many skilled experts so that he won't dare to be arrogant in the future."

Hou Tonghai has a feeling that there is sarcasm hidden in his speech but is unaware what is it, thus is unsure how to answer.

Sha Tongtian thought, "It's very tough to compete with Taoists from Quanzhen sect. So it's also good that I don't have to do so." Turning to Hou Tonghai, "Martial brother, why not display the 'burying one in the snow' skill for elder Wang."

The snow outside had not stop, Hou Tonghai rushed to the centre of the courtroom and swept both of his arms up, bringing the snow in until there was a huge pile of snow in front of him. He used his legs to arrange the pile neatly, retreated three steps and turned upside down, with his legs on top and head below, and with a 'pa' sound, he thrust forward himself and landed into the middle of the snow pile. The snow was not up to his chest, Guo Jing rubbed his head in confusion when he saw this skill as Hou Tonghai head was in the snow pile, motionless.

Sha Tongtian turned to Wanyan Kang and the others and said, "Everyone, please kick all the remaining snow onto the snow pile which my brother Hou's head is in." The audience all felt curious, and laughingly kick the snow, making the pile Hou Tonghai's head is in, even deeper. Actually Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai frequently practice on the yellow river, thus their water skills are excellent. Those who practice water skills focus on controlling their breathing under water and Hou Tonghai is able to bury his head in the snow without breathing and still use kungfu to fly out after a long while as he is used to it. The audience raised their cups of wine and praise this display of skill, after along while, Hou Tonghai finally use both his palms to pull his head out of the snow and flipped back to his normal standing position. Guo Jing, being an inexperienced youth, was the first to applaud out loud. However, Hou Tonghai returned to his seat and drank a cup of wine, before stared at Guo Jing fiercely.

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