Chapter 365-A Million Digimon

The years have passed, and a thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Brolin’s human deity is still constantly cultivating in the small universe of the creator of the giant axe, trying to break through to the Universe Venerable Realm. And his Youhai clone is suspended above the eternal continent, constantly sucking energy.

In a thousand years, the eternal kingdom has developed tremendously.

Almost all human beings are separated from the solitary Universe Venerable outside the five major forces. There are more than 800 people who have joined the Eternal Kingdom and become official members of the inside. At present, in terms of combat power at the level of Universe Venerable, the gap between the Eternal Kingdom and the five major forces is very small.

In addition to the Universe Venerable, the number of Immortal gods belonging to the eternal kingdom has reached more than 100,000. If you add the many foreign kings Immortal secretly enslaved by Brolin, it will be more than 200,000!

These are only the internal forces that formally belong to the Eternal Kingdom, and other external forces are even larger. The five major human forces and more than 6,000 Universe Venerables have almost all joined the peripheral forces of the Eternal Kingdom and become external members. As for the following Venerable The Immortal gods are even closer to one million!

Of course, the Eternal Kingdom does not have much binding force on these powerful peripheral forces. However, Brolin did not intend to master this force at first, but only wanted to use them to expand the Eternal Kingdom’s manpower.

Now, with the members of these peripheral forces, the Eternal Kingdom can do things much faster. In terms of collecting the breath items of various creatures, the speed is much faster than before. Thousands of Universe Venerables can enter a large number of Universe secret realms in a short period of time to collect those things that contain the breath of powerful biological life.

Of course, these internal forces and external forces are in fact only the strengths on the surface of the Eternal Kingdom, and in the dark, there are some unknown forces.

The digital world.

At the beginning, Brolin made millions of Digital Eggs by using the life spring divine liquid. After this thousand years, they have been hatched long ago, and then he was thrown into the digital world. Digimon figures are everywhere in the digital world at this moment.

However, of these millions of Digimon, more than 80% are still in the growth stage, and the rest have evolved into a mature stage. Only less than a thousand Digimon have become complete. As for the Ultra Digimon, then No one has evolved.

Because Brolin didn’t think about it comprehensively before, he created millions of Digimon in one go, but he didn’t consider that the endurance of the digital world simply does not have so much energy to support the evolution of so many Digimon.

After realizing this, he tried to place Digimon in the original universe, and wanted to use the ubiquitous energy of the original universe to promote evolution.

In the end, he discovered that even if the Digimon had enough energy in the original Universe, it could not evolve at all.

Only in the digital world, can Digimon evolve itself by absorbing energy.

In this way, he can only transfer all Digimon to the digital world.

However, although he had spent a lot of the power of the Sea of ​​Nine Nethers to make up for the energy of the digital world, he still had too much difference to complete the evolution of millions of Digimon. Therefore, so far, he has only The energy absorbed by Youhai clone can be poured into the digital world every once in a while, so as to provide enough energy to allow these Digimon to evolve slowly.But even so, these million Digimon are still a few terrifying powers!

After all, the Digimon in the growth period is close to the Immortal God in combat power, and the mature Digimon has the combat power close to the Universe Venerable. As for the full body Digimon, it is almost comparable to the master of the universe, at least with the strength of the top Universe master class!

In other words, in the current eternal kingdom, just to take out these Digimon, you will have to wait for millions of Immortal, hundreds of thousands of Universe Venerable and more than a thousand universe masters!

Of course, there is still some gap between the real combat power of Digimon and the strong ones in the original Universe. After all, they only have strong physical energy, and are much weaker in terms of law perception. If you really fight, the Digimon that is completely body will definitely not be the opponent of the Lord of the Universe, and the Digimon in the maturity and growth stages will also be completely suppressed by the Universe Venerable and Immortal gods.

Take the more than one thousand complete Digimon, their combat power is only the level of the master of the first-order universe, and this is only at the energy level. As for the secret weapon, the Digimon is fundamental You can’t master these things.

But in the original universe, the weakest master of the universe is the second level. You can easily reach the third-order Realm with a little temper.

Therefore, if there are more than one thousand complete Digimons, even if they join forces, they can only explode with 4 levels of combat power. Therefore, in fact, regardless of the fact that there are 1,000 complete Digimon, the Lord of the fifth-tier universe such as the Lord of Chaos , One person can destroy them.

Therefore, Brolin did not expose this power, because a thousand Digimons are not very strong. If there are a thousand Digimons, it will be completely different. Brolin will definitely Show them in front of the universe for the first time.

After all, the combat power of the Ultimate Digimon is close to the strongest in the Universe, with a combat power above Tier 5!

Such a life, if there are a thousand heads, it is enough to crush the major ethnic groups!

However, it is a pity that Brolin has not yet evolved an Ultra Digimon.

But he is not depressed, because the time is still very long, and it has only been thousands of years. As long as there is a long time of accumulation, sooner or later, under his eternal kingdom, there will be a large number of Ultra Digimon. At that time, eternal The kingdom will inevitably become the largest power in the original Universe!

“Complete Digimon, although it is comparable to the top Universe Overlord in terms of combat power, but the overall strength of the round, in terms of many methods, I am afraid that even the ordinary Universe Overlord can’t match it!”

Above the digital world, an incarnation of Brolin stood in the void, looking down, whispering to himself.

The combat effectiveness of Digimon is indeed very strong. If a complete Digimon confronts a top Universe overlord head-on, the two can definitely match each other in a short period of time. But over time, the Digimon will fall into a disadvantage. Because of the creatures of the original universe, comprehensive strength is not only manifested in combat power, but also in many other means. For example, in the war of attrition, I can’t beat you, but I am large and can consume you to death. But Digimon is not good, they are more like pure combat weapons, only using instinct to fight, speaking of other weird methods, they are incomparable with the creatures of the original universe.

Brolin tried to let them learn the secrets and control the treasures of weapons, but in the end they found that there was no effect. These Digimons bred could not master these things like the creatures of the original Universe.

In actual combat, the Full Body Digimon is not an opponent of the top Universe Overlord at all, and will be killed!

Therefore, Brolin already regarded Digimon as a pure war weapon, and did not regard them as the subordinates of the eternal kingdom, and gave them tasks, because Digimon is not suitable for completing various tasks at all.

Digimon’s positioning in the Eternal Realm has become a war machine. They are the guardians of the Eternal Realm, and they are also one of the main forces in the foreign war!

Of course, in addition to being a war machine, the biggest role of Digimon is to use the genetic level of the powerhouse in the eternal kingdom of Ascension!

There are now more than 800 Universe Venerables in the Eternal Kingdom, all of whom are official internal members. Brolin will naturally treat them differently from external members.

For a thousand years, he has invested a lot of resources in these Universe Venerables. They can get some fairy beans from Brolin regularly, and every one of them has obtained the secret magic stone containing the seven kills of the beast gods.

Thanks to this, each of the 800 Universe Venerables of the Eternal Realm is superior to the ordinary higher Universe Venerable, and is only one step away from the Universe Overlord.

It is necessary to know that the five major forces that join the periphery of the eternal kingdom, Universe Venerable, can also purchase secret magic stones, but it is difficult to buy such extremely powerful secret methods as the seven kills of the beast gods.

The reason why the secret magic stone containing the seven kills of the beast gods was auctioned was only because it wanted to beat the reputation of the secret magic stone.

After that, it is not so easy to buy such powerful secrets.

Brolin emphasized this point very clearly. Only the official members of the Eternal Kingdom can obtain the super secrets of the Universe hegemon like the Seven Kills of the Beast God.

And external members can get some common Universe overlord-level secrets at most.

Only the secrets of Youyu Universe Venerable and below will the Eternal Kingdom be sold.

Therefore, for now, the eight hundred Universe Venerables of the Eternal Kingdom, in terms of strength, each one is better than the other five powers’ higher Universe Venerables.

After all, in this short thousand years, relying on fairy beans and secret magic stones, the eternal kingdom can be said to have earned a huge wealth of resources. Therefore, these 800 people in the Universe Venerable are all bestowed by Brolin. The number of fairy beans is far more than that of outside powerhouses, and every one of them has mastered the super secret method of Universe overlord level. Therefore, unless you are facing the overlord of the Universe, ordinary Universe Venerable cannot defeat them.

“Teacher, please come to the Western Emperor Tower.” Brolin’s clone glanced at the digital world below, and then in the virtual universe, began to contact the Palace Master of the Eclipse.

. . . . . .

In the Western Emperor Pagoda, Brolin’s clone stood opposite the Palace Lord of the Eclipse.

“What’s wrong with me?” The Palace Master of Eclipse looked at his most satisfied disciple with a smile on his face.

Although the Palace Lord of the Eclipse is nominally affiliated with the Eternal Realm, but with a special status, Brolin always treats him as a teacher. Therefore, other Universe Venerables, such as the Blood Prison Venerable, are also very respectful to the Lord of the Eclipse Palace.

“There is a surprise, I want to give it to the teacher.” Brolin smiled slightly, and then, as soon as he pointed it out, the World Gate appeared, and the dark portal was suspended in the Great Hall.

“This is?” Seeing the sudden appearance of the world gate, the expression of Palace Master of Heavenly Eclipse was shocked, because in his perception, there was great horror in this black portal.

“Teacher doesn’t need to worry, just follow me.” Brolin said, and then took a step forward and directly entered the door of the world.

Upon seeing this, the Eclipse Palace Master’s eyes condensed, and then he followed Brolin into it.

In the digital world, Brolin and the Eclipse Palace Master appeared above the void.

“What a powerful time and space bondage!” As soon as the Palace Lord of the Eclipse appeared in the digital world, he felt the pressure of the terrifying space around him, and his expression changed in an instant.

“Here is…” He stabilized his figure, then glanced around, and soon, the astonishment on his face became stronger and stronger.

“I can’t feel the breath of the original law of the Universe? How could it be possible! Where is this place?” The Palace Master of Eclipse said incredulously, and then he turned around and looked at Brolin on the side.

“This is a world controlled by the disciple, independent of the original Universe. Even if it is the original rules of the Universe, I don’t want to get involved here!” Brolin explained with a smile.

“A world…independent of the original Universe?” The Palace Master of the Eclipse was a little unbelievable.

Seeing the look of Palace Master of the Eclipse, Brolin suddenly chuckled, “A disciple can rise all the way, naturally there are many adventures, this world is just one of them.”

Hearing this, the Palace Master of Heavenly Eclipse suddenly showed a clear look, and he did not continue to inquire about this world.

After all, Brolin’s secret is involved, although he is a teacher, it is difficult to ask too much.

“This world is called the Digital World!” Brolin looked down and said, “Those are all special lives in this world, Digimon!”

Afterwards, he pointed his finger to the ground below.

Palace Master of Eclipse suddenly looked down, and this look immediately made him look unbelievable.

I saw the figures of Digimon everywhere on the continent below, from the growth stage to the complete body, one by one exuding a powerful aura.

“With so many lives, the weakest breath is comparable to Immortal…” Palace Master of the Eclipse whispered to himself, his eyes filled with shocks that were too shocking to be added.

At a glance, on the whole continent, plus the Shanghai domain, densely packed Digimon are moving. In the sense of the Palace Lord of the Eclipse, the weakest of these strange beings have an aura close to Immortal, and those The most powerful creature even made him feel jealous!

“come over!”

On the side, Brolin smiled and waved with one hand. Suddenly, on the ground, a huge dragon-shaped Digimon seemed to have received instructions. It flew towards the sky, and soon came to Brolin and the main body of the Eclipse Palace forward.

This complete Digimon was created from the secret realm of Brolin’s human deity’s round sea, and was created by Mingquan Divine Liquid. If it was Brolin’s creation, it would regard him as the Father God and completely obey Brolin. Even if you let it die, there will be no hesitation. ”

Watching Brolin gently stroke the full body Digimon with one hand, the Palace Master of Eclipse on the side could not hide the shock on his face.

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