Take the town, which has just dawned at night, north.

The north street hits the border of a commercial compartment and a compartment inhabited by peasants and livestock farmers, and near the north gate there is a rental yagoo shop where anyone can rent a yagoo. Lending Yagoo shops are often carried out by livestock farmers in combination, and even early in the morning you can rent a yagoo.

"Sorry, I'd like to borrow a strong kid for two for a day.

When Mariella visits,

"It's a face I don't see. This guy is strong, if he's a fine brother and a little lady, is that a problem?

And lent me a fine male.

The lease includes one silver coin per day, including the cost of a bait bag. Apart from that, the deposit is two large silver coins, which will be returned to me upon return.

As soon as I fed the vegetables from the food bag, they seemed to miss me. He's a smart kid.

Practice riding lightly on the property. Mariella can ride too, but Sieg is overwhelmingly better. Is this the difference in motor nerves? Yagoo runs in a good mood and has a light footprint. I could only borrow one for the convenience of the deposit, but if I borrowed two, Mariella might not have been able to follow.

Put Mariella in front of you and take the two of us to the North Gate. There are eight gates in the Labyrinth City, but all four gates, east, west, north and south, are small, and the width of the gate passes through one Yagoo, so it's a small gate such as Critical. A common gateway for residents of labyrinth cities to head to the fields or to collect and hunt in the vicinity, small enough to prevent large demons from passing through and small demons from entering. It is inconvenient to pass through, but the examination is easy because it is not intended for trading.

I was stopped from seeing the face, but when I opened my backpack and showed it to him, and told him that I was going to pick it up, he sent me out, "Be careful, there are demons even far from the Devil's Forest." A friendly guard.

Run Yagoo slightly northwest through the north gate. On the northern side of the labyrinth city, there are few rivers and many shrubs, land suitable for grazing. On the northwest side, there are many rivers flowing from the mountain range, with an agricultural zone. Head north along the river to reach the woods. It is a much shallower normal forest compared to the Demon Forest, but it is important to note that low level demons appear rarely.

Mariella and the others use a demon-free potion, so this level of forest allows them to act safely.

"Dear Mariella,"

Sieg looks back and speaks to Mariella.

"Uh, after all, did you follow me?

I think it's Lynx. Before the big deal. It's not strange to have surveillance on you so you don't run away.

(You don't really want people to know where you're going today. Sorry.)

Stop the yagoo, remove a few pieces of paper from the porch, and feed three pieces to the yagoo with the bait. Pass the rest to Sieg. That's what I drew yesterday after my nap.

"Magic on this. Hold on until you say it's good.

Run Yagoo again.

Yagoo, with the two of them on board, softens through the woods. It is as if the trees of the woods were excommunicated. The two of them and one of their heads are blurred to dissolve in the signs of the woods, and the signs become thinner and thinner in the woods.

Rinse, rinse, and exclude the trees. No, are the trees excluded? Each time, eyes that are supposed to be sharper than eagles lose sight of them. Rinse, rinse. The signs are finally disappearing. And their figure hid behind the trees, and they were completely invisible.

"Ugh, I lost him. Seriously. Sieg, that's awesome. No, Mariella did something to you?

Lynx's shadow rises in the woods. He is the scourge of the Black Iron Transport Corps, whose abilities are well versed even in the Devil's Forest. I didn't think he'd lose sight of the Mariellas in the woods.

"I wonder if Deputy Marlow would be mad at me. But I think you'll make it home safely.

Uh, if this is the case, I'll leave the knife to Sieg.

Lynx came here about Mariella and the others' escorts, but I can't help but lose sight of them. I have an arm to sprinkle Lynx with. I'm a little worried that Scop and Nata are the only weapons, but the woods around here won't have any problems. I was just wandering around the Devil's Forest, and Mariella was able to see it.

The shadow of Lynx floating in the woods disappeared all the way back to the labyrinth city.

After sprinkling the lynx, let's go straight through the woods, cross a few rivers, and run for an hour or so?

The Mariellas retraced one riverside and reached near the waterfall.

"You're all right now with the boulder. You're not following me, are you?

Mariella doesn't have the ability to explore.

"Yes, it seems to have been sprinkled at last, but this?

Open the palm of the hand that Zeke was holding along with the reins and stretch out the pieces of paper that he had creaked.

The hand is sweaty and moist, but the piece of paper shows something like a shape.

"Ah, well, it's a magic formation of forest invitations, blocking signs, and confusion."

"Forest Invitation" makes it easier to travel in the woods, where you can proceed without being taken by tree branches or switches. "Sign blocking" is literally blocking signs and magic to make you look good, and by using 'confusion' in this, you can easily escape from most chasers and demons. All are skills acquired by skilled hunters and others.

No matter how many demon-free potions you're using, some demons are hard to work with, and they can be found. There are also bad guys in the city who try to get their hands on their unaccompanied young daughter. To protect herself from such dangers and to help her escape successfully, Mariella's coat has multiple stitches of the magic of this hand.

These magic formations, said to be the heritage of ancient civilization, are largely lost even 200 years ago. Although the quality of the ingredients is chosen by the effect, it is useful for anyone to achieve the effect simply by drawing the powder of the Demon Stone in melted ink. However, if the shape is not perfect, it will not activate and a mere distortion of the circle will not achieve a decent effect.

No matter how well you draw it, you can't get the original effect of distorting people's hands somewhere. If it is activated and half of the original effect occurs, it is a substitute for the word "your". Well, things that copy it usually don't even activate. Since the book can only be printed in "copies" to be written at the hands of people, there is no other way to compensate for it with other skills or magic, like Mariella used, or to train it so that a degree of magic could be handed down.

The perfect (original) magic formation is only recorded in the memory of the world (Acacial Records).

Still handed down to people today are very few anti-degradation magic formations, such as the one in the potion bottle or the one in the servitude contract with the Siege pressed on it, even which is imperfect, so "anti-degradation" only confers a delaying effect, and "servitude contract" works by using it in conjunction with contract skills. Depending on the use of slave magic and other methods, it may have been surprising in some ways that dangerous substitutes could not achieve satisfactory effects on one side alone.

Instead, studies of the shapes engraved in the magic formation have long been carried out, and people called magic engineers have created various magic items from the results of the analysis of the magic formation. People never stop walking, and if something is lost, some things will be created.

"Magic formation……. I heard you lost it.

Connect the yagoo to the open by the waterfall and have the breakfast you had wrapped.

A sandwich with ham and vegetables sandwiched in a baguette, looks delicious.

"My master has a high level of appraisal. I got a few burns on my head.

Mariella's master was an amazing man. In addition to high level appraisal skills to extract information from the memory of the world (Acacic Records), magic was also used. Of course he has alchemy skills.

Genius, on the contrary, is the domain of superman. For that matter, Mariella was dying more than once because of her common sense or her personality and behavior. I didn't do anything to fight it.

He was not the kind of person who would disciple a mediocre child in a demonic forest cabin with only alchemy skills like Mariella, but maybe that was part of an action that didn't clap, including that.

The magic team was also made to remember at random by the master.

Said, "I'll tell you how convenient it sounds because I'm dying because I'm too much."

When they called me to come closer, I got my hands on my head. I was wondering if you would stroke me, and I expected it from my child's heart, "Transcript"!, "he exclaimed, burning directly into his brain. The transcription was short, but it hurt a lot.

Then I became sufficiently vigilant about my master's "What?" but I said, "Oh. You got it, Mariella. Wow. That's so sweet ~" he praised with a full grin, and the next moment he stroked his squeaky head, "There's a gap! Transcript!" or something to do, so I was made to remember a good number of magic formations. That was half playing. He was screaming "hey" and pointing at Mariella rolling around and laughing at the Guerra Guerra.

The worst part was "The Magic Formation of Temporary Death," which I thought would burn my head for the complexity of the shapes. Unusual, or before my first master "transcribed," he gave me an explanation with a strange face.

"Until now, a lot of magic formations would have been carved and resistant, but the pain would have increased somewhat.

Something like that. Didn't you play with the transcription until now? No, all of the magic formations I got transcribed are precious and much appreciated. If you say, "I want to graduate with the creation of this magic formation," I'll have to say, "I'm awed."

I don't even want to recall the severe pain when I transcribed "The Magic Formation of Temporary Death". It wasn't some noise, he slept for about 3 days. There were a number of potion bottles rolling around the bed, so I think they were hanging from the dead. The master said, "You're sleeping too much," but he had a neighborhood under his eyes, so I think he went to see me without going to sleep. We've known each other for a long time, although we weren't the ones to show them. That's about all I know.

The magic team can't be used just because they remember. As originally, if you don't draw it perfectly, it won't activate, so all you have to do later is repeat the authentic work on the authentic effort. Although Mariella had no special talent, she was good at working hard on the tunnel. Still, "The Magic Formation of Temporary Death" was a lot. Not only are the materials expensive, but they are complex and large. I sewed between my busy days and continued to draw properly, finally drawing up two pieces of my graduation assignment.

The master, judging the magic formation of the assignment, said, "Graduate. Well done." He praised me.

I was moved and I cried unexpectedly. The master stroked Mariella, crying, "How dare you?" as if she were a little child.

All right, all right, why, a mess. "Offensive Enemy! Transcript!" "" hehe!???

"Damn Master..."

When I was talking about my master's memorabilia, I got kind of angry.

Stick to the bucket sandwich.

"The last Transcription was also intense, about a day, I lost consciousness, but when I woke up, I didn't have a master.

The master had left a letter and disappeared. I'll take one of the "Magic Formation of Temporary Death," and the last transcript is for the price. This cabin will celebrate your graduation, so live with the master. Don't forget to leave 'The Magic Formation of Temporary Death' in the basement. I was left with a note writing such a thing in dirty letters.

"I survived Stampede because I owe it to my master, or all the knowledge I've ever lived, thanks to my master, and I appreciate it. But, hey, I don't know, it's annoying."

I was a messed up person, but all of my memories with my master are hilarious, and I can't believe I'm suddenly gone, even though I'm so grateful.

"I'm sure it's telling.

That's what Zeke said with a very sweet face.

"Oh well. Right. It's that master, isn't it?

I've always wanted to tell you how grateful I am. I couldn't tell him in words, but that master couldn't possibly not have noticed. My master is an amazing man.

"Mariella survived the stampede, the alchemist, didn't she?

"Yeah. It's a secret."

"Of course.

Especially where the lantern fire kept me asleep for 200 years due to lack of acid.

I'm ashamed, so I want you to keep it a secret.

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