Finally catching such a good opportunity, the red pincers will naturally not let this opportunity go in vain…

Almost immediately when Yi Fan fell to the ground, the red pincers were dancing with all four arms and turned into a ball. The blue, gold, red, and sharp ball of light fell towards Yi Fan with extreme speed….

“ka ka ka…!”

Who is Yi Fan, even if riddled with scars, still don’t have the habit of slaughtering with the neck, above the earth, but his home field, the rock power of his whole body has rushed into the earth at the moment of falling…

The earth screams, in an instant, it turns into a piece of rock. Mirror Lake, countless rocky swords appearing on the surface of the lake…

“Rocky Mirror Lake Storm Rock Sword Rain…!”

“xiu …咻咻…xiu xiu xiu! “

Huge rocky sword like migratory locusts, supported by Yi Fan’s horror crystals, like a dark red rainstorm, facing the falling blue gold with crimson red The ball of light shot out…

A weird thing happened, the heavy rain-like rock sword, as it approached the southern red light ball, it melted like a bubble in the sun. …

This formidable power is too exaggerated…

You know, the formidable power of Yi Fan’s Storm Rock Sword Rain is also quite terrifying. The opponent’s move turned out to be as easy as pie. It can be seen that the opponent’s move is terrifying…

Fortunately, I have already fallen to the ground. Since I know that the opponent’s move is extremely fierce, naturally I chose to avoid its peak temporarily…

“hong long long…!”

“hong long long…!”

The earth roars, just At the moment when the terrifying light ball fell, the dark red ground that was originally like a mirror lake suddenly stood up into a rocky mountain and took the initiative to greet it…


The blue red dazzling light ball and the dark red mountain peaks are connected, and a huge earthquake-like roar erupts…

The dark red glare and the blue golden light and shadow are intertwined again, and Yi Fan is in The mountain was erected instantly, and escaped into the ground…

“hong long long…!”

The blue, gold, dark and red glare agitated when the earth was violently shaking Open, even because the collision happened on the ground, the formation fell into chaos in an instant…

flying sand running stone, the dust is flying…

In the earth, Yi Fan becomes As a dark red glare, it travels at high speed…

Behind him, a three-meter-high The blue red light ball, persevering in just following it, makes Yi Fan dare not stop for the slightest…

Fortunately, the opponent will not hide, the reason why he can chase himself is relying on the tyrannical crystal Force directly pushes the earth away…

Of course, although this method allows the red pincers to travel through the earth, the speed is much slower than that of Yi Fan, but it makes Yi Fan There is a chance to breathe…

In fact, evading chase is as early as Yi Fan’s plan, but it was not too sure before, after all, the opponent is Tier 8…

For the moment, although Yi Fan looks a lot faster than the opponent, it is still far from the level of getting rid of the opponent…

The important thing is that this will But Yi Fan of Yi Fan has injuries to his body, large and small wounds all over his body, blood is dripping…

In such a fierce pursuit, even though Yi Fan injected himself with a few healing potions, The effect is surprisingly poor, making him quite annoyed…

“Brother Fan, Ruoxue and I are here to help you, come up to heal…! “

At this moment, I seemed to feel the fire of Yi Fan. Fina’s deep and caring voice sounded in their communion spiritual space, and Yi Fan was surprised…

Fina, are you here to help…?

Yi Fan is about to refuse, the two waves of crystal power that are not lost to him in the perception have already rushed into his and the red pincer In the battle circle…

In fact, he knew the moment he perceives the strength of these two people, Fina and Ruoxue obviously cut first and then played…

They also used the same method as themselves to temporarily increase their strength…

It’s just that what they absorb is the more violent crystal power in the starlight extinction array…


Fortunately, the two have already reached the 7th grade like Yi Fan. They have unique beast-shaped seed crystals and have been able to cope with and tame this violent crystal power…

It’s just that, This process will be quite painful…

No, it’s not just that it’s painful. Right now, although their crystal power levels have reached the 7th grade, their bodies have not improved.. .

This means that their bodies are under terrifying pressure several times higher than before…

“Boom…! “

Yi Fan, who has been in a state of retreat, broke ground with a muffled sound…

in the sky, one indigo and one dazzling, two glare, almost When Yi Fan broke the ground, he appeared next to him…

Looking at the two concerned about your face, if Yi Fan was full of lessons, he still couldn’t say it…

“You guys, when I go back, I will ask you to settle the account…! “

“Be careful, this guy is an eighth rank, absolutely don’t touch it…! “

“Ruoxue, don’t use the divine force to charm him, his divine force is many times stronger than you…! “

“I see, Brother Fan…!

Hearing Yi Fan’s explanation, the two immediately responded solemnly…


The two tone barely fell, chasing The reluctant red pincers have already burst out of the huge smoke and dust…

They also burst out of the ground. At the moment they just appeared, they have already discovered that the field is completely covered by a thick colored fog. Winding around, the three breaths that he had just clearly perceived extremely clearly, also completely disappeared in his own perception…

The huge changes in the environment caused him to have instant doubts…

At this moment, an extremely dangerous intuition lingered in my heart…


Amidst the imperceptible light sound, The indigo azure long sword has been quietly handed to his eyes. You only need to advance an inch to get a sword into the orbit, and even from the orbit into the skull, piercing his brain…

Just in this brief At the moment, the four scarlet skeletal swords blocked the sword like a same sect board…

Obviously, the red pincers had been prepared, or he had predicted that at the moment of his appearance, it would be inevitable Will be hit by the opponent’s thunderbolt…

Seeing that this sword is about to pierce the’door board’ composed of four knives, Fina Xuanyi’s sword is in the wind, lightly dancing The moment it was about to be compacted, it disappeared without a trace…


The crisis reappeared, and Fina appeared very strangely almost at the moment of disappearing. Behind the red pincers…

There is no change in the sword action, as if she was there, or the body was directly transported there…

A strong sword, from bottom to top, also straight to the red compound eyes of the red pincers…


There was a crisp sound, an aurora demon At the tail, the long sword swept away from the end, and at the same time, it completely rushed out of the red pincers on the ground, twisted around, swallowed towards Fina with four arms and four swords like vortex…


Fina is like a ghost, which is so easy to be caught. The Tornado Slash of the red pincer also cuts the air…

But at the same time this Tornado Slash cuts the air, several small butterflies appeared in the eyes of the red claw…

No…no, not just a few, but hundreds or even counts Thousands…

When the red pincer Tornado Slash cut through the air and landed, a group of dainty and delicate but chilled butterflies suddenly exploded when they touched his body…

A terrible chill, i n an instant wraps the red pincers, in a flash has covered the surface of the red pincers with frost…

It’s cold, too cold, the red pincers feel that my mind seems to have been frozen by the cold ..

Moment, just a moment, the red claw that just burst out of the ground has already turned into a lifelike ice sculpture…

At this moment, it just disappeared. Fina, without a trace, appears again like a ghost-like on its right side…

It’s just that Fina at this time did not choose a sword, but the right leg is like an indigo azure battle axe. Sweep out like crazy…

“ka ka ka…bang! “

At the critical moment, one of the right arms of the red pincers that had just been frozen, broke out of the ice with a burst, and blocked the right side of the head to the limit…

“Boom…crack! “

A loud noise, splashes of ice, Fina’s violent leg was finally blocked by the key right hand of the red pincer…

With a clear sound In the sound of bone cracking, the arm of Fina’s leg under the red crotch was pulled down, and the body was thrown out at an uncontrollable speed…

“Wind sword technique Fengying… ! “

Fina is like a shadow, a sword comes out, a magic ten number silhouette, every move, strikes and kills…

“Boom…! “

At the moment when Fina’s sword was pierced, the flying red pincers exploded with full power, and a blue golden beam of light rose up into the sky, enveloping them all…


A dozen wind and shadow swords are like moth flies into the flame, twisted as if there is no splash in it, but Fina’s body disappears without a trace at any time…

It is the eighth level, seeing things cannot do, Fina naturally withdraws immediately…

In fact, the two of them have the same purpose as Yi Fan, just delaying time that’s all…

Because in their opinion, the secret technique of this red pincer always reaches the time limit, when the time comes, it will naturally be easier to clean him…

As for now, There is no need to smash with the opponent at all, it is still the limitation…

So, at the moment when the crystal power of the red claw bursts, Fina will directly escape without the slightest hesitation, leaving it to Chi Only a thick colored fog left by sister Ruoxue…

The red pincers fell into a state of extreme anger in an instant, and finally recovered their true body, and finally recovered their true body… .

Although this body is quite weak due to the limited material available, how can I say that I am the only real body now…

How long did the other party dare to hurt? His body is really hateful…

“You guys hurt my body, then this game is over, you, all of you will die…! “

An incredibly bitter voice roared from the mouth of the red pincer…

“shua…! “

The blue golden light and shadow flashed, causing Fina and Ruoxue who were hiding in the high-altitude dense fog area to happen…

After the baneful roar, The first reaction was not to chase Fina and Ruoxue…

Instead, they appeared beside the brood in the center of the battlefield in a flashing room, making both of them quite puzzled.. .

This guy, but was slightly injured that’s all, is it such an exaggeration, do you plan to rebuild it again…?

“ka ka ka…! “

“pu chi…! “

When the two of them were puzzled, the red pincers had just touched the brood, and the “conch”-like screw mouth had opened a small gap, and a pool of deep blue liquid shot And out…

This pool of deep blue viscous liquid is unbiased. The one in the middle of the red pincer was frostbited first, and then Fina strikes a leg. The arm that has been slightly broken… .

“Bah…! “

A magical scene appeared. In a burst of deep blue smoke, the arm of the guy with the red pincer recovered in an instant…

Next, the red pincer One instant step, he leaned directly to the mother’s nest, and used the right arm that just recovered to press on the mother’s nest…

“Blue light multi-dimensional detection…! “

There was a soft groan, and small blue lights suddenly bloomed from the conch-like brood. These beams were extremely fast and dense, and in a flash had already enveloped the audience like a giant net… .

Even Fina and Ruoxue, who are hidden in the colorful fog high in the sky, instantly perceive that they seem to be swept by something…

And this This feeling has always existed. There is a feeling of facing the camera before the cataclysm. It seems that everything is being monitored by the other party…

But didn’t the blue optical network disappear? Why is there such a feeling? …

In fact, the situation is very clear right now. The blue light multi-dimensional detection that covers the entire field is in fact always in operation, which means that their every move is still being monitored by the other party.. .

It’s just that the blue light of monitoring fell into invisible silent mode that’s all…

The two immediately thought of crystal power isolation, but the effect was not satisfactory, even though the whole body Including crystal power, even Fina entered the submerged phase space, the feeling still did not weaken…

“Damn mice, now you have nothing to hide… ! “

“shua…! “

Blue light flashed, and the red pincers have already rushed out quickly between the shouts, and the target is Fina and Ruoxue in the colored mist…

“Wind Sword Technology Emperor Feng…! “

“Liu Li is like water and butterfly dance…! “

As the 7th grade evolver, Fina and Ruoxue think that they are extremely intuitive…

Therefore, even if they are in phase space, they are also activated In an instant, I reacted…

One sword and one butterfly, one sharp edge, one cold forest, flying out at extreme speed…

Sword, illusory, like a stroke of magic …

Butterfly, colorful and dreamy, like the spirit of nature…

“Sher, spread out…! “

The sword and the disc flew out of the moment, Fina spoke…

The two did not see the final result of the sword and the disc, and they split up almost instantly. The glare quickly escapes…

“Boom…! “

“hong long long…! “

Compared with Fina’s fierce sword, Ruoxue’s dream butterfly, and the red pincer’s four knives can be described as barbarous…

Four knives blue golden knives and Tearing the Void , Pulls out a dark trace, sword and disc, everything is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke…

The red pincers are tired, he knows that the opponent will still choose to avoid fighting…


He knows the other party’s plan, he knows that the other party wants to kill him, or that he wants to spend until he is weak…

Even the other party still thinks that he has been In the state of using a certain secret technique…

But the other party is too slippery and has a lot of life-saving methods. In addition, although my speed is faster than them, it is far from being crushed. Pressure level…

The power and crystal energy are crushed, but the opponent must choose to fight against him to fully play the formidable power…

Now this In this case, the opponent completely uses all kinds of rogue styles, and completely refuses to give him a head-on fight. Most of the time, he is touched and left, which makes the red pincers extremely annoyed…

The horror power and crystal energy failed to exert their due power…

Of course, this kind of thing will never happen again, because he has already cut the opponent’s back…

As soon as the blue light multi-dimensional detection is detected, many of the opponent’s hidden abilities will be completely invalid, so the only thing left is pure speed…

Now the opponent is separated, and the red pincers are not Did not stop, just after breaking the opponent’s offensive, without the slightest hesitation chasing Ji Ruoxue…

In fact, the opponent is like this, and it is in the right place…

Chi Chea’s heart is very clear. In terms of speed alone, this colorful butterfly wing woman must be inferior to the indigo azure sword wing woman…

The latter is Wind Element after all, and it is obvious that some secret technique is used now. In terms of speed alone, he is no weaker than him. Even if there is nowhere to hide, it’s not that easy to catch up with her…

Since I have chosen to defeat them all, then Naturally, first pick the soft persimmons to pinch…

And, most importantly, the divine object of the Naka clan can be on this little girl. If you can get the divine object back, you will fight in all aspects. strength will be greatly improved again…

In this way, it will definitely be able to completely crush the opponent…

“Boom…! “

The huge sonic boom sounded, and the moment Ruoxue was separated from Fina, the red pincers were already posted up like a shadow…

Under the full burst of crystal energy , The speed is extremely fast, almost at the moment when Feina and Ruoxue separated, they were already like a blue ray, lasing less than 100 meters behind Ji Ruoxue…

For Tier 8 creatures, It is already enough to use its own crystal power to dissipate the dark energy in the main space. This distance is already a very dangerous distance…

“Red Secret Skill, Insects and Gods…! “

Four terrifying scarlet swords, pulling the extremely magnificent space cracks, turning into black hole-like mouthparts like black red worms, gnawing frantically towards sister Ruoxue…


The red pincers made a move, and the attack was a vicious move. Compared with the previous battle, all the attacks of these four knives were more violent…

Under the knife, it turned into a terrifying background picture. On the picture, the worm’s head and the black space fault produced extremely huge suction, which pulled Ji Ruoxue who was advancing rapidly…

Ji Ruoxue momentarily In a life-and-death crisis, it’s useless to escape…

Because this move is too fast, and the range is extremely wide, coupled with the terrifying suction, she is absolutely impossible to escape when the sword is approaching. Go out…

Since you can’t escape, then the only way to survive is a desperate fight…

the thoughts got to this point, Ji Ruoxue did not hesitate at all, Die Wing Qingwu’s room has already turned around very quickly, facing the four swallowing heaven devouring earth-like sword gangs..

White Lake Sword dances lightly, the billowing cold spring overflows from the hollow of the sword body, and immediately drowns Ji Ruoxue. Where…

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