In a moment, there was an extremely dramatic scene on the entire battlefield…

The two sides that were inextricably killed at the same time began to retreat almost at the same time, and Tianyan Ant Race quickly drew together. Retreat from the mountain…

The Wuliang Secret Realm insect race quickly flooded into the whirlpool-like beam of light…

What makes Yi Fan extremely shocking is that As more and more insect races are thrown into the beam of light, the beam of light seems to be rapidly increasing…

The suction power is also increasing, and the entire infinite mountain range, in front of this whirlpool-like beam of light, is like It’s papery, and the scene is messy…

Some Ant Races that were too late to withdraw from the safe range were also sucked into it, and instantly turned into the most original energy, integrated into the vortex-like colored beam of light In…

As more and more sources of energy are added, the power of the beam of light is getting bigger and bigger. In a moment, it has swallowed up everything around it like a black hole…

Below the colored beam of light, Heaven and Earth are in chaos, mountains and rivers are dumped, life is dying, and a doomsday scene…

All creatures in Secret Realm, from ordinary mutations of various insects Race, to the Insect King of all races, and then to the Divine Race god generals, and even god kings, without exception, quickly rushed into it, turned into the most original energy, and became a part of the beam of light…

And most importantly, the light beam absorbs and transforms the lifeform very fast. Even if you have a huge number of immeasurable Secret Realm insect races, it will not be long before they will all be transformed and absorbed…

The Yi Fan at the moment is unimaginable. After absorbing so much source energy, the existence conceived in the beam of light, or the attack conceived, will be terrifying…

Qiyun Mountain Peak, all the forces of Tianyan participated in the war High-level gatherings…

Looking at the huge colored light beams in the distance, Yi Fan said with anxiety: “Everyone, this Secret Realm’s trump card seems to be a little bit beyond our expectations…! “

“At the moment we have completely torn our faces with the other party, and there is no way out. I don’t know how everyone looks at the colored beams of light created by the other party, and the crisis we are about to face…!”

Yi Fan’s words fell, all the top executives were startled, but no one spoke for a while, all seemed to be lost in thought…

On the one hand, Zhou Xin opened the mouth and said: “Master Yanhuang, this matter makes What opinions do I say, I can’t say…! “

“However, I can provide some clues for your reference. The moment when the beam of light just bloomed, it happened to be caught by my golden pupil…! “

“When this thing started, it seemed to start from a round thorny ball. Considering the problem of expressive ability, I still invite everyone to take a look…! “

At the same time as the voice fell, Zhou Xin’s left eye suddenly startled, and the golden pupil shot out a lot of light and shadow, a few complete, vivid pictures appeared in front of everyone…

In the dazzling palace of blue golden rays of light, Dao Insect ignited the blue golden flames, Dao Transformation thread merged into the round thorn ball…

Yi Fan at the tip of the eye immediately discovered that in In that huge thorn ball, there seems to be this insect race dotted with red…

Red pincers, it really is this guy…!

Obviously, this Everything is dominated by him…

Then everyone saw a strange scene. Under the blue golden flames ignited by Dao Insect, the round thorny ball began to spin at extreme speed. The blue beam of light originated on the thorny ball…

And as those insect shadows ignite the blue flames becoming more and more prosperous, the thorny ball spins faster and faster, in an The instant blue golden beam of light has formed a bright beam of light lasing out…

When it was projected here, the light and shadow in Zhou Xin’s eyes went out: “The next situation, everyone should have seen it too…! “

When the voice fell, everyone came back to his senses…

Yi Fan opened the mouth and said: “Well, I almost forgot, your golden pupil has a recording function , The scene that Fina and I saw is probably like this…! “

“How about, now everyone has seen the whole process of the formation of this beam of light, what do you think of the Red Fox King from your insight…! “

Looking at the growing colored beams of light, the Red Fox King said solemnly, “Boy Yi Fan, based on my knowledge in the world, I have never seen such insects…! “

“However, looking at their behavior pattern just now, it seems like some kind of soul sacrifice…! “

“If I guessed correctly, those insect shadows that burned first are sacrifices, the thornball is the carrier, and the red-handed man in the thornball should be the last bearer…! “

When the words of the Red Fox King fall, Yi Fan’s face is already very ugly. Right now, from what he saw with his own eyes, it is almost certain that the answer given by the Red Fox King is pretty close. Well…

At this time, as a greedy Wolf King, he immediately echoed: “Yes, I agree with the judgment of the Fox King…! “

“The mode of sacrifice can have countless changes, but the final purpose will not change. All sacrifices create extraordinary power, and the current situation is no different…! “

“However, in this mode, it is usually a trick to kill one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred, usually with extremely terrifying side effects. In my opinion, Master Yan Huang doesn’t need to be too Too worried…! ”

I’m very optimistic about Wolf King, even this guy looked towards the beam of light, he still be eager to have a try…

It’s the white Wolf beside him. King immediately said solemnly: “Old Qin, I don’t believe you what you said. Why don’t you worry, Master Yanhuang, don’t listen to him…! “

“In my opinion, the red pincer has just suffered a loss in the hands of the rock emperor and the two queens, and after using the secret technique to escape, he did not leave everything to escape but stayed behind Desperately, it is enough to see this leader named Red Pincers’ confidence in this method…! “

“All, I propose that we immediately set up the battlefield with the highest standards…! “

The moment White Wolf’s words fell, Li Li of the Tianyan Commercial Department immediately echoed: “Yes, I support Bai Rou’s elder sister’s point of view. It’s already time…! “

“Since the other party chooses to stay, he must have some holdings, and with the current movement and power made by the other party, we must not despise it…! “

“I suggest that all high-level executives, centered on Lord Yanhuang, lay the Heavenly Cycle Star Luo Dazhen with all their strength to ensure that nothing goes wrong…! “

Li Li’s words fall, Yi Fan’s eyes are already gleaming, apparently a little moved…

At this time, Han Xiaoxuan said with a calmness. smile: “You all seem to be thinking about fighting. Xiaoxuan meant that with the flexibility of our tribe, you can avoid it first…! “

“Wolf Lord Wang just said that the power in this mode is mostly accompanied by extremely terrifying side effects, and it is not lasting. Then why do we have to fight against them? …? “

“It is completely possible to avoid its edge first, and then calmly destroy it. With the current situation of our rock alliance, even if it cannot be destroyed, after today, the entire China will have no place for them… ! “

Hearing Han Xiaoxuan’s words, Yi Fan’s thoughts moved for a moment. Just as he was about to refute, Fina next to him spoke…

“Xiao Sister Xuan, you can’t do this trick, it looks like insurance, but it’s actually more risky…! “

“You need to know that the other party is not stupid. If we retreat, the other party will immediately attack the China Rock League, which is under construction. Isn’t our gain more than the loss…! “

“Besides, before the sacrifice, the insect race leader was already 7th grade. After the sacrifice, I don’t know what the situation will be. Once we retreat, it is very likely to bring us into the The expected passive situation…! “

“Furthermore, this time to extinguish the Naka clan, it is the best time to choose our overall strength to jump. If we can’t destroy the opponent this time, we even let them escape. The ability of these guys and the level of weirdness, there may be other moths…! “

“As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night, and it will be even more difficult to destroy it in the future…!

“So, this postponement is absolutely not advisable…!”

“I support Section Head Li’s plan, and let Heavenly Cycle Star Luo, fight to the death… !”

Fina’s words fell, and the glasses beside her immediately spoke: “Yi Fan, even if the opponent is tough, we must fight…!”


“As Fina said, if I missed this opportunity, what will happen next time…!”

The glasses that have always been steady at major event, this time they are also very positive. The main battle…

As soon as the glasses side expressed his stance, Ruoxue also immediately agreed: “Brother Fan, this battle has been fought so far, you already know it in your heart, we can’t avoid it. ….!”

“Even in Ruoxue’s opinion, the reason why the other party adopts this extreme sacrifice mode is also telling us that in today’s battle, life and death must be divided, and no one has a way out. …!”

Ji Ruoxue’s words fell, and Yi Fan, who had made a decision a long time ago, was determined…

That’s right, at this time, no one has a retreat. , The so-called meeting on a narrow road is nothing more than victory…

After Ji Ruoxue’s words fell, the top Tianyan officials on the scene expressed their views for battle, which made Yi Fan very pleased…

Anyway, at least there is no cowardly in their team…

Han Xiaoxuan’s plan just now is not cowardly, she just wants to win at the least cost that’s all …

At this moment, there is no more hesitation. The Nagas will take it down sooner or later. Now that we are here today, we can’t easily let it go…


Looking at the beam of light that is growing faster and faster, looking around the surrounding sky-rock high-rise buildings, Yi Fan solemnly speaks…

“Well, since you all have such awareness, then I won’t say much about it…!”

“I have a hunch that the next battle will be the toughest battle in your life…!”


“Mo Ling and Hualing, immediately issue instructions. Except for the sixth rank transforming elite, all other Ant Races will be withdrawn…!”


“The Rock League belongs to Heavenly Cycle Star…!”


In Yi Fan, it is almost roar command Under the sound, the high-level Tianyan quickly dispersed while responding in unison…

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