Under the moonlit night, blue waves are rolling…

Tonight’s Huaxia Mingpu Island is extremely lively…

The reason why it is so lively is that this looks like a On the huge futon-like Mingpu Island, a chaotic fight is being staged…

The fighters who participated in this battle are three parties, or three clans…

First, the huge long-snout sea snakes with mixed black and yellow, the longest being seventy-eighty meters long, their heads are narrow and long, with sharp teeth, nostrils opening on the back of the kiss, and valves opening and closing, which can last forever Deep sea…

The trunk and tail section are relatively flat, the back is dark brown or black, the abdomen is bright yellow, and the tail section has lumpish yellow spots, and the black and yellow spots are intertwined, which looks very oozing…

Secondly, the ringed sea snakes are densely covered with black and white rings. The longest ones also have seventy-eighty meters, round heads and sharp teeth. Because the ancestors belonged to the ringed sea snakes of ancient cobras, their sharp teeth are sharper , The toxicity is also more violent, the body is the same as other sea snakes, the trunk tail section is relatively flat…

The third is a variant ridge lobster, most of which are large shrimps about ten meters high. The head breastplate is prismatic, with dense grain protrusions, the body color is yellow red, the belly is muddy, a pair of shrimp tongs flashes cold light, and there are many spikes on the body. Among them, the strongest is more than 30 meters high, and it is very cruel to fight , Can be described as extremely evil…

The two sea snake tribe, the big ridged lobster tribe, the three tribes fought and fought, killing the murky heavens dark earth, and the entire sea water around Mingpu Island was dyed red. Formed into blood-colored raging waves, surging turbulently…

However, upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to see that in the three sides of the battle, the two sea snake clan seem to be rivals with deep grievances. Crazy, it seems that they want to kill each other completely…

As for the ridged lobster family, although the fighting power is fierce, it looks quite fierce, but it is obvious in the battle that they have no position at all, it is completely fish in troubled waters …


“Boom..Boom…Boom.. ..Boom…!”

In the central area of ​​Mingpu Island, there are endless snakes hissing, terrifying clashes, and tail whip slamming, making the earth shake endlessly. The sound is chaotic and chaotic…

In the most central area, a seventy-eighty long black and yellow sea snake and a ring sea snake of the same size are fighting together…

Two giant snakes entangled and bite, squeezed into a ball, black, yellow, white, and gray. The huge balls of mixed colors…

The giant balls rolled from side to side and bumped back and forth. The huge thumping sound, crashing sound, and impact sound are naturally the movements they make when they fight.. .

Of course, this entangled one is more than the king snake of the two races…

The whole Mingpu Island is full of’snake balls’, which is even more frightening. The thing is, except for the two king snakes who are fighting one by one, the snakes under their command are all fighting in groups…

Several, even dozens of giant snakes rolled into a ball, one by one. Gorgeous huge balls of meat rolled and hit on the island…

Of course, the combatants on the island right now are naturally not only the snake clan, but also the massive ridged lobster clan, who also joined with huge shrimp tongs. The battle group…

It’s just that their target is not a kind of snakes. As long as there is a chance, the two big snakes are their targets, and they are fighting while collecting. The corpses of the two sea snakes seem to be storing food…

“Haw…! “

In the chaotic sound, a small number of huge seabirds that have evolved night vision capabilities are cruising in the sky, obviously wanting to get a share…

As for that The ridged lobster king, which is more than 30 meters high, hunted the snake clan near the central area of ​​the island, and frequently watched the battle between the two king snakes…

Obviously, this one Spine Lobster King, I also have some thoughts about these two sea snake kings…

However, whether it is the long-snout sea snake king or the ringed sea snake king, the two snakes are both sixth rank and both sea snakes. One family, within the body, has extremely high poison resistance…

The power, speed, and even the crystal power are almost the same. From the beginning of the war to the present, they have fought one day, one night, and they are still birds of a feather …

However, I have not seen the slightest fatigue. At this moment in time, I am afraid that I will not be able to tell the outcome…

See here for the ridge lobster king. But I felt a little anxious in my heart…

The two sea snake tribes fought in such a battle, and the number of snakes participating in the war may have already exceeded ten million levels. This sea Territory water has been dyed red. It’s good to say that the time is short. After all, this place is located on the border of the ocean. There should be no other big clans…

But if the bloody smell spreads completely over time, then maybe…


If this is another big clan, then its tasks here will be ruined. If the King Shrimp can’t pay the difference, I’m afraid I will have to be punished by not knowing it…

No, you have to find a way to end the battle quickly…

If you drag on this way, in case other big clans around here, such as the crab clan, which is also the most land-based, it will be troublesome.. .

Although it is a bit risky, it seems that there is no other choice now…

Thinking of this, some spine lobster kings who were prepared to take the power of the fisherman were no longer I can’t sit still…

“pu chi…! “

The shrimp tongs were tightened, a ringed sea snake that had just been separated from the’snake ball’ was clipped by its sharp shrimp tongs during its traversing, bloody on the spot…

Spine Lobster King curled up with six legs, shrank, and instantly shrank into a bow shape. Under the lingering translucent crystal energy, the whole body turned into a translucent crystal lobster…

“Boom…! “

With a muffled sound like a blast, the tail section of the ridged lobster king shrunk into a bow shape and struck abruptly. Amidst the huge explosion of air, it turned into a sharp, crystal-like arrow, and shot at high speed. Out…

“Boom…! “

In the sound of the sonic boom, the ridged lobster king that just flew through the sound barrier instantly, like a terrifying giant missile, blasted towards the’snake ball’ intertwined by two snake kings. …

Suddenly encountered’missile’ strikes, although the two snake kings were entangled orthogonally, they still instinctively felt the threat and made their response…

“Huh…! “

The long-snout sea snake king tail section is outside. When the spine lobster approaches, the long tail is shining green, and it has swept out like a hurricane…

” coax…! “

The ring-patterned sea snake with its head outside felt threatened, with a huge mouth, and a deep black breath burst out like a torrent…

” Bang…! 呲.. 呲…! “

After a loud bang, the rustling sound of corrosion sounded, the mist of various colors, green fluorescence, black breath, crystal missiles, all submerged in this chaotic halo…


“Hiss…! “

“His…! “

“ka ka ka ….! “

The sound of snakes hissing and the opening and closing of the shrimp tongs, one after another, resounded throughout the audience. With the ridged lobster king joining the battle between the two kings of snakes, the tribal melee has heated up…

If Mingpu Island is an elite battlefield of the three tribes, then the sea is the battlefield of the tribe’s massive official tribes….

In the sea all around Mingpu Island, there are long-snout sea snakes, ring The sea snakes, as well as the countless masses of spine lobsters, are also in chaos…

Of course, just like the spine lobsters on the elite battlefield, even in the outer battle, the spine lobster It is also obviously more restrained than the two sea snake tribes, and also takes fish in troubled waters as the main combat policy…

However, when these three tribes are fighting fiercely, in the outermost waters, count Ten huge shadows quietly approached…

These shadows are mostly snakes, of which more than 60% are anacondas, and the other four are turtles and aquatic salamanders…

They are all extremely large, and the aura on their bodies is extremely terrifying…

The one who swims in the forefront is a strange giant snake that is hundreds of meters long…

silver bone head armor, the domineering word “king” is hollow, and the main body black is intertwined with five patterns of wind green, dark red, water blue, sharp gold, and brilliant silver, indicating its The particularity makes it look very beautiful and mysterious…

This giant snake, whether it is in breath or form, all reveals a king’s aura…

Obviously, it is the leader of these dozens of dark shadows…

Besides and behind this leader, there are dozens of huge alien beasts, although Not as good as this king, but also uncommon military might…

Snakes, each of them has a huge size almost the same as the two big sea snake kings, with colorful and terrifying breath…

Tortoises, each one is comparable to a giant tank, like a hill, making people daunting…

Newts, each one is like a dragon-like ancient fear , Sharp claw, fangs, extremely fierce, not annoying guys at first sight…

What’s more strange is that they not only have a strong breath, but they are also dispatched by different races, and their bodies are more or less There is a king’s aura haunting…

It is a bit puzzling…

However, it is certain that, in such a size and in such an imposing manner, they are in their respective ethnic groups Obviously it won’t be Xiaoren…

But it’s not realistic to say that dozens of Sea Beast kings gather together on the edge of the ocean…

After all, at the moment In the ocean, Ten Great Impe The rial Families are fighting fiercely, but all the Sea Beast clan, whether it is the main battle race or the dependent race, as long as the king-level Sea Beast, will be conscripted into the Ten Great Imperial Families…

here The chance of encountering dozens of Sea Beast kings in a place close to the land mass is almost impossible…

The two races of sea snakes that can be battled and the family of ridged lobsters that can be missed have encountered …

Dozens of powerful Sea Beast kings are slowly swimming towards Mingpu Island in the center of the battlefield, so that the surrounding tribe warriors who already have simple thinking dare not make any trouble. Even on their way forward, they gave them a way directly…

Sea Clan, or Sea Beast, since it is a beast, it naturally has the most basic animal instincts…

Maybe they don’t know where these dozens of Sea Beast emperors came from and why they appeared here, but they know that relative to their own, the opponent has absolute strength, and there is no way to do it. The absolute strength to make up is enough…

So, they must let, and must let…

Because not letting has no effect except death…

Looking at the three Sea Clans who avoided them even in the melee…

In the team behind the cauliflower, a giant diamond turtle said quite easily with a smile: “haha, Captain..! “

“Look, let me say, as long as we let off our breath, these stinky snakes and shrimps will definitely get out of us…! “

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