Yi Fan’s words made the atmosphere in the room startled again. In fact, he didn’t plan to kill Zhang Liang from start to finish…

Of course, everyone with a bright eye I know very clearly that even though Yi Fan’s mouth is harsh, he will never kill Zhang Liang…

After all, let’s just think about Yi Fan’s investment in Zhang Liang. It should also be clear that he will not kill him at will…

Cultivation technique, weapon blade, and perfect bloodline potion, each of them is considered the top match of Sky Rock City…

As long as such a backbone does not commit a capital crime that must not be tolerated, Yi Fan will think twice when he wants to kill..

As for the standing up intercessors, many of them understand. This understanding person knows that Yi Fan It shouldn’t be hurt Zhang Liang’s life…

However, it is clear, but when it is time to intercede, they will still intercede. After all, this stands up and intercedes. , Not only begging for mercy, but also expressing his attitude towards this matter…

The startled in the Conference Hall failed to affect Yi Fan. He still did not pause at all, and spoke again: “Although the capital crime is exempt, the living crime is inevitable…!”

“If you make a mistake, then you should be punished. After healed, you should go to the Anbu Criminal Penalty Section by yourself and receive electric punishment for one hour…!”

“Deprived of all the original positions, directly reduced to civilians, all the privileges and treatments originally enjoyed are cancelled, and no promotion in any way within three years…!”

“Also, read You have done a good job in rescuing relatives imprisoned in Azure Dragon City. You are permitted to stay in the research department as an ordinary researcher, but the treatment can only be civilian treatment…!”

“Zhang Liang, remember Yes, I think you are the first offender. Forgive you once. If you break the ban again, you will be killed…!”


This series of punishments Come down, let everyone in the Conference Hall take another breath…

The electrocution is one hour…

That’s not cracking a joke…

The so-called electrocution is specially designed for evolver. When being tortured, it will be sealed with crystal power. Even high-level evolver will be extremely painful…

However, Hearing this, Zhang Liang did not see the slightest horror on his face. Instead, he was full of gratitude. After bowing deeply to Yi Fan again, he solemnly said: “Zhang Liang understands…!”

“Thanks to the City Lord for not killing, Zhang Liang, in this life, if there is another negative sky rock, please c hopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, Dismemberment by Five Horses and die…! “

Zhang Liang’s very passionate words and determination in his words once again moved everyone present…

Yi Fan took a gratified look at him. As he waved his hand to sit down, he turned his head to stand up Li Li and said, “Zhang Liang will be supervised by you. I believe you should know how to do it…! “

Li Li hearing this, immediately opened the mouth and said: “Yes, please rest assured City Lord…! “

Hearing Li Li’s answer, Yi Fan is considered sighed in relief, Zhang Liang’s incident has finally come to an end, Yi Fan also opened the mouth and said again: “Okay, don’t I’m standing, sit down for me…! “

“Yes…! “

In the neat response, everyone quickly sat down. This summary meeting, which is here, is basically nearing its end…

In other words, rewards and punishments The part is over. Next is the final summary and the outlook for the future…

After everyone sat down, Yi Fan stood up alone. After clearing his throat, opened the mouth and said: “Everyone, the series of battles provoked by the Allied Forces of the Five Cities is completely over…! “

“In this battle, we defeated our opponents. The situation in China has changed drastically after this battle. The original Ten Great City will be directly reduced to Tianyan, Baiyun, Qingfeng, Taihua, White Tiger Five Great City…! “

“And the three major corpse clan domains, the bloody domain has become our barrier, the dark domain domain master-level corpse king died in battle and will surely fall into chaos. It is not enough to be afraid for the time being…! “

“Then, in the entire Huaxia Corpse Clan, there is only one of the most difficult twin domains left..! “

“Not modestly speaking, the current Tianyan City can be said to be the well-deserved Number One Influence among the humans of the Chinese Earth. Even counting its clan, I Tianyan City is also considered the top power. Up…!

“Of course, Tianyan City can go to this step today and achieve such a result. It is indispensable for everyone on the scene to work hard. Everyone has performed very well in this battle…!”

“After today’s meeting, the Qin Department will soon issue a reward list. Everyone present and all evolver fighters participating in the battle can go to the Qin Department’s large warehouse to receive rewards according to their evolutionary level and position… !”

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, all the high-level people present stood up and shouted in unison: “Thank City Lord…!”

Yi Fan smiled and waved. He motioned everyone to sit down, then turned his face again, and said seriously: “However, although we have won and won a lot of evolutionary resources, we even have the power of Megatron China, but we still can’t be proud of it. Carry…!”

“Even, we must speed up our own development to prevent the threat of a powerful enemy, because the Earth at this moment is no longer the Earth we are familiar with…!”

“The corpse tribe’s great danger has not been completely relieved, mutant beasts are rampant, the seaside crab tribe hiding the sky and covering the earth, the Secret Realm insect race surrounds the endless Sea Clan that has not yet landed, Although it seems to have some initiative now, and even a little bit of advantage, Human Race is still a disadvantaged group, even the weakest of the races…!”

“After all, Human Race It has just experienced a devastating disaster, the population has been drastically reduced, the technology has been wiped out, and a hundred waste is waiting to be developed. With the reproductive strength and development speed of those ethnic groups, if the time is not issued, the current advantages of Yancheng will soon disappear. ..!”

“By then, relying on the strength of the Yancheng family will inevitably be difficult to support alone, so the development of Tianyan City should be adapted to the times and it is time to enter the next first stage…!”

“Ruoxue, starting from tomorrow, your department will implement family planning, introduce Youwo’s ​​related welfare policies, encourage and even force urban residents to have more children, establish relevant infant and toddler facilities, as long as they dare If you are born, Rock City dares to be responsible for raising…!”

“Cultivate a stronger and better next generation for me, Tianyan City, understand…!”

Ji Ruoxue hearing this, immediately stood up solemnly: “Yes, Ruoxue understands…!”

Family planning, population…!

That’s right. China’s current population is too small. The death rate is 90%, and the ratio of ten to one is too tragic…

It’s just them. I didn’t expect that Sir City Lord had such courage, for the sake of the next generation of Tianyan City, he even directly initiated the welfare policy to encourage or even force childbirth…

You should know that this order goes on, Tianyan City In the granary, or in the granary of the old Zhu Family, countless grains have gone out…

“Of course, working hard to develop the population is only the 1st Step, and the next 2nd Step, I decided He Zong Lian Heng, announced the world in 5 days later, and founded the Rock League…!”

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, Yi Fan spoke again, and his 2nd Step plan was to let Many high-level officials murmured unconsciously…

“The Rock League..?”

“The Rock League…!”

Listen The name knows that this must be an alliance centered on Tianyan City, and Sir City Lord is full of confidence. The two Vice-City Lords are not surprised at all. Obviously, this rock alliance is not a temporary motive. City Lord I’m afraid there is a gully in my chest…

Yi Fan heard everyone murmured, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Yes, it is Yanmeng. This will be a brand new alliance across races. Protect everyone, fearless a powerful alliance threatened by any force…!”

“At that time, representatives of the other four cities in the Chinese human race, as well as the king of Luo Xiao Fox Race and the king of the Qinling wolf clan, will all be I was invited to come to Rock City to discuss the alliance…!”

“In other words, I set aside five days for everyone here as a post-war recuperation and adjustment status. After five days, I I want to see a Sky Rock City in Peak status…!”

“The alliance meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in seven days. The specific constitution and the work arrangements of each department will be arranged by Nian Chen and Feina Vice-City Lord is in charge. After the meeting, the materials will be distributed, and everything is clear…!”


In the voice of Yi Fan, Everyone responded in unison. Seeing this, Yi Fan said with a smile once again gratified: “Very well, there are a lot of things to be dealt with after the war, and now we have to add the alliance affairs. You are busy, let’s end the meeting… .!”


Amidst the shouts, the senior executives quickly withdrew from the Conference Hall, but in a moment, the entire Conference Hall Only Yi Fan and Fina are left…

At the moment, apart from Yi Fan in the entire Tianyan City, Fina is the most idle one…

After all, it is now after the war, and Anbu is not too busy. With Li Feng and the existence of Anbu’s four kills and four kills, in normal conditions, Fina occasionally acts as an arm-flinging shopkeeper, which is no problem…

The two are slowly gathering up the information on their desks. Yi Fan seems to have intentionally or unintentionally opened the mouth and said: “Fina, anyway, the situation on our side is still stable. , Have you ever wanted to go back and see…! “

Fina shook her head lightly said with a smile: “Why go back, I have no relatives there, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the former friends, after I entered China, contact Less, but also alienated…!

“Now this world is the same everywhere, where you are, where I am, why? Dislike me…!”

Yi Fan is lightly said with a smile: “How can I do it, I mean, is it time for the net of our dark part to be thrown out? Although we are developing well now, we still can’t relax at all…!”

As soon as Yi Fan said this, Fina naturally understood the meaning of it instantly, and immediately said: “I know, let’s start from Asia…!”

Yi Fan Immediately said with a smile: “Well, take your time, work step by step, come steadily…!”

“Ignore those who are far away, but with several powerful neighboring countries around us, you can get a snack Now, in the days to come, with more and more sixth ranks, evolver’s activity area will be greatly improved…!”

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