Soon, the three of them are located on a small dark brown round table…

The small round table is not big, and there are obvious marks of knife, chopping and axe. It is rough but extremely rough. It fits the style here…

There are already several small plates on the table, and a pot of steaming wine. The antique flavor makes Yi Fan’s heart secretly praise…

It seems that I know that the two Wolf Kings Yi Fan is coming to are really hardworking…

The three are seated, greedy Wolf King to pour the wine in person, and toast: “Come, According to the rules of your Earth humans, let’s take one first…!”

Yi Fan also immediately raised the cup in his hand, but the white Wolf King held it together with the greedy Wolf King while smiling. Cup said: “The visitor is a guest, and because of the villain’s provocation before, my Qinling wolf clan offends Tianyan City first. Let’s respect this glass of wine first, and it’s a accompaniment to King Rock…!”

The voice fell, and the two Wolf Kings raised their glasses immediately, and drank a cup of warm wine…

Hearing Bai Rou’s words, Yi Fan was a little surprised , When we first met, this greedy Wolf King will not talk about him, but this feminine white Wolf King is a bit amazing…

With calmness in the wild, quick thinking and wise, not one in words drop of water can leak out, how long it took to transform into form, and even learned to figure out the way of human thinking, so Yi Fan had to look at her a few more times…

Of course at the same time, in The moment the two raised their glasses, Yi Fan also shook his right hand. A translucent rock needle with a light purple light purple shot out from the ring of the sky rock, gently inserted into the wine glass…

As the saying goes, it’s good, you must not be harmful, and you must be defensive…

Yi Fan went to the meeting alone today. You should be cautious and natural. There are still…

Although he knows that these Wolf King couples are greedy, they should not be stupid enough to poison in the wine, but they have to guard against…

Two Wolf Kings have a cup, and the wine glass has not yet been dropped. Yi Fan is already openly said: “The two are too polite. Yesterday’s thing is over, and even though the two sides exchanged fire, it didn’t cause anything. The unmanageable scene can be regarded as out of blows friendship grows..!”

“Since the two are willing to make friends with me, then I, Zhu Yi Fan, will not say much, everything is in the wine I’m in…!”

The words are over, Yi Fan I also raised my glass immediately, drank a glass of wine, and immediately felt comfortable all over my body. After looking at the antique jug with a little surprise, I couldn’t help but praised again: “Good wine…!” “

Greedy Wolf King heard Yi Fan’s words, and immediately said with a big smile: “haha…ha! Rock King is really temperamental. It seems that Qin Yu didn’t have friends this time…! “

Yi Fan hearing this, immediately waved to say with a smile: “hahaha ..! Qin Yu Old Brother is interested, if you have a chance, the two of you can come together in my small town…! “

“hehe…heh! “White Wolf King hearing this, but smiled softly, and then she said a little teased: “If there is a chance, even if the Rock King does not invite us, we will probably bother…! “

“However, this China’s No.1 human city even claims to be a small city, Rock King, you are a bit too modest…! “

When I heard this, Yi Fan sighed slightly: “No, this is not modest. The current Tianyan City is indeed just a small city in my eyes…! “

Looking at Wolf King hearing this startled, it seems to be looking thoughtful…

It’s this white Wolf King and Bai Rou, but he immediately heard what Yi Fan meant, and immediately Said with a smile: “Oh…! What Rock King said was interesting, and Bai Rou was interested, hope to hear the details ..! “

“The three domains of the corpse clan, no sky! “

“Seven collars of the orcs, silent! “

“insect race Secret Realm, soul eater! “

“The mysterious world, no bones! “

“At least, for now, it seems that the entire human race is just a small race struggling for survival among these races or forces…! “

“The entire human race is considered a small race. As a human city, Tianyan City, how big can it be…! “

Bai Rou meticulously pondered this rather vivid limerick among humans, and immediately said with a smile: “That said, there is indeed some truth, so this is also Tianyancheng willing to make more friends. The reason…! “

Yi Fan hearing this said with a smile: “Yes, everything is just for survival, in order to survive and live in this crisis-filled apocalypse…! “

When Bai Rou heard this, she was a little different, and immediately opened the mouth and said again: “With the strength of Tianyan City, and even the current strength of the Rock King, it seems to be no problem to survive and survive. ..! “

“Don’t say anything else, at least if my wolf clan confronts Tianyan City, I am not sure that Tianyan City can be completely destroyed…! “

Bai Rou’s words were quite straightforward, but Yi Fan sighed a little: “Be prepared for danger in times of peace that’s all. The times are different. It is no longer a peaceful age ruled by humans, but a biological giant. The chaotic era after the Great Leap Forward…! “

“An era where all races stand in great numbers, eagerly gearing up, contending for the world…! “

“In this chaotic era, you, me, Human Race in Tianyan City, Qinling Wolf Race, Luoxiao Fox Race, and various beast races, Secret Realm insect race, Three Domain Corpse Race, There is also the Sea Clan that has not yet released the water, each one, all in this huge vortex…! “

“And these are just the terrestrial races on Earth, the mysterious world, and the five oceans after them…? “

“Only creatures like the crab tribe on the coast have caused a lot of headaches for human beings, not to mention the countless marine mutant creatures in the four seas…! “

“In this era of great evolver, in the context of this barbaric era, whether it is Tianyan City Human Race, or Qinling Wolf Race, Chixiao Fox Race, you want to live with dignity. To be alive, you must have strong strength…! “

“My Tianyan City is indeed good, but Human Race is not in a good position. If my Tianyan City is not prepared for danger and prepares for the rainy day, wouldn’t it just wait for its destruction…? “

Yi Fan said this long passage, but he was greedy for Wolf King Qin Yu, and White Wolf King Bai Rou fell into deep thought…

After a while, Bai Rou spoke again: “The King of Rock is indeed worthy of the name of the king of mankind, with his careful thinking and clear grasp of the overall situation, Bai Rou has been taught…! “

“However, we only met for the first time. You have analyzed the overall situation so thoroughly in front of us. Don’t you be afraid that after my wolf clan’s illusory shot, I will turn around and fight with other orc alliances. Tianyan City, snatch the bloodline potion? “

“After all, beasts believe in their own kind more than Human Race…! “

“haha…ha! With your wisdom, It shouldn’t be, or you can try, maybe you can succeed…! “

While Yi Fan laughed out loud, he casually picked up the filled glass of wine on the table, and drank another glass of wine with a stroke..

Greed of Wolf King and White Wolf King, both of them are startled, looking at the Rock King sitting in front of them, still full of confidence, and involuntarily extinguished the dangerous idea just now…

After all, since King Rock sat here alone, it has proved his sincerity and strength, and since he dares to come, it means that he has absolute confidence and can get away from his own hands…

Then capture the thieves and the king and so on, don’t think about it. As for the real alliance with other races to attack Tianyan City, the scene is big, and in any war, there will inevitably be sacrifices, and even both sides will lose. Disastrous…

Furthermore, Tianyan city wall Gaochengjian, which is so easy to defeat, the five-city coalition forces of mankind all end up with a dead loss, why should the wolf clan go to this muddy Water…

Even if this battle is really fought and Tianyan City is really destroyed, they may not be able to get the potion, and even if they get it, they have to share it with other orcs… .

At the moment, as long as they truly accept the friendship of Tianyan City and are willing to exchange it for equivalent value, the potion to change the bloodline is at hand…

This is a pretty good deal. Account, how can the two Wolf Kings be confused…

The greedy Wolf King immediately said with a smile: “haha, Bai Rou cracking a joke that’s all, rock king don’t take seriously , Let’s continue drinking…! “

The voice fell, greedy Wolf King again picked up the flask for Yi Fan to pour wine…

White Wolf King and Bai Rou also said with a smile at the right time:” I’m sorry, Lord Wang, I’m just a little curious about your motivation…! “

Yi Fan heard this, but it was not magical at all, and he was quite serious: “Motivation, it doesn’t matter if you tell you, under such a background of the times, we will join forces and join forces. , Is the wise choice…! “

Bai Rou is hearing this, whispering in a low voice: “Joint up and down, join forces..! “

Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Yes, after this, Tianyan City will have a detailed alliance plan..! “

“The alliance plan…? “Bai Rou startedled, and then whispered, counting down the races related to Tianyan City “Human Race, Fox Race, Wolf Race, Ant Race, Rock Lord Wang, this game is really big enough…!” “

Yi Fan can’t deny it, just lightly said with a smile: “Go with the times, twice the results for half the effort, go against the times, half the results for twice the effort, The future of the Qinling Wolf Clan depends on your two choices next…! “

Bai Rou hearing this immediately smiled: “haha…ha! Since the background of the times is irreversible, it is better to adapt to the situation in a timely manner than passively bear it. Bai Rou admires the adults for their control of the current situation..! “

“Since I have derived wisdom and grown up after absorbing human civilization, Qinling wolf clan and humans naturally have an indissoluble bond. The wolf clan is still in its infancy, and I am afraid that I will bear it if I am alone. If there is no such a storm, the Qinling wolf clan is afraid to make Lord Wang bother…! “

The meaning of White Wolf King Bai Rou’s words has been quite clear. Obviously she has completely agreed with Yi Fan’s so-called alliance and sincerely supports this alliance…

The Greedy Wolf King also opened the mouth and said at this time: “Yes, as the Rock King said, for the wolf clan to which Qin Yu belongs to me, I must live with dignity and inheritance.. .! “

“The King of Rock is full of sincerity, and he is also quite suitable for my appetite. The wolf clan who belongs to me, Qin Yu, is willing to form an alliance with Tianyan City…! “

“Come on, let us toast to the alliance…! “

“Fuck…! “

The three wine glasses meet tightly…

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