Be aware that there is no living thing in the ruins, and the reincarnation of Soul Body can be said to be the only living thing in the ruins.

However, in a sense, they are not living creatures, but only half living creatures.

Even, in the inactive state, they are almost indistinguishable from the dead. It can be said that the ruins are extremely rare and special existence…

didn’ t expect, within the body of Fu Sheng, there is this thing unexpectedly, and these special existences have two common characteristics that countless evolver yearn for;

One, these guys are vague about nothingness His soul has a deep level of research and understanding.

Secondly, the guy who can become a reincarnated Soul Body is not a general generation in front of him. They are all superb creatures laugh and stand proud in the whole world in their respective spaces.

Since it is a creature that laughs and stand proud in the whole world, as long as it is a humanoid intelligent creature, it will naturally have its own civilization.

Once they have civilization, they originally belonged to the high military force space. Naturally, they have a much more thorough research on path of cultivation and the secrets of the body than human beings. The one in Lianyun Mountain, It is the best proof.

However, in most cases, when within the body has a reincarnated Soul Body, it is not necessarily a good thing. The experience of cauliflower is the best proof.

In short, the rebirth of Soul Body, many mysteries, Li Li and their cognition, naturally came from Yi Fan.

Yi Fan knows this because he has a good neighbor who is possessed by a reincarnated soul.

When Fina said that, Li Li and the others were surprised, but they all instantly thought of the many situations of reincarnating Soul Body.

Li Li is quite a pity: “The lucky guy has a reincarnated Soul Body possessed by him. As a result, our subsequent plan to lure the enemy may not work!”

“That Fu Sheng, should immediately, bring the news of the changes in Tianyan City to the Five Cities Alliance…!”

Fina hearing this is somewhat good Strangely said: “The lure enemy plan, what lure enemy plan, did you just discuss the countermeasures?” Ji Ruoxue hearing this, but also expressed regret: “Yes, Section Head Li proposed it.”

After that, everyone discussed the strategy together.”

Fina was also interested in hearing this, and immediately asked: “Let’s talk about it, what is the plan to lure the enemy…!”


Ji Ruoxue, glasses and the others hearing this, all looked towards Li Li, obviously let her do it herself, after all, she proposed the draft of this plan.

When Li Li saw this, she did not decline, and immediately said with a smile: “Deputy Sir City Lord, my previous thoughts are actually nothing, just beating somebody at their own game.”

“Before the other party, didn’t you want to persuade me to surrender and make me rebel, then let’s clean up the fire of the other party’s eyeliner completely and continue to act according to their ideas.”

“That I will continue to play the role of the apostate, personally introduce the elite of the opponent into Underground City, and let them fall into our own trap.”

“If it works well, you can take the opponent out in one pot. All the elite forces only need to deal with their peak battle strength.”

“However, it doesn’t work right now. After all, this plan obviously won’t work if someone escapes. , It is impossible to succeed.”

Fina quickly quieted down after hearing this, and fell into contemplation, seeming to consider the feasibility of this plan again.

When everyone saw this, they immediately fell silent. After a while, Fina’s eyes flickered, opening the mouth and said: “Your plan is very good, I thought about it carefully, maybe we can try Try and execute it.”

Li Li hearing this, eagerly said: “Ke Fu Sheng…”

“It doesn’t matter, although he escaped, he was seriously injured. Cut it all off, the five internal organs are pierced by my magic wings. If there is no miracle, he will definitely die.”

“Even if he was lucky enough to not die, he would have already lost too much blood. Can you hold it on? Before fainting, It will also be a problem to deliver the message in time.”

“The last point, although I don’t know where his last space-like secret technique can take him, I’m sure that he appeared It’s definitely not the location of the Five Cities Allied Forces.”

“Don’t forget, the Five Cities Allied Forces at this moment are all on the road. I don’t believe him that shit secret technique. It also has the ability to locate and track.”

“So, according to my estimation, the probability of the success of our plan will definitely not be less than 70%. It is still worth trying.”

Fina’s words once again made everyone in the Conference Hall amazed.

Fu Sheng, a fifth-order Peak evolver, and after being possessed by the reincarnated Soul Body, he forcibly crossed the sixth rank level, and was still seriously injured by Fina.

Moreover, in Fina’s words, it is not difficult to hear that the other party’s injuries are so serious that they are almost dead.

Furthermore, the point is that Fu Sheng, who has a non-perfect sixth rank and possesses a reincarnated Soul Body, was so completely defeated in the battle with Fina.

It can be seen how terrifying existence is the sixth rank Fina sitting in front of everyone at this moment.

In fact, in Fina’s heart, Fu Sheng should definitely die. It’s just that there is no absolute idea about anything, and all unexpected factors are eliminated, so this is a 70% certainty. s answer.

Ji Ruoxue was hearing this, and immediately smiled openly: “Very good, in this case, our plan is completely feasible, just do two-handed preparation…!”

“While deploying the battle strength, Section Head Li pretends to betray, even if it really fails, at worst come to an early war…!”

The glasses hearing this, also immediately echoed. : “Yes, at the worst war starts early, we won’t have much loss here, but once we succeed, then the other party can…!

Fina is hearing this, and she speaks again:” Li Li, you will make the specific plan. Everyone present, even Rock King, will cooperate with your plan when necessary. “

“The most dangerous part of this plan is your situation at the time of the first contact. If the other party knows the secrets of it, you will also be in trouble by beating somebody at their own game. “

“But you don’t have to worry. When you first came into contact, I would personally take the Anbu four kills and two kills and hide by your side. You only need to boldly implement the plan to let the so-called five-city elite Just bury it in the ground and become the fodder for my Tianyan Ant Race…! “

Li Li hearing this, her heart was extremely stirring, and she quickly stood up and responded: “Yes…! “

“Li Li, must live up to the trust of Fina’s Vice-City Lord…! “

Everyone is hearing this, already knowing that this matter is set, that is to say, this unprecedented battle is likely to be advanced, and a cold light flashes in their eyes, five cities The Alliance, the Five Cities Alliance, these guys should pay the price for what they did…..

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