However, now is not the time to think too much, he is here to investigate, now that the distribution of zombies is clear.

The thing to do now is to find the weakest direction, try to lean as close to the southern capital as possible, and activate the ground travel mode.

The so-called ground mode is a functional mode of the V7 warrior. Activating this mode allows the V7 warrior to drill underground, but the energy consumption of this drilling is huge .

Although Zhou Xin and the others brought a lot of crystal nuclei, this mission is extremely important. There is also the blood pupil corpse king, Ghost Fire corpse king, the second of the ten corpse kings.

I don’t know what will happen later. At the moment, if you can save the crystal nucleus, of course you can save it.

After thinking about it, Zhou Xin finally decided to attack from the right. The strongest blood pupil corpse king in the middle, if he can touch it, he won’t touch it.

The Ghost Fire corpse king on the left, the deep blue flame, made Zhou Xin somewhat dreaded. Although the V7 warriors were not too afraid of flames, Zhou Xin finally decided to go to the right.

Because, compared to the flame abilities of the flame zombies, the invisibility ability of the shadow zombies is no threat to V7 warriors.


Zhou Xin once again let Mo Yi lower his height, and ordered in the communication: “Warner No. 1, War No. 2, heading west at full speed Assault.”

“Warner 1 received.”

“Warner 2 received.”

The voices of Qiangzi and Ling Wanyao, one after another When it sounded, Zhou Xin was also sighed in relief, but what he didn’t know was.

In the scarlet area at the center of the corpse group, the Blood Eye Corpse King fixedly looked at the ink clothes high in the sky, his eyes blooming with dazzling red light, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In Zhou Xin’s eyes, the two V7 warriors quickly adjusted their positions and rushed to the west.

The outer shell of silver white metallic feel shines in the scorching sun. The body is ten meters high and more than twenty meters long, and the metal wings on the back make it look full of magic.

In fact, the functions of the V7 warrior, as well as the operation system, Hadron, Ling Wanyao and the others are not at all fully grasped, it can be described as a little understanding.

In the middle, there is still a lot of room for excavation. Even the Research Department only masters ground raids, ground travel patterns, and simple energy ray attacks, physical attacks, etc.

As for the metal wings on the back, for the time being, it is just a decoration. Of course, Zhou Xin believes that this thing will come in handy one day.



Hardson, Ling Wanyao, the warrior No. 1, No. 2, attacked quickly to the west, stepping on a bloody path among the corpses.


With a scream from the Blood Eye Corpse King, Ghost Fire Corpse King immediately looked up and looked towards the sky. It saw an azure small point.

On the body of Ghost Fire, a deep blue flame evaporates quickly.


In the sky, countless flame zombies formed a deep blue Fire Dragon, which flew away at high speed.

At the same time, a torrent of scarlet on the ground rushed towards the two warriors.

Zhou Xin still thought too simple, he too underestimated the wisdom of the Blood Pupil Corpse King and her interest in Yi Fan’s work.

At the moment the Blood Eye Corpse King screamed, he knew that there was a problem, and the Corpse King was obviously eyeing them.

Looking at the Fire Dragon ascending into the sky and the scarlet wave on the ground, he immediately roared in the communication: “Qiangzi, Ling Wanyao, we were targeted by the King of Corpses.”

After that, Zhou Xin didn’t say much anymore, and Mo Yi didn’t need Zhou Xin to explain at all, so he quickly raised his height.

And the Fire Dragon is flying up at an unabated speed. However, in the sky, Mo Yi has never been afraid of anyone.


Mo Yi screamed, but suddenly he didn’t raise the height, his wings spun, drawing an azure fire line in the air, two lines The green flames shot out like a knife gang.

On the agility and speed in flight, the zombie family, even the fourth-order Fire Element zombie, or even the corpse king, have no comparability with Moyi in terms of flight speed.

“pu chi …..!”

Two green fireworks burst in the corpse group, Zhou Xin long sword in hand, three golden sword gangs, with With extremely sharp aura, he shot past Mo Yi’s back.


The sound of the wind whistled, Mo Yi’s wings spread out, and the whole body turned into a deep green fire, like a sharp blade, composed of zombie Fire In the Dragon, passing through.

“Huh…pu chi…”

The stump was broken and the arm was flying around, but there was no drop of blood falling. Dozens of hundreds of third-order and fourth-order zombies were roasted into pieces of black charcoal in an instant and fell downward.

“xiū xiū xiū ….!”

Three fireballs the size of deep blue balls, along the flight trajectory of Mo Yi, struck at extremely fast speed, apparently the king of corpses shot Up.

“ao wu …….!”

Zhou Xin turned into three golden wolf-shaped beasts in an instant with one bow and three arrows. With three extremely concentrated dark blue Fireballs.


The violent explosion sounded, in the sky flashing the golden and blue intersecting colored lights, three Golden Wolf and three blue Fireballs , All disappear without a trace in the colorful light, only three rocky arrows fall weakly downward.

“gu gu…!”

While Mo Yi soared in the rain on the Fireball of Tier 4 zombies, he did not forget to whisper, and seemed to praise Zhou Xin for his ability. Generally, let the latter didn’t know whether to cry or laugh,


The Ghost Fire Corpse King, as one of the Top Ten Corpse Kings, Wisdom was already very high, and he immediately shrank the formation, like Dragon Snake, flying in the air.

On its body, a deep blue flame spread quickly and enveloped it down. Soon, in the sky, a dragon burning deep blue flame appeared.


Countless deep blue Fireballs flew in the direction of Mo Yi.

However, Mo Yi completely ignored the Fireball behind him, soaring upward between his wings, turning into a deep azure line, and disappearing into the air.

As a fourth-order mutant beast king, it clearly knows that if there is only one bird, then it will be fearless.

However, now it still has a teammate who can’t fly. In this air battle, he fought desperately for fear that he could not protect his flightless companion.

Mo Yi clearly remembers the master’s command, guards his companions, protects his companions, and advances and retreats with his companions. You cannot be willful.


Mo Yi Zhou Xin and two of them ran away as the wind whistled.


The Ghost Fire corpse king, roared in anger, and shot towards the ground. It clearly knew that if the other party insisted on running , It can’t catch up.

However, while Zhou Xin, Mo Yi and the Corpse King were dealing with each other, the two warriors below also encountered some obstacles.

At the moment when the Blood Eye Corpse King gave the order, a huge number of zombies flooded towards them, and even her guard, Bloody Legion, quickly shot towards this side.

However, it is extremely fortunate that the massive corpses of corpses make Scarlet Legion impossible immediately to reach the warriors.


The two V7 warriors made their special mechanical sound, just like the real liger, in the corpse The group ran at full speed.

V7 warrior, running at full speed, faster than the demon wolf locomotive, can easily reach a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour.

Like two pulsating trains of moving cars, jumping vertically and horizontally in the sea of ​​corpses, heading towards Nandu at full speed.

However, the blood-pupil corpse king, it will be easily let go, Qiangzi, Ling Wanyao, and the others, in the blood-pupil corpse king’s view, that interesting human being, maybe, is hidden here Inside the new metal beast.

As long as you stop these two metal beasts, maybe you can find the last human being.


There was another scream, which seemed unpleasant and excited. The Scarlet spread quickly across the blood-pupil corpse king. Jingli, then directly soared into the air, towards the two V7 warriors.

Qiangzi, Ling Wanyao, the two were quickly alert when they heard the call of the corpse king on the left. In the communication, Ling Wanyao reminded: “Brother Qiangzi, be careful. The corpse king is coming here in person.”

The strong son said a little aggrieved: “Well, I know, it’s a pity that the time is wrong, otherwise, I really want to have a good fight with the corpse king.”

Ling Wanyao said resolutely: “Brother Qiangzi, even if the time is right, we are probably not opponents. Look at who is chasing afterwards.”

Qiangzi did not grind.叽, directly on the projection, double-tap, on the main projection of the cockpit, immediately appeared, the scene behind two V7 warriors.

Qianzi, Wang Yang, and the two of them saw the V7 warrior. The moments in the rear screen were all startled. They were the blood-pupil corpse king. No wonder Ling Wanyao said that the timing is right or they may not be opponents.

However, without waiting for the two of them to think about it, a few deep blue compressed Fireballs have already called out to them.


In the smoke and dust, two V7 warriors crossed and jumped quickly, not at all, staying at all, and continued to rush towards the southern capital.

Qiangzi said in the communication: “Sister Wanyao, pay attention to where there is one on top of your head. It looks like Ghost Fire zombie.”

Ling Wanyao immediately responded: “Well, I have If you see it, be ready to enter the local mode at any time.”

“Huh huh…!”


Numerous deep blue Fireballs whizzed towards Hadron’s Warlord No. 1, while Ling Wanyao’s side, the blood pupil corpse king, finally caught up. When the air strikes, the blood red chain sword in his hand shot at extremely fast.

When the attack was about to come, the two V7 warriors, under the control of Qiangzi and Ling Wanyao, jumped high almost at the same time.


While the wind whistling, the front paws of the V7 warrior stretched forward to the front of the head, and an earth-yellow halo appeared on the body, like the end of the world The diving in pre-humans was general and jumped up.

“pu ….!”

When the two V7 warriors touched the ground, the ground waved like water ripples.

At this time, the V7 warrior, his whole body has become orange-yellow, plunged into the soil, as if plunged into the water, and disappeared without a trace….. ..

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