The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 853: Queen Regent 24

Cheerchen, who was standing behind Christina on horseback, looked carefully at the manor where Karl X's survivor and son were imprisoned.

I saw: The porch of the manor was decorated with a spire with the emblem of the Vassar family painted on it. The porch was not in the center because of disrepair for a long time, but on one side, thus destroying the proportion of the whole building.

The walls of the manor are gray and black. On both sides of the main house of the house, there are two rows of wing rooms, which are built to connect the two wings of the main house. The wing rooms are spread out very long, very long, like the arms of a horseshoe. There are many guest rooms in the two compartments of the mansion, which are specially used by the guests who come during the royal hunting period. There are also kitchens, storage rooms, garages and stables for feeding horses in the manor. The stables are near the gates, because in this way, the owners can immediately have their carts and horses ready when they go out, and they can be there on call.

In addition to these, the hatchback also has houses for maids, servants and hunters.

"Let's go in." Christina said.

Christina walked into the manor with Cheechen and Karlsson.

There are many old fir trees growing in the center of the wide courtyard of the manor, and there are some nests built by birds on the trees; in the middle of the fir trees is a Bavarian dog locked on a wooden post. There are two derricks on both sides of the courtyard, and two spears cross each other at the entrance, with a crucifixion cross in the middle.

A dog, no one, the whole scene shows a group of loneliness.

Cheechen looked at the right side of the manor again: on the right side of the house, behind a fence, stood a number of thatched-roofed houses, which were forage houses, cattle pens, sheep pens, and granaries.

The Bavarian dog tied to the stake yelled like a demonstration when a stranger came.

After a while, a strong bearded man wearing a dark animal skin coat and an animal skin cap took the lead and ran out with a steel fork.

Then, a few people also ran out from the other wing.

Karlsson rode his horse to stand in between Christina and the strong man, and he drew his short broadsword to stare at each other.

"Who are you?" the strong man asked in a screaming voice.

"Who are you?" Karlsson asked rhetorically.

"We are the ones who take care of the queen and the prince."

Karlsson gave up half of his horse to let these people see Christina behind him.

"Do you know who is in front of you?...Look, she is Her Majesty the Queen, your monarch!"

As soon as these words came out, the strong man and several others threw their weapons on the ground one after another. Then they erupted into an earth-shattering cheer: "Queen! Queen! God, our queen!"

The loyal mountain guards began to rush to Christina and surround her. Everyone burst into tears and knelt down around the area to worship the queen.

People cried and kissed her feet, his stirrups, and even the hoofs of Christina's mount. These people were so excited, so excited, they cheered and sobbed, so Cheerchen and Karlsson had to stop people from this excessive enthusiasm more than once.

Christina smiled and accepted the love of the guards, but her eyes looked at the main house of the manor from time to time.

Christina was convinced that Hedwig Ilionora and Karl Jr. were there, and they should have heard the voice outside and knew they were coming.

But the door of the main room did not open, as if there was no one inside.

The brawny man with a big beard was not as well-developed and simple as his looks. He looked at Christina towards the main door, and then cautiously said to the queen: "The queen and the prince are inside."

"take me."

The strong man pushed away the people in front of Christina, letting them form a wall on both sides. Then, the strong man bent over slightly and made a "please" gesture to Her Majesty the Queen.

Christina stepped forward and walked in after the strong man pushed open the door.

As soon as she stepped into the room, her feet stopped suddenly and did not move for a long time.

Cheerchen and Karlsson looked at each other, wondering what happened to the queen.

"Sister Christina, what's the matter with you?" Cheerchen asked in a low voice.

Christina seemed to be shocked by Cheerchen, her whole body was agitated.

"No, it's nothing." Christina said, "Cheerchen, and Karlsson. Just wait at the door. I'll go in alone."

As Christina's personal guard, Karlsson asked Her Majesty to go in alone, he was a little nervous instinctively.

Just as he was about to speak, Christina seemed to have guessed what Carlsson was going to say. She said: "It's okay, Illionora is a woman who has no arms."

After speaking, without waiting for Karlsson to refute, Christina took the door to the room.

A goalkeeper Cheechen and Karlsson cut off from Christina.

Christina walked to the center of the room, and saw Queen Heidewig Eleonora sitting on the thick goatskin chair near the right wall and doing female red.

Seeing Christina coming in, Queen Ilionora smiled at Christina. But the work in her hands did not stop.

"Are you here?" she said, "Little Carl is sleeping in the room, and I have nothing to do here as a female celebrity. You know, I am not like you, who can dance swords and ride horses."

These gossip words made Christina's face blue and white when she heard it in her ears. Because Ilionora seems to be saying that it is precisely because you Christina will not be a female celebrity, Karl finally chose me.

But the queen quickly calmed down.

She didn't come to argue with Ilionora.

"I'm here." Christina said calmly, "I'll see you and Carl."

Eleonora did not answer.

Christina went on to say: "Your mother’s family, the ambassador of the Principality of Holstein-Gortop, has come to see me. He expressed to me that he hoped that I would consider it for the sake of relatives to allow you and Karl to return to the Principality. To live."

Not counting Ilionora is the wife of Karl Christina and Ilionora are also relatives. In Europe at that time, it was almost impossible for two nobles to find any relatives. Christina's grandmother was also a princess from the Principality of Holstein Gotop. She later married King Karl IX of Sweden and reigned as Queen of Sweden from 1604 to 1611. She was the regent during the early succession of her son Gustav II Adolf. Her granddaughter, Christina, was named after this grandmother.

This time, Ilionora was no longer indifferent to Christina's words. She raised her head and looked directly at Christina.

"I think you must have rejected the ambassador's request." She said.

This is obvious. After Christina became queen, the biggest threat to her throne was Karl X's son. No sane monarch would leave such hidden dangers out of his sight. Some ruthless kings would even make all kinds of accidents or directly eradicate future troubles.

Christina nodded and shook her head.

"Yes, I refused." Christina said, "but I won't do anything against you or Karl. I even have a gift that you never expected to give him."

"What gift?" Ilionora nervously grabbed the handkerchief in her hand.

The word gift has many meanings, good and bad. Ilionora didn't know what kind of gift Christina was talking about.

Although she had something to say first.

Christina walked to Ilionora's body, and she leaned down and brought her face close to Ilionora's.

She said word by word: "A crown of the King of Sweden."

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