The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 842: Queen Regent 13

Chechen got out of the cabin with Victor and Duke of Ovshane.

After seeing Christina, Victor happily told the queen that he had received an order from Warsaw-tonight, the mercenaries could perform the task of occupying Riga.

Sure enough, upon hearing Victor's words, both Christina and Karlsson behind her showed delighted expressions.

When the two were overjoyed, Cheerchen quietly walked towards Christina from Victor and Duke of Ovsiana and stood behind her.

Neither Christina nor Karlsson realized what was wrong with it.

The Duke of Ovshane was secretly delighted.

As usual, after Victor introduced Ovshane's duke status to Christina, Ovshane stepped forward to kiss the queen's hand. This was also the opportunity for Cheerchen and the two to make an appointment.

Ovshane stepped forward, and Christina also stretched out her hand to accept Ovshane's kiss.

"It's now!"

When Christina raised a hand, Cheerchen yelled sharply.

The Duke of Ovsiana was about to grab the hand that Christina stretched out, but his speed was faster, but Christina's speed was even faster.

I saw Her Majesty the former Queen of Sweden suddenly retracted her hand, and then gathered her palms into a fist, and the arm slammed straight out like a spring full of strength, hitting Ovshane's left eye.

Carlsson, who was standing behind Christina, pounced on Victor like a cannonball and hugged him.

Carlsson's stamina was amazing, he hugged Victor's body tightly, making Victor unable to move.

Suddenly the situation reversed, but the one who was supposed to be captured knocked down the one who was captured.


The Duke of Ovshane looked over Karlsson's shoulders to Cheerchen, who was standing behind Christina.

He is the last hope for himself and Victor.

It is a pity that the Duke is destined to be disappointed.

Cheerchen drew a pistol and a short knife from his waist, but it was not Christina that he was dealing with.

"Sorry, Uncle Victor," Cheerchen said.

Victor nodded with a wry smile.

The Duke of Ovshane also understood. Although the Duke Wu Qing was lying on the ground with his eyes on the ground, his heart was as cold as an ice cellar, but he was still unwilling to fight with the trapped beast.

"Alvar Chechen!" The Duke roared at Chechen behind Christina: "You are the Count of the Republic. Don't you know what it is like to betray the parliament and the king?!"

"I know," Bubo Furui, Cheerchen's face, "It must have ended like Boguslav."

The Duke of Ovshane choked for a while.

He doesn't know whether Cheerchen's so-called Boguslav fate refers to being declared a traitor or he was finally pardoned.

Boguslav's amnesty did indeed cause a lot of shock within the noble circle of the Republic. Many patriotic aristocrats are passionate, and they did not expect that Boguslav, as the number one traitor, would be pardoned and forgiven.

Although the king had many last resorts, this incident was regarded as a landmark event of power trampling the law.

If Cheorchen was referring to the latter, then he would be too arrogant.

Cheerchen didn't care what the Duke was thinking at this time, took out a twine to tie the Duke of Ovshane, and then walked to Victor.

"Uncle Victor, don't blame me." Cheerchen apologized.

Victor really didn't know how to answer at this time, and he turned his head to the other side.

After the two were tied up, Cheerchen said to Christina: "Sister, now I'm going to summon the officers on the ships, and I'll also invite Arvid Wiedenberg to come over."

Christina nodded, and she looked at Cheor Jin gratefully again.

This time, Cheorchen was helping himself at the risk of beheading.

"Carlsson, watch them both."

Christina gave Karlsson an order, and then walked towards the end of the cabin.

She wants to change clothes, because there will be a battle of her own right now waiting for her.

The stage Cheerchen has already been set up for her, and it's up to her next.

Victor's entourage was sent by Cheechen to each ship to summon the officers of each mercenary regiment. They knew Cheerchen's identity, and didn't know that their master Victor had been taken down, so they went happily after receiving Cheerchen's reward from a taler.

While waiting, Cheerchen also went back and changed his clothes. He put on a silver-white brocade robe, densely decorated with a row of star-shaped gold buttons, shining brightly, making him radiant. A large sapphire pin is pinned to the neckline of the brocade robe. The robe is covered with a blue velvet coat and a white belt, which is woven from silk and decorated with red and blue gems, which is also priceless. And the waistband is very thin, and it is soft enough to pass through small rings such as rings; a saber inserted in a silver sheath decorated with many sapphires is hung on the waistband with silk. Such a costume made the young Cheechen look graceful and luxurious, as dazzling as the moon and stars in the night sky.

Cheerchen never liked to dress in such a luxurious way. He dressed like this today purely to give Christina a face.

After about an hour, more than 30 mercenary officers scattered on the boats arrived one after another. Among them, the more prestigious and battle-tested are Stenkini, Ganhof, Halwam, Heinrich and Sovo Hub, Fiodor and Macron.

Some of the officers who had been close to Victor saw that Victor was not on the ship, and they were greeted by a young man in costume. They couldn't help showing a puzzled look and asked where Victor was.

"Victor will be here soon," Cheer Chen said.

As for his identity, Cheerchen only said that he was a relative of Victor. His fluent Spanish also dispelled the suspicion of these officers a little.

Then, when Alvid Wedenberg arrived wearing a cloak, Cheerchen nodded at him, and then got out of the cabin.

At this time, the bell of the bell tower of the cathedral in Riga rang exactly for the tenth time, and Cheerchen led Christina out of the cabin.

At this moment, Her Majesty the former Queen of Sweden is wearing a blue Swedish military uniform with a ribbon on her shoulders, a cocked hat on her head and a sword hanging from her waist.

Carlson followed him with a boat helmet on his head and a half breastplate.

As soon as the three of them got on the deck, they walked to the rudder position, forming a top-down view of the mercenary officers.

At this time, some officers already realized something was wrong. They began to look around vigilantly, and put their hands on the sabers and pistols on their waists.

"Everyone, please be quiet." Cheer Chen shouted down.

"Who the **** are you? And where is Victor?" German Heinrichlu asked straightly.

"I'm Alvar Chechen." Chechen said.

This answer surprised the officers.

Alvar Chechen’s reputation in Poland and their achievements have been widely circulated in the mercenary world. When the mercenaries talked about how much wealth they had gained, they also regarded it as such. Another idol after the "Mercenary King" Wallenstein.

Although Heinrich's age was Cheerchen's uncle, when he heard Cheerchen's name, he couldn't help but take off his hat to this new star in the mercenary world.

Chechen calmly accepted this gift from Heinrich. Then he took a step back to the side, and then bent over and bowed to Christina.

Tonight, the queen should be the protagonist.

There was another uproar among the officers. Everyone can't help but wonder about Christina's identity again-because in today's world, there are only a handful of women who can make a character like Cheor Chen bend behind.

Most of the officers can't figure out who this is after all deliberation. Although some smart people guessed about Christina, once they were far away, it was impossible to confirm that they saw Christina in the dark; secondly, if it was really her, it would be too shocking.

At this time, a dark cloud that originally blocked the moonlight finally drifted by. The moonlight sprinkled on the waters of the Daugava River again, and also on Christina's body, adding a layer of holiness to her.

"I am Christina Augusta, the daughter of Gustav II Adolf, the most sacred monarch of Swedes, Goths and Vandals, Finland, Estonia, Karelia, Bremen, Werdau, Szczecin, Pomerania, Kashub and Vandria, Duke of Rügen. Lord of Inglia, Wismarco and Bavaria, Rhein-Pa** , Lulitz, Clivia, Count Berg." Christina said in a very solemn tone.

"It really is her, it really is her." Gankhov, Halvam and other officers who had seen Christina in Miatelsk Castle whispered.

"Military officers, I am here today to ask you for help. Karl X's rebellious actions and wanton invading countries, he not only caused the lives of all nations to be destroyed, but also the lives of the king of Sweden. As the queen of the kingdom and the orthodox heir to the throne, I want to exercise God With the sacred power granted to me by my subjects, remove the crown from the head of the harsher."

After Christina finished speaking, her sharp eyes looked directly at the thirty-odd officers on the deck, waiting for their reply.

Most of the officers were shocked by what happened tonight, and were overwhelmed by the huge amount of information.

It was the German Heinrich who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, although I sympathize with you, I am also willing to help you. But my allegiance is Prince Boguslav Laziviu." Heinrich reminded.

"The prince has handed you over to the queen and ordered you to follow his command." Cheer Chen said loudly.

While speaking, Cheerchen unfolded a roll of parchment.

Although I couldn't see the words on the paper clearly, the huge Raziviu family coat of arms on the parchment under the firelight told everyone that it was indeed from the hands of the prince.

"Everyone, Prince Boguslav was captured by Count Chechen by my side. He was pardoned by King Jan Kazimierz and stayed in Warsaw. You should all know this. Tonight is Jan Kaci His Majesty King Miri planned with me and the prince. Victor is King Jan Kazimier’s special envoy. The prince handed you to me to help me reset."

Christina's remarks were quickly approved by some officers. Most of them were mercenaries from the old Myatersk Fort who knew about Boguslav’s obsession with Christina. However, the reason is reasonable, but to obtain the allegiance and service of mercenaries, only a piece of order is not enough.

At least it is not enough for some of them.

"Your Majesty, of course we are willing to obey the orders given by the prince, and we are also willing to serve you, but the contract between the prince and us will expire in one month..." Sovohub, a Hungarian, said politely.

Sovohub represents the mercenaries who fight for money. They want to know whether Christina has the financial resources to hire them, and whether they are more generous than other employers.

"What is the price of Prince Boguslav, I will double it. And as long as you are loyal to me now, I will pay three months' salary in advance." Christina promised not to tardy, and as Sovohub wished. Is extremely generous.

This made the officers headed by Sovohub immediately bowed their heads to their course, no one would want to verify Christina's financial resources on the spot.

Sometimes fame is an intangible asset.

The officers of the other faction represented by Frenchman Macron expressed their unwillingness to participate in the civil war in the Kingdom of Sweden, and only wished to spend their employment in Riga peacefully.

"We made enough money to spend, and we don't want to lick blood again." Macron said.

In their hearts, in fact, they did not really think that they had made enough money, but were afraid of Karl X and the Swedish army, thinking that these mercenaries could not be their opponents.

Christina and Alvid Wedenberg have a clear heart for Macron and others.

At this time, Alvid Wedenberg knew that it was time for him to play.

The old man walked out of the crowd and walked in front of the officers.

He lifted his cloak and revealed his face.

"I'm the Swedish Marshal Arvid Wedenberg." Arvid Wedenberg said.

Alvid Wedenberg’s voice was not loud, but it reached everyone’s ears clearly.

Needless to say, this name alone represents strength and victory.

Macron took a breath. He saluted Alvid Wedenberg and said respectfully: "For your reputation as Marshal, I and my subordinates are willing to work for you without a salary."

"It's for Queen Christina." Alvid Widenberg corrected.

"Officers, please tell me now, are you willing to go with me?" Christina asked timely.

"Long live the Queen!" Catherine shouted.

Then, all the officers took a step forward together and expressed their attitude.

"Hurray, hooray!" they shouted in unison.

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