The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 786: Battle of Konotop 17

When he couldn't find a way to solve a problem, Cheerchen naturally gathered all the officers of the mercenary group and asked everyone to brainstorm.

Soon, a dozen people gathered under the root of the southern city wall.

The respective guards and Ma Bian ignited torches, and Cheor Chen explained the situation that the enemy was digging a tunnel to the south and was preparing to blow down the city wall.

After listening, everyone was silent for a while.

Obviously, this news has put a heavy pressure on everyone-the location of Konotop Fort is on a plain, and the soil here is easy to dig. If Prince Alexei does not hesitate to forcibly excavate by manpower, it will take a few days. Able to reach under the city wall and hollow it out.

"Be sure to destroy the tunnel!" Bashit hit the ground with a punch.

Pidro curled his lips.

He felt that Bashit's sentence was nonsense. Everyone knows to destroy the tunnel, but how to destroy it, this is the problem.

At this time, Company Commander Hevadki raised his head, and he became the second speaker.

The company commander raised his head and said, "We tried to dig the tunnel when we were besieging Zbaraj. Unfortunately, we failed."

Oh? Old company commander, please tell me, what coup did Yarime Vishnevitsky use at that time? "Pidro asked with interest.

Company Commander Hwadki raised his head and looked up at the night sky to recall. He said: "At that time, the Poles repeatedly evacuated the larger fortifications and entered the narrower and narrower fortifications. They reduced the area of ​​defense to offset our excavation. Authentic influence."

Pidro was discouraged after hearing this. This experience is of no reference value for the current Fort Konotup.

Elder Hwadji also seemed to know that he had said useless words, so he scratched his head anxiously.

"I really can't think of a way," he said.

"No, Captain Hevadji, the method you mentioned is still very valuable for me." Cheer Chen comforted him.

At this time, there was another silence, and no one spoke.

The night was quiet, but everyone seemed to be able to hear the sound of hoes and shovels under the ground.

Anxious sweat dripped from the face of Viscount Hessian. He originally thought that his commander had great magical powers and that a Konotop Fort could always be held for two months, but less than a month later, the castle was about to fall.

Yes, Viscount Hessian was scared.

Originally, Viscount Hessian was not a cowardly person. He made outstanding achievements in Crimea and won Cheerchen's trust in him. However, because of the wealth that ordinary people could hardly reach in Crimea, the wealthy Viscount Hessian began to be timid. He worried about his wealth and the life of drunken gold, and missed his new purchase in Hessen. The castle and the passionate beauty from France.

For the first time, Vasily Sheremetev sent an envoy to persuade him to surrender, and Viscount Hessian prevented Pidro from cutting the dog's tail and proposed his own "disease plan". In fact, it was out of timidity and hoped to survive more. A day is a day.

In today’s daytime battle, Viscount Hessian was guarding the west city wall, but the huge destructive power of the Russian stone cannon still deeply shocked Viscount Hessian—his already fragile heart was even more broken. NS.

And now, he saw that everyone including Cheerchen was at a loss. In addition to being anxious, he also resented Cheerchen for not using his strategy in the first place.

If Cheerchen listened to his advice, maybe he could last a few more days...

After another meeting, Viscount Hessian moved his feet forward, and he decided to dare to put forward his own proposal again—a peace talk.

Yes, it is not a surrender, but a decent negotiation.

What constitutes a peace talk is to interpret it as an end to hostilities through negotiation.

What is surrender is to stop resisting, lay down your weapons, and surrender to the opponent.

In the view of Viscount Hessian, the two are different.

Since defending the city is already impossible, instead of dying in battle after the city is broken or accepting a humiliating surrender, you might as well negotiate with Prince Ariksei now on the condition that Konotop is handed over to the Russians in exchange for their permission The defenders in the city left safely.

Viscount Hesse believed that this was the only feasible way.

When the Viscount Hessian moved, Yelishei who was in front of him happened to also move at this time, and also spoke in front of the Viscount Hessian.

"Leader," Yelishey said, "I think we must try to blow up the enemy's tunnels for the present. This is the only way. If you agree, I am willing to lead a team to attack at night. Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and fires, I am also willing to go for a break!"

After finishing speaking, in order to show his firm attitude, Yelishei slapped the saber on the waist suddenly.

Looking at Yelishei, who was at home, Cheerchen said: "Agree. Yelishei, I have the same idea as you."

Jemid Popovich, Dimosev and Pidro looked at Chechen in shock.

Cheechen himself said before that Prince Alexei would send heavy soldiers to guard the tunnel entrance. The night attack would not be successful. Why did he suddenly turn back?

It was not Chechen's whim or knowing that Yelishei went to the night raid to agree to Yelishei's intention, but he was deliberate.

Cheerchen knew that destroying the tunnel was the only way to prevent the Russians from blowing up the southern city wall, even if the enemy deployed heavy defense.

Just now, he had been thinking about how to destroy the tunnel under heavy defense by the enemy. He thought of a way to hit the west, that is, by launching two night attacks to achieve the goal of destroying the enemy tunnel.

Yes, not one night attack, but two.

A night attack in the north attracted the attention of the enemy and, if possible, disrupted the rhythm of the Russian offensive.

Since Prince Alexei’s army began to besiege Konotop, the rhythm of the offensive has been controlled by Prince Alexei, and he can only counterattack passively. Even if we have won the battles such as destroying the Russian artillery positions and successfully defending the triangle fort, these are all passively achieved, and I have been passively seeing tricks. However, Prince Alexei gradually achieved his goal: advancing the front-removing the triangular fort-conquering Konotop.

If you continue to fight at the opponent's rhythm, you will undoubtedly lose, I am afraid that you will not be able to survive this month.

So he must regain the initiative and let the Russians take care of one another. In this way, it is possible to hold Fort Konotop for as long as possible.

After attracting the attention of all the Russian troops, a night attack to the south was used to destroy the tunnel.

"We are going to attack the enemy's position at night, not once, but twice." Cheer Chen said concisely.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chechen in shock, and even Yelishei, who proposed the night attack, showed incredible eyes.

Is the leader crazy?

"Captain Dimochev, you go to gather three hundred Cossack soldiers and a hundred German two-handed swordsmen and pikemen at the fastest speed." Cheerchen ordered his Cossack company commander At that time, there were still three or four hours before dawn, and time was running out. Cheerchen had no time to explain more to the officers in detail.

The order was quickly implemented, and a three-hundred assault team composed of elite Cossacks and sailors led by Dimochev quickly assembled in the square.

After a while, Yelishei led a hundred soldiers from the mercenary regiment also arrived.

Each soldier, Cheer Chen distributed them three bombs and carried all the rings of fire.

For this counterattack, Cheer Chen felt that he had to say something to his soldiers, to say something to encourage them, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

Because these are dead men, there may be no return.

He came up with the plan, but he didn't even know whether the plan worked, or whether it could achieve the expected results.

Suddenly, Cheer Chen came to his heart, and he sang:

"Ah! Great God

Please free us poor slaves,

Get rid of the whirlpool of pagan beliefs from the heavy enslavement——

Came into the brilliant morning light,

To the peaceful water country, to the happy and joyous country,

To the blessed land of Christian rule--

Ah god,

Please listen to our begging,

Please listen to the prayers of these unfortunate people,

Please listen to the wailing of our slaves. "

This is the song of the Cossack, this is the song of freedom.

With Chechen's low singing, more and more Cossack soldiers began to sing.

First, the three hundred Cossack sailors, then the soldiers of the one hundred mercenary regiment, and finally all the soldiers in the city sang.

Some people began to sing different songs: "Ah, the grassland, our hometown, you paint like red flowers blooming, you are vast, like the ocean..."

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