The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

: 768 Governor Bratzlaff 13

At night, when the blood on the square was washed away, and the Cossacks and Hessian cavalry drank and cheered for Cheerchen to become the team leader, Cheerchen, the new Cossack Bratzlaff team leader, sighed in the room.

From time to time, he also stretched his hand to his head.

There, the original hair has long been gone, only a small rub was left at the position of Lumen. The other places were shaved as bright as an egg.

Yes, the Cossacks used the easiest way to turn Cheechen into a Cossack—the shaver they hired made Cheechen's hairstyle into a Cossack style.

The hairless scalp feels cold and smooth to the touch. When his hands felt that touch again, Cheor Chen sighed again.

But the companions would not just let go of their leader. Yelishei found a mirror and placed it in front of Chechen.

"Head, look quickly! How beautiful the people in the mirror are!" Yelishei said.

As he talked, he laughed first.

This laugh brought up the atmosphere in the room, and even Fatima hid her mouth and laughed.

"What a laugh!" Cheer Chen saw his ugly hairstyle in the mirror, and angrily took the mirror to the table.

"Head, you are not at a loss. The hair can grow back, but the position of the team leader is not always available." Fedote was on the side trying to make Cheorchen happy, thinking everything is good.

But if everything can be done again, Cheerchen would rather have her own hair.

"Fedot, I shouldn't be the team leader. You know, Uncle Blair should sit in this position." Chechen sighed.

He had traveled all the way to Bratzlaff to avenge Uncle Blair, but now he is trying to seize power. If Uncle Blair, who was recovering from Vidava, knew about this, what would he think?

"The captain can't say that." Yelishei said from the sidelines.

He was dissatisfied with Cheerchen's worry.

"I said the team leader, are you the one who wants to be the team leader? No. The Cossacks elected you unanimously. You didn't **** Uncle Blair. Besides, Uncle Blair injured a leg and became disabled. He is unlikely to be the team leader. Have you seen any Cossack team leader who is disabled? No."

"Oh." Cheechen sighed again, "but I'm a Polish nobleman."

At this time, Dimochev came in from outside with the wine.

Dimochev knew that Cheerchen, the team leader, was unwilling to do so, so he came to solve Cheerchen specially. And it just so happened that he heard Cheor Chen's last sentence as soon as he came in.

"What's so great about the Polish nobility!" Dimošev said blushing.

He thought that Cheer Chen had consciously become the team leader of the Cossacks and had surrendered his status.

"Your Excellency Chechen, although you have a life-saving grace for me, I would not be happy if you look down on our Cossacks so much. Our Cossacks are no better than those Polish nobles. When the old Hemei was still alive, I could I didn’t slaughter the Polish nobles, the earls and dukes, one by one, five people and six; but when I went to the battlefield, I was so scared that I was so frightened before I was beaten."

Seeing that Dimochev had misunderstood his meaning, Chechen explained quickly: "Captain Dimochev, I didn't mean that. I mean that my status as a Polish nobleman will cause dissatisfaction with the Cossacks of other teams. ."

"Who dares!" Hearing that Chechen was worried about this, Dimochev slapped the table down.

"Electing who is the leader of the team is a matter within the team itself, even the warchief can't intervene. Besides, don't you look at other teams who are full of contempt for the nobles, but in their hearts, which one does not yearn for the life of the nobles? Ivan Hilko, the one who robbed noble girls back then was the one who grabbed the most."

After speaking, Dimochev stood up. He patted Cheering on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Don't worry, team leader. We all support you and trust you. You can sit in this position with peace of mind."

"Yes, commander. We will continue to support you." Yelishei and others also said one after another.

When Dimochev's words came to this point, Cheerchen nodded.

One month after this, Cheerchen started his third position after the head of the mercenary regiment and Bey of the Crimean Khanate—the Cossack team leader.

And there are three main things he did.

One is to show respect for the beliefs of the Cossacks. Although Chechen is a Catholic, he said that he will not build a Catholic church in Bratislava.

The second is to re-elect a new detachment leader. Cheechen respects the tradition of Cossacks. He does not intervene in the election of the leader of the detachment. Everything is selected by the Cossacks of the original and then he chooses and appoints the best.

The third is to change the fixed rent to physical rent. Cheechen followed Ingrid's practice in Vidawa and levied a fixed percentage of grains as a tax burden.

These three points were unanimously welcomed by the Cossacks and peasants in Bratislava, and Cheerchen quickly became overwhelmed by the hearts of the people.

Then, in response to the unsophisticated nature of the Cossacks, Cheechen began to implement strict military discipline, subdue the restless soldiers, and let some of the old, weak, sick and disabled return to their hometowns.

He also set about repairing the burnt houses on the border, building fortifications, and building fortified manors and farms, guarded by retired Cossacks.

And Chechen even has a bigger plan-that is, relying on the old relationship with the Bayezid Khan of Akerman, by the needles of the Bayezid Khan, Chechen and the various Tatar tribes on the border The patriarchs vowed to turn fighting into jade, and relying on the **** of these tribes, Chechen transported part of the collected real rent to Ackerman in exchange for salt, and part of it was exported from there to Italy and France in Western Europe.

This is also the Bratzlaff version Cheerchen wanted to build after borrowing what Ingrid did in Vidawa.

Time entered 1658. Before the first snow fell after the New Year's Eve, Chechen received a confirmation letter sent by Vigowski from Kiev to his appointment as team leader of Bratzlav.

And the reason why it took so long was just as Cheor Chen himself expected, his special identity caused an uproar among the Cossacks. However, because of Wigowski's advance planning and preparation, as well as Peter Doroshenko's connection, the team leaders of each team still acquiesced to this fact.

After all, even Bratzlaff's Cossacks don't mind that an outsider becomes the leader of his team. They "outsiders" mind a ball.

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