The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 759: Governor Bratzlaff 4

The first quarrel after Cheerchen and Natalie got married ended in their reconciliation. But this also indicates that the combination of the two is not as beautiful as imagined.

With the changing circumstances of this era, the emotions of boys and girls will be engulfed by the torrent of the times and move forward in twists and turns.

And Chechen was also destined to not live peacefully in Vidava.

In the early morning of the next day, Blair, who had left yesterday morning, suddenly returned.

Blair was carried back by two faithful Cossacks. He was seriously injured-a bullet from a Spanish heavy musket pierced his thigh, and the high-speed lead bullet not only tore his muscles, but also shattered his thigh bones.

When Blair was carried into the manor and placed on the sofa in the living room, the cloth strips that had been soaked in blood that were temporarily used to bandage and stop bleeding began to melt because of the increase in temperature, and the ice and blood melted away from the wound drop by drop. Falling, leaving a **** path behind him.

Blair's face was as pale as paper. He fell into a coma, and his life was hanging by a thread.

Cheerchen saw Blair's miserable appearance, he jumped up and knelt down in front of Blair, and yelled for Sarben to rush over at once.

Cheerchen held Blair's hand, which was as cold as ice.

"Uncle Blair, Uncle Blair!" Cheerchen cried with tears.

Blair could not answer. At this time, he was no different from the dead.

Cheer Chen was heartbroken.

He did not expect that he had just heard of Bao Hong's death yesterday, and Blair would also leave him today.

How cruel this fate is to him!

While Cheerchen was in grief, Sarben finally rushed over with the medicine box on his back. He also jumped when he saw Blair, but Thrall became calm immediately. He spoke very quickly and ordered: "Quickly prepare a clean room for me, with hot water, a lot of hot water."

"What are you doing in a daze! Go ahead!"

Cheerchen turned his head and shouted to the maids whose faces were earthy and scared by Blair's horror.

The maids just woke up like a dream, and began to take action one after another.

Blair was carried into the temporarily remodeled operating room. With the door to the operating room closed, Blair's fate was in the hands of Sarban. Others can only pray to God to bless him all right.

Pidro patted Chechen's trembling shoulders to calm him down.

Then, Pidro said: "I just asked the two Cossacks who sent Blair back. They said that Blair was hit by a bullet shot in the dense forest while passing a small forest on the way back."

"What the **** is going on! Who is the murderer!" Cheer Chen asked angrily.

Piedro shook his head.

"I don't know, Xue is deep in the forest. When the Cossack rushed to the shooting position, he only found a musket that was thrown down, and the murderer had already escaped. But the two Cossacks said in unison, if anyone wants to be against Blair. If so, that person must be Pavlo Tetria."

"Who is Pavlo Tetria?" Cheerchen had never heard of this name.

"It's a Cossack. But I don't know the specifics. You'd better ask them yourself." Piedro said.

"Okay." Cheerchen replied.

He was about to go downstairs when he remembered something and stopped and said to Uncle Pietro: "Uncle, you will call Fedot. The murderer must not be far away now, and if the murderer is a Cossack, then his characteristics will be obvious. Dot is good at tracking, he will definitely find the murderer."

"Don't worry, I thought of the uncle you were talking about. Fedot has already rushed people away."

So Cheechen and Pidro went downstairs. In the living room, the officers of the mercenary regiment had already arrived after hearing the news. They were also surrounding the two Cossacks to listen to the situation.

And Natalie and Fatima also held their children in a group of people.

The two Cossacks were Blair's close companions. They were twin brothers, one named Yuri and the other Vasily. Not only do they look alike, but they are also big guys with knotted muscles. The only thing that can tell the difference between the two is the hairstyle. The lock of hair on top of Yuri's head is on the left side of the top of his head, and Vasily is on the right.

Chechen asked who the two Pavlo Tetria were, and why they suspected that Pavlo Tetria was the killer.

"Pavlo Tetria is Bratzlaff's metering officer. But the team leader Baohong trusts him, because that guy can always guess the team leader's mind and do what he likes. But Chief Blair is very uncomfortable. I like him and think he is a wicked man," said Yuri, the eldest brother of the two brothers.

"Then why do you suspect that Pavlo Tetria murdered Uncle Blair!"

At this time, Vasily, the younger brother of the brothers, spoke.

"Pavlo Tetria is the person who has the loudest voice besides our chief outside the team Who else but him!"

Although Vasily's words are conclusive, this is obviously a conspiracy theory, and there is no real evidence.

Chechen shook his head disappointedly. It seems to know who the murderer is behind the scenes, unless Fedot catches the murderer who shot Blair or Blair can wake up.

Time passed by every minute. The hour hand of the grandfather clock in the living room went from 9 to 12, and the maid holding the hot water did not stop up and down, but there was still no good news in the operating room.

After another hour, Sarben finally came out of the operating room. He was covered in blood and exhausted, but what was even more disturbing was his frustrated look.

Cheerchen was the first to rush to Sarben and asked: "Salben, how is Uncle Blair?"

"Captain, I'm sorry. Although Blair's life was saved, but his leg...I had to be amputated." Sarben replied.

Hearing that Blair had saved his life, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is unacceptable for ordinary people to become disabled without a leg, for Blair's serious injury, it is a blessing to be able to save his life.

"Thank you so much, Sarben." Cheechen took Sarben's hand gratefully.

Then Cheerchen ordered a thousand talers to be rewarded to Sarben.

According to Sarben, although Blair is out of danger, his current body is extremely weak and he needs to rest. So although Cheerchen desperately wanted to know who hurt Blair, it was obviously not the time.

But Cheerchen didn't need to wait too long, because on the third day, Fedot's return made Cheerchen no longer need to get an answer from Blair, because Fedot brought back the murderer who wounded people with the arrow.

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