The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 589: The Return of Heroes 10

When Father Spasokukotsky arrived in Vidava, he saw that the whole town was under martial law. There were roadblocks at the entrance and exit of the town, seven or eight people holding pitchforks and scythes. The farmers are patrolling constantly.

  Fr Spasokkotsky rushed forward. Hearing the sound of horseshoes, these farmers became vigilant. They hid behind the roadblock, and their pitchfork and scythe were aimed at Father Spasokukotsky.

   "Who?!" The farmer headed shouted.

   Father Spasokukotsky stopped the horse in front of the roadblock.

   "It's me, Spasokukotsky of the Mercenary Corps." The priest replied.

There are several farmers in    who knew Father Spasokukotsky, and one of them even confessed to the priest. Seeing that the priest had returned, they hurriedly removed the roadblock and let Father Spasokukotsky in.

  Fr Spasokkotsky did not dismount, he asked the farmers: "Where is the leader of Bacht?"

   "In the center of the town, the leader is hosting a wedding for a couple," said one of the farmers.

  Presiding over the wedding? !

  Fr Spasokkotsky didn't expect that Bachter would actually do this. Isn't his head all muscles!

   "Okay, I'll go find him."

   Secretly scolded Bashit's brainless Father Spasokukotsky and said something, and then he moved towards the center of the town with his legs clamped on his belly.

   And on the road leading to the center of the town across from Father Spaso Kukotsky, a group of peasants who are doing weddings were walking by at this time.

Riding in the forefront are the bagpipers, the Jie Alba player, the violinist and the two tambourine players. Their faces are filled with cheerful smiles, perhaps because they drank some wine, their faces were flushed. Just like an apple.

   Amidst the cheerful and noisy colomeka music, the bride of this wedding, a slender and beautiful girl dressed in a white robe, has a thick braid with waterfall-like brown hair hanging behind her head. Several bridesmaids were surrounding her, all of them wore wreaths of freshly picked flowers on their heads, and so did their hands.

   In the other team, the groom also rode on a tall horse. The bridegroom was very young, about sixteen or seventeen years old, but he was very strong, and his upper lip was full of golden beards. He was surrounded by a group of bridesmaids, who decorated the wreath on long sticks like spears and held them high.

   Behind the two teams were the parents and guests of the two newcomers, some walking, some riding horses.

   In front of the bonfire in the center of the town, Basseter was looking at the new couple with joy. For this wedding, the square in the center of the town was filled with barrels of shochu, honey wine, and beer, not to mention sausages and barbecues. These are all prepared by Bashi. Although he is not a relative of any of the new couples, he is happier than anyone else. Because he is regarded as a leader and guide by everyone, at this wedding, he will accept the new couple's tribute and bless them like the parents of the new couple.

   At this moment, Bashit heard a sound of horseshoes coming from behind him. Then someone shouted: "It's the priest, it's the Father Spasokukotsky who is back."

   Bashit turned his head, and he saw Father Spasokukotsky riding over on the horse.

  Fr Spasokukotsky got off his horse, and he walked straight to Bakhit.

   "Hi, Father. It's great that you are back. The wedding is taking place here today. Although we have invited a priest from nearby, I think the newcomers still want your blessing even more." Bachter said happily.

Father Spasokukotsky didn't say anything. He glanced at Bacht up and down, and then asked seriously: "Deputy Commander Bashit, why don't you ask my head when they will come back? "

   Bashit was stunned there. After a while, he said, "Doesn't the team leader come back a few weeks before they come back?"

   "Then why do you set up road cards at the entrance and exit of the town?"

  Bashit didn’t understand how Father Spasokukotsky came back like Xingshi’s questioning, but he still said honestly: “That’s to prevent Kiayan and his sons and their dogs.”

"Did you know?" Father Spasokukotsky looked into Bacht's eyes and said, "Kiayan went to Silesia. He told you to rebel in front of the regimental commander, and said that you also put Pidro's deputy The new manor built by the head also burned."

Hearing what Father Spasokukotsky said, the people around Bashit jumped up and said: "That **** Jew, obviously he was trying to escape from the burnt manor, but now he blames us. May God Burn these two Judas to death."

  Bashit heard Father Spasokukotsky say that Kiayan told himself in front of Chechen, and he finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Father," Bashit said, "Believe me, the manor was definitely not burned by us. We chased the Chiayan father and son, but they fled into the new manor built by the deputy head of Pidro. We just We surrounded the manor, but then the manor started to burn from inside. I think it must have been the fire set by the Kiayan father and son in order to attract our attention so that they could escape."

   "Then why don't you personally or send someone to Silesia to explain things to the team leader?"

"Of course I want to say that I am going to wait for the head of the group to come back and talk to him in person. Moreover, Batty and Kiayan gathered up the rogue after they fled, and they always come here to harass. Too presumptuous." Bashit explained that he had not explained to Chechen the reason for what happened to Vidava.

   "Are you true?" Father Spasokukotsky confirmed.

   "It's true, I dare to swear in the name of God." Bashit swears.

   They tended to Bashit and their Father Spasokukotsky chose to believe Bashit's words. The priest then asked why Basit and Kiayan had such a fierce conflict, even to the point of a military encounter. Although Father Spasokkotsky probably knew the reason, he still wanted to hear Bacht himself.

"It's not because of those Jewish vampires," said a person next to Bashit. "After the deputy commander Pidro left, we worked 4-5 days for free every day. It's enough for us to work for 4-5 days a day. What did Kiayan say? We create the world every day, and only rest for one day. As the lamb of God, we should do the same. He asked us to spend another day to build the manor. We really couldn’t stand it, so we rebelled.”

   Ki Ayan and the others did exactly the same as Father Spasokukotsky guessed. The priest gritted his teeth angrily, and he said to Bashit: "Deputy commander, you go to Silesia with me, you expose the true face of Kiayan in front of the commander."

   "Okay!" Bachter replied loudly, "We will go now."

  Bashit was also impatient, he grabbed the priest's hand and prepared to rush away overnight.

   Father Spasokukotsky stopped him: "What anxious, you forgot that there is still a wedding for you to host today."

   Now that the truth of the matter has been figured out, Father Spasokukotsky let go of his It is late today, so why not leave tomorrow morning.

   After finishing speaking, Father Spasokukotsky walked to the square in the center of the town, looking anxiously in front of the priest and Bacht’s bride and groom.

  Fr Spasokkotsky took out a gold coin and handed it to the bride. He blessed: "This is for you, child. May God bless you, just as he blesses every innocent person."

   The parents and relatives of the bride and groom burst into cheers when they saw Father Spasokukotsky's action so generous. The bridegroom's father, a wrinkled peasant stepped forward and kissed the back of a priest's hand. The violinist pulled the tune up to the ears, and he trembled with excitement, as if it was himself who received the gold coin.

   In such a cheerful atmosphere, the boys stomped their feet, the girls all danced, the bonfire in the square was burning more and more, and the wood crackled in the fire.

  Bashit hosted the wedding for the new couple. He handed the bride into the hands of the groom like the father of the bride. After the bridegroom took the bride’s hand, he took the bride to the threshold of his house and lay down with his head on the threshold according to the custom. Then he took the axe handed by his companion and chopped off the bride’s braids with an axe, which also indicated the bride Since then, a girl has become a real woman.

   The lively atmosphere lasted all night, and early the next morning, Bachter and Father Spasokukotsky went to Silesia to defend themselves.

   After another six days, the two of them finally arrived at the castle. At this time, the soldiers of the mercenary regiment scattered in various cities and towns had assembled and prepared to return to China.

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