The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 509: Circassian crisis 2

Chechen and the others rushed forward. They arrived on the bank of the Don River in one day, and then entered the Circassian Territory in only half a day.

"Master Bey, these rut marks are in the direction of Cherkessk. As you might expect, there is no caravan from Cherkessk."

A Tatar cavalry named Abaz squatted in front of Cheorchen's horse to observe the rut marks on the ground and reported to Cheorchen.

These Tatar cavalry may lack melee combat capabilities, but they are proficient in tracking, sneaking, killing, and setting fire. This Abaz is such a person. In his early years, he robbed him on the border between the Crimean Khanate and Ukraine, and no caravan could escape his tracking. Just a piece of horse dung, Abaz can find some information from it.

Hearing what Abaz said, Cheerchen became even more anxious. Although Stepan Racine is selfish, his death is not a pity. But his subordinates, the soldiers of the former Free Slave Corps, were all those who got along with Cheerchen day and night. Cheerchen rescued them from the slave market in Kafa but did not really give them freedom but for their own benefit. Give them to Stepan Racine, if they were jailed for this, Cheerchen would blame himself for a lifetime.

"Go ahead with me!"

Cheerchen waved his whip and was about to move on, but Xie Miao stopped in front of Chechen with the horse.

Xie Miao said, "Commander, the front is too dangerous. You can wait here, and Abaz and I will go to reconnaissance."

Cheerchen shook his head. He knew that Xie Miao was kind, but he insisted on going.

"Xie Miao, this place is only more than 30 miles away from Circsksk. If you let me wait here, I will only get more anxious. Besides, with such a master investigator as Abaz, who can beat us in ambush. "

"Bey wise, no one can escape my eyes." Abaz proudly echoed beside him.

Xie Miao had no choice but to get closer to Chechen and accompany him to move on.

They came to the vicinity of a forest farm, which stretched for several miles, and in the past there was another grass field, and after turning over a hill, they would be able to see Circkesk.

Wan Lai was silent in the forest farm. The cold spring was precipitous, and Cheerchen felt a chill hit his neck as he walked on the road that was cut down from the forest.

"Abazi, take a closer look, will there be ambushes in this forest?" Chechen ordered Abazi.

The others stopped. Abaz beat his horse forward seven or eight steps, he shrugged his nose, and the wing of his huge nose trembling slightly. Then he rolled over and got off his horse and pressed his ears to the ground.

"Master Bey, I pledged my life, I didn't ambush!" Abaz said.

Cheerchen let go of his heart. He was about to move on, when suddenly there was the sound of a feather arrow breaking through the air in the woods.

A feather arrow was pierced from Abaz's Adam's apple. Abaz fell to the ground without even humming—he used his life to fulfill his promise.

"There is an ambush!" Xie Miao shouted.

The Tatar cavalry guarded Cheorchen in the center one after another. They put a simple shield covered with cowhide in front of them, staring carefully at the depths of the forest.

There were seven or eight breaking through the air. The bows used to fire feather arrows were so powerful that some feather arrows even shot half an inch through the shield.

A Tatar cavalry dropped his horse, and a feather arrow shot through his eyeball. Obviously, there are no shortage of marksmen in the forest.

"Go back, get out of the forest!" Cheerchen ordered.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light. Staying here can only be passively beaten.

Everyone turned their horses' heads one after another, and rushed towards the woodland.

Before rushing out of the woodland, three more Tatar cavalry fell. Everyone finally escaped, but saw ten rides coming out of the forest on both sides.

The attire that these cavalry showed after shaking off their camouflage was something Cheerchen had never seen before. They wore neither chain mail nor Russian-style cotton armor, but leather armor with foam nails; their helmets were somewhat like Tatar helmets with high spires, but their spires were higher, There was also a small flag on it; and the mount was not much bigger than a donkey.

These are of course Kalmyk cavalry led by Galdan Tsering. After Galdan Tserling intercepted Chechen’s messenger and knew that there were only rebellious Russians in the city of Cherkesko, he blocked all roads around Cherkessk in advance according to the Mongolian tactics. Block all the past caravans and shepherds. After Ayuqi brought three thousand cavalry as scheduled, the entire Circassian city was surrounded by groups.

The Kalmyks left Xinjiang only for decades. In Xinjiang, there are not only vast deserts and grasslands, but also large forests and lakes. There, Kalmyk is not only a herder but also a hunter and fisherman. Their sneaking methods are unparalleled in the world. When they arrived at the Volga River, they also brought all these skills. Abaz was defeated in such a contest between hunters and hunters.

The Carl cavalry lined up. In the middle of them was a cavalry with a spiked flag. This was the flag bearer and the commander.

The flag bearer first launched a ding **** towards the sky, and then pointed the flag in the direction where Cheechen and the others were. Hearing a neat shout, twenty Kalmyk cavalry rushed towards Cheechen and the others.

Cheerchen also drew his saber.

Although fighting with enemies may attract more nearby enemies, it is even more dangerous to sell your back to these highly skilled enemies.

The Tatar cavalry wanted to shoot a burst of feather arrows according to their usual habit, but Cheechen stopped it.

Past battles have shown that in the face of high-speed cavalry charging, the Tatar's feather arrows not only kill few enemies, but also easily fail because of the collapse of the formation.

Two teams of cavalry rushing at high speed collided together. Except for the unfortunate fall, the two teams of cavalry caught and killed each other.

Cheorchen's opponent is a bear-like strong and strong enemy. The Kalmyk cavalry used a heavy scimitar and walked on the path of winning with strength.

The Kalmyk cavalry slashed three sabers against Cheechen's shoulders and head, although Cheechen was blocked, but his mouth was numb.

Finally, Cheechen took a chance to launch a counterattack against the enemy's forehead, but this knife only cut off the opponent's helmet, revealing the enemy's naked head with two braided heads left and right.

Seeing that he was almost in a different place, the Kalmyk man was fierce. Regardless of him, he attacked Cheerchen more fiercely, fighting Cheerchen only to parry but not to fight back.

At this moment, Xi Xie Li Xie Miao rushed over. Xie Miao smashed the enemy's scimitar with a page hammer, and then said anxiously to Chechen: "Captain, the enemy's reinforcements are coming. Let's withdraw quickly."

Listening to Xie Miao's words, Cheechen noticed a plume of smoke and dust from the west and east. Obviously, it was the enemy's reinforcements coming.

Cheerchen looked around him again. In a short ten minutes of fighting, seven or eight people were killed and injured by one's own side, but only five people were down by his opponent, and the combat power of these enemies was also terrifying!

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Cheerchen gave the order to retreat with a whistle.

The Tatar cavalry screamed like an amnesty, and they all fought and retreated, leaving Chechen and Xie Miao behind.

"damn it!"

Xie Miao scolded these Tatars who were greedy for life and fear of death. He protects Cheer Chen and fights and retreats.

A Kalmyk cavalry rushed to the forefront with a spear. He was also the closest to Chechen. If it weren't for the speed of his horse, Chechen's mount would have come as fast as Chechen's mount.

Cheerchen drew his pistol and shot the enemy who rushed forward. The gunfire sounded, and the Kalmyk cavalry fell off his horse.

The other Kalmyk cavalry seemed to be taken aback. They slowed down one after another, looking surprised.

"These people are afraid of muskets?" Cheer Chen couldn't help but guess. He drew another pistol and pulled the trigger at the enemy behind Although this shot did not hit, it scared the opponent even more. They stopped their pursuit and retreated one after another.

Chechen and Xie Miao ran two or three miles away, and stopped when they saw that there were no traces of the chasing soldiers.

"Xie Miao, what is the origin of these cavalry? Have you heard of it when you were in Russia?" Chechen asked Xie Miao.

When Chechen thought about it, these weird cavalry must be the army of Tsarist Russia, and with such a strong combat power, they will certainly not be unknown troops. As a Russian, Xie Miao would have heard of them even if he hadn't seen them before.

But Xie Miao shook his head, saying that he knew nothing.

He said: "Commander, I have never seen or heard of such a cavalry. Look at their yellow-skinned faces like Tatars, but as far as I know, no noble lord has a Tatar. The cavalry. Because Tatars are always unreliable, even those who are naturalized Tatars. When Yelishei comes back, you should ask him, he may know; or ask Segetbey. "

"It can only be so."

Seeing that there was no useful information from Xie Miao, Cheerchen nodded helplessly.

At this time, the Tatar cavalry who had turned into the wind after Cheerchen issued the retreat order turned back.

It turned out that they ran a long way to discover that Cheerchen hadn't followed. The deserters who were worried that they would be executed after losing a Bey had to come back to look for them, even if they found a corpse. Seeing that Cheerchen was innocent, they couldn't help being overjoyed. One after another, they jumped off their horses and pulled their sleeves at Cheerchen, thanking God for blessing Cheerchen's peace.

Cheerchen was also speechless for the performance of these Tatars. But he didn't really blame them, after all, these guys still knew that they would come back to collect their bodies, and finally they still had a conscience.

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