When Ayuqi returned to the Volga River Basin, Chechen and Stepan Racine were celebrating the victory in Cherkessk.

Naum Vasilyev went to the Kalmyk Khanate for help. The Don Cossacks he had left to surround the insurgents were in an uproar when they learned that Cherkesk had fallen. Some people went to the Kalmyk Khanate to find Naum Vasilyev; some fled directly into the steppe and became robbers; others directly took refuge in the rebel army of Tsar Dmitry.

After the siege was lifted, Stepan Racine left the insurgents in place, while he took his men to Cherkessk and entered the city in the name of Tsar Dmitry.

Chechen met with Stepan Racine alone in his camp. When Cheerchen saw Stepan Racine here, he didn’t even bring anyone from the Free Slave Corps. The first words between him and Stepan Racine were ironic: "You are really careful. , I am still afraid that I will take those people back."

When Stepan Racine heard the words, he suffocated his neck. He smiled and said: "Head, you think too much. I'm not worried. You don't understand serfs, they are cheap bones. Those nobles want serfs to give their noble lords free of charge every year for half a year of work. Moreover, the serfs could not even leave the manor of the noble lords. But they were unwilling to resist. Yes, it was not that they did not dare, but they were unwilling. Because in their eyes, the tsar and the nobles were the order prescribed by God and resisted them. It means rebelling against God. The serfs would rather run away and become Cossacks than revolt. And they think that the noble lords have done evil, but the little father loves them. As long as they complain to the little father about their suffering, the little father will definitely Will save them."

Listening to what Stepan Racine said, Cheechen pretended to say: "Oh? Then should I try, try if they are willing to stay by your little father, or come back to me."

After speaking, Cheerchen quietly glanced at Stepan Racine.

Sure enough, listening to Cheerchen's words, Stepan Racine suddenly jumped up from the chair opposite Cheerchen. His huge figure covered most of the tent under the light of candlelight. His face was gloomy, like a beast that devours people.

But soon, Stepan Racine returned to normal. He sat down slowly, then picked up a piece of cow dung on the ground and threw it into the fire.

"Head, you don't need to run me with words. I know you won't. Because you are a good person." Stepan Racine smiled gloomily.

Chechen also picked up a piece of cow dung and threw it into the fire. The bonfire burned even more vigorously.

Chechen confessed generously: "Yes, I won't. But don't you have to be? These people are the capital of your revenge. Naum Vasilyev of Cherkessk is your enemy, right? You want to avenge him and regain your position. Don't you have to rely on my people? It seems that you haven't caught Naum Vasilyev? The leader of the Don Cossacks, Stepan Racine. "

Chechen pointed out the true identity of Stepan Racine.

Stepan Racine, Don Cossack, chief.

These pieces of information were all secretly collected by Fatima after Cheerchen learned from Alan that Stepan Racine was a traitor.

Stepan Racine was indeed a farmer, but he was different from those peasants who were submissive. From an early age, Stepan Racine was full of rebellious spirit. He stole the neighbor’s horse, drank the holy water and communion in the chalice of the church, and in short, he did all the rebellious and rebellious things. When he was twenty years old, Stepan Racine killed a rent collector on the land his father had cultivated, and he fled to the Don River. There, with innate leadership, Stepan Racine quickly became a Cossack leader. Two years after becoming a petty boss, Stepan Racine led the Cossacks on an expedition to the Caspian Sea. They attacked many nomadic tribes and plundered a lot of wealth, and established their own base in one of them. A Pasha of the Crimean Khanate led his troops to destroy, but he broke his fame. At that time, the Czarist Russian people had a heavy burden. The Czarist government not only levied heavy taxes on the people, but also levied a lot of labor and military service. Many farmers joined Racine's team to get rid of the burden. On June 24, 1655, Stepan Racine arrived in Astrakhan. There is the territory of Tsarist Russia, but Stepan Racine is no longer satisfied to be a Cossack who is loyal to Tsarist Russia. He led 2,000 Don Cossacks loyal to him to attack Astrakhan and massacred all those who opposed him, including an earl and a duke; he also robbed the rich part of the city, and he tried to Astrakhan was transformed into a Cossack country. But he had Khmelnitsky's ambitions, but he didn't have his abilities. After three weeks of **** and debauchery, he had to leave Astrakhan because he and his men could no longer stay there. Immediately afterwards, he became the common enemy of Tsarist Russia and the Crimean Khanate, and was pursued by two hostile armies with common goals. Near Cherkessk, Stepan Racine was defeated by the Russian army for betraying his garrison. And the person who betrayed him was his comrade-in-arms, Naum Vasilyev, the current Supreme Chief of Cherkessk. A comrade-in-arms who worked as a bandit with him and collected taxes on passing ships on the Volga River.

Stepan Racine was defeated but escaped the siege under the desperate protection of his loyal guards. But it was captured dramatically by a passing Crimean slave hunting team and sold to Kaffa.

And Stepan Racine, who became a slave, finally waited until Cheerchen's arrival.

Stepan Racine betrayed Chechen and turned to Muhammad Glyy not just for money, but for the army of free slaves. He wants revenge and becomes a prominent Cossack leader again. Muhammad Glyy was willing to satisfy him, and promised that as long as he betrayed Chechen, he would still be the leader of the free slave army, and he would be given more weapons and money.

Stepan Racine gave a cold snort after listening to Chechen reciting his resume silently.

"You know everything, Muhammad Gley told you?"

Cheerchen did not deny it.

Stepan Racine shook his head.

He said with some enthusiasm: "Sure enough, cooperating with infidels is tantamount to seeking skin with tigers. So Chechen Bey, I am a traitor who is now throwing himself into the trap. What do you plan to do with me?"

Chechen said, "Since I didn't deal with you at the time, I certainly won't do it now. Stepan Racine, although you are not a good person, as you said, those poor slaves followed you, it’s better to go back. Be a slave again. I just hope you treat them kindly."


Then, Cheorchen entered the topic. He asked Stepan Racine why he was here.

Stepan Racine is definitely not here to celebrate the victory as simple as that, he must be asking for himself.

In front of the huge bonfire outside the tent, Yelisei and Xie Miao are dancing traditional Russian dances. The two sang along to the music while tapping their feet:

The clear spring water flows slowly,

Poured into the Volga,

me too. what! Dear girl

My heart is devoted to you!


At the end of the passage, Yelishei and Xie Miao made a loud noise with their hands. The Tatars and the slaves of the Freedom Legion who surrounded them also shouted: "U-ha!"

And inside the tent, Stepan Racine, who approached Chechen's side, changed the gloomy and irritable voice just now, and said kindly in a sweet to greasy voice: "My master, I congratulate you first. I won once. Of course, I do have something to tell you."

When will Stepan Racine call his master? Of course it was when he wanted to ask himself, Chechen already knew this well.

So Cheerchen didn't even look at Stepan Racine, but that attitude made Stepan Racine feel that Cheerchen had seen everything.

"Go ahead, Racine. What do you want? Is it a musket or a horse, or a captured Cherkesk resident?" Cheerchen asked. When he wanted to come, what Stepan Racine wanted was nothing more than this.

But he still underestimated Stepan Racine's appetite. What Stepan Racine wanted was the whole Cherkessk.

"Do you want Circsksk?"

Cheerchen held the armrest of the chair in his hand, and asked inconceivably—he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, Master." Stepan Racine's tone became more affectionate, his mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

In his mouth, Cheerchen couldn't say enough about the benefits that Circkssk gave him.

While Stepan Racine was eloquent, Cheerchen interrupted him. Chechen said solemnly: "Racine, you should know that Muhammad Glyy sent me to Cherkessk to occupy this place and establish contact with Azov Fort."

"Of course I know, Master. But haven't you done it now? Cherkessk is yours already, and Naum Vasilyev is panicked as a bereavement dog is missing." Stepan Racine said. .

Cheerchen shook his head.

"Racine, Muhammad Glyy wants me to destroy or occupy this place instead of giving it to others. Besides, you should know the risks of Cherkessk in your hands?"

"I am your most loyal servant, so how can I be considered someone else?" Stepan Racine continued to speak cleverly.

Stepan Racine also knew how difficult it was for him to get Cherkessk, so he did not just flatter, but also explained the benefits of Cherkessk:

"Master, it’s better for you and Muhammad Gley to hold Cherkessk with me than to destroy it. And of course I also know that I am now pretending to be Tsar Dmitry and I am already a must in Moscow. After that, the first person will soon be the first person. The tsar of Moscow will definitely send troops. But from the perspective of the Crimean Khanate, giving Cherkessk to me is equivalent to laying a nail in Tsarist Russia. Before the Czar destroys me, he will not have the leisure to deal with Crimea. Moreover, I will ensure the smooth flow of the road between Azov Fort and the Khanate, and will not let his subordinates looting the Khanate caravan. of……"

Gradually, Cheerchen moved a little.

For the Crimean Khanate, there is no altruism that he does not care so much. What attracted him was what Stepan Racine said to attract the attention of Tsarist Russia. After the harvest of the steppe peoples of the Crimean Khanate is over, how much help is it to Natalie, Anjey, and Mihav who are fighting hard in the Republic of Poland!

At this time, Yelishei and Xie Miao circled the fire twice. They threw themselves down in front of the band and sang again:

Pour is just pour, but it does not disappear,

Even if the Volga River is full of dangers and blue waves surging,

Still in the depths of the river,

A gold ring was found.


"This melody is so beautiful!" Cheer Chen said as he looked at the singing and dancing people outside the tent, with a bright smile on his face.

When Stepan Racine saw Cheerchen's smile, he knew that this might be possible. He strikes while the iron is hot to make Cheor Chen give a promise.

"Then Master, did you agree?"

"Racine, why are you obsessed with Cherkessk?"

Chechen did not answer, but instead asked Stepan Racine why he wanted Cherkessk.

Chechen originally thought that Stepan Racine would answer for the money~www.readwn.com~ After all, although Cherkessk was small, it was a trade center in southern Russia of Tsarist Russia. It was connected to Azov Castle and the Volga River Basin. , Caucasus and Crimea, the value of commodities passing through the border each year is no less than 100,000 Taylor.

But Stepan Racine's answer was beyond Cheerchen's expectation. He is so sincere and sincere, and his words come from the bottom of his heart, making it difficult for Cheorchen to doubt its authenticity.

"Chechen," Stepan Racine changed his name to Chechen, and he said, "You might think I'm crazy. From impersonating Dmitri to occupying Cherkessk, every step was taken. It’s like a dead end. But I tell you, I do this for the Cossacks, and I want to establish the Circassian Cossack emirate here and establish the Cossack’s own kingdom. Don’t tell me that it’s impossible, Khmelnitsky doesn’t. Is it a good example? How strong was the Republic of Poland when he was in the uprising, but how? It was not beaten down. He Khmelnitsky of Ukraine can do it, and I, Stepan Ra of Tsarist Russia Xin can do the same. I have failed once, but failure has given me the experience of success. How do you say that, failure is the mother of success. I believe I will succeed this time. So I must have a basis , A home for the soul of the Don Cossacks."

Chechen was stunned by Stepan Racine's ambitious "dream".

A Circassian Cossack emirate? A home for the soul of Don Cossacks?

Yelishei and Xie Miao continued to sing:

Every girl is a flint,

Every guy is a scythe,

You just need to focus on the impact,

There will be sparks!


"I will fight for you from Muhammad Glyy Khan." Chechen promised Stepan Racine.

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