The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 363: Warsaw, Warsaw 4


"Bang! Bang!"

There was a burst of gunfire. The teams that had been marching on the narrow road in two rows were all crawling on the ridge.


Pidro spit. Just now because of hiding too quickly, his lips were glued to the mud splashed from his leather boots.

At this moment, he and Father Spasokukotsky and others around him stared at a seemingly uninhabited village on the left side of the road.

The bullet came from there.

The village is small, but four to five hundred square meters. It is surrounded by an earth-wood fence with a height of 2.5 meters and a width of 2 meters. The tallest building in the village is a church with a cross erected on its spire, which can be seen from a great distance. The villages are surrounded by flat open areas lacking shelter.

It stands to reason that, as an experienced mercenary, Pedro would send out scouts to investigate if there are any abnormalities inside such a village, but this time he was careless. Because their mercenary regiment and Jan Sobieski were not the first troops to pass here, if there were Swedes in ambush, the troops in front of them would have eliminated them long ago.

There was a sound of horseshoes from behind Pidro. Chechen and Jan Sobieski arrived.

"Be careful!" Father Spasokukotsky reminded the duo.

"Relax, Father priest. The bullet that killed me Jan Sobieski hasn't been made yet." Jan Sobieski said boldly. He even waved a big hand, letting the cloak he was wearing fly up. That appearance is absolutely majestic.

But Pedro scoffed at Jan Sobieski's show. At that distance, Sobieski was wearing armor again, and unless the bullet happened to hit him in the face, it would be a strange thing to hurt him.

"Uncle, what happened? Is it a Swede?" Cheerchen jumped off his horse, lay down beside Pidro, and asked.

"It should be, otherwise we are holding such an obvious flag of the Republic. If it were the rebels or the local militia, it would not be unrecognizable." Piedro said.

"Damn it, the Swedes are hiding in front of here and passing by, they haven't noticed them!" Sobieski said angrily.

"Maybe it's just a small unit of the Swedes who have separated from the main unit. Hasn't it been heavy rain these days? With such heavy rain, it is normal for some Swedish soldiers and the main unit to be separated." Chechen analyzed. .

This analysis made sense, and both Sobieski and Piedro nodded in agreement.

Now that Sobieski met, as a general of the Republic of Poland, Sobieski certainly did not let them go. Sobieski asked the mercenary group to destroy the small Swedish unit. And this is what Cheer Chensuo hopes for. After all, there are a thousand new recruits in his army. Before they arrive in Warsaw, they can have a chance to fight, which is extremely helpful to improve their combat effectiveness. Moreover, the area of ​​the village is small, with no more than a hundred Swedish soldiers in it. Cheerchen thinks it is just right to train the recruits.

Because the Swedish soldiers were guarding on the wall, there was an open and unobstructed plain all around. The enemies who occupy the village are naturally condescending. Cheerchen and Piedro combined, ready to let the Hessian mercenaries test the enemy's firepower.

The mercenary squad leader named Goethe led his squad up according to Cheerchen's orders. These mercenaries are worthy of the veterans of all battles. Their tactical actions are in place. Everyone is scattered. When half of them move, the other half squat down and let their bullets be bombed. Minimize the area.

When the skirmishers approached the wall within thirty steps, the village rushed out of a small group of Swedish soldiers in blue uniforms. Their speed was so fast that they rushed in front of the black mercenaries in the blink of an eye. The two forces fought hand-to-hand.

For hand-to-hand combat, neither Goethe and his soldiers nor Cheechen and others who were watching the battle were completely unprepared, and they were confused on the spot.

Cheechen, who was far away from the battlefield, was confused and still had time to react, but Goethe and others were the ones who lost half of them in a raid. The others had to retreat under the cover of their companions' firepower.

The Swedish soldiers quickly returned to the village without pursuing them.

The fact that the skirmishers were driven away by hand-to-hand combat rather than firearms fully demonstrated the quality of the Swedish soldiers in the village. And Cheerchen's intention of trying to find out the enemy's firepower in the village did not come true.

At this time Cheerchen put away the heart of underestimating the enemy. He ordered Bashit to lead two squadrons to attack from the west and south, which was the main attack direction. In the north, Cheerchen arranged for a squadron of Fedot to feign attack, and did not arrange troops in the east, but let Yelisei lead a group of Hessian light cavalry to hide from the horizon, waiting for the enemy from the east. When breaking through the siege, it was actually a siege.

There are no shortcomings in this arrangement, and there are three squadrons with one shot, which even Sobieski nodded.

The squadrons quickly entered the combat position, and the three three-pounder guns of the mercenary regiment opened fire.

The recruits of the two squadrons stepped on the drums and moved towards the wall. They were the Musketeers in front and the Pikemen in the back. Although they were able to get out of a good queue in the training ground, they were exposed to shortcomings during the war. After only twenty steps, the team had begun to crooked.

At this time, the Swedish Musketeers on the fence opened fire. Hearing the gunshots, about fifty muskets fired together.

A dozen recruits from the two squadrons fell. Although there were no casualties, fear filled the squadron. The soldiers started firing indiscriminately, and this time the bullet was either too high or too low. Then there was another sound of forty or fifty muskets from the Swedish soldiers on the fence.

The interval between the two shots was exactly the time it took for a musket to be loaded.

This is similar to Cheer Chen's judgment, the enemy's strength is less than a hundred men.

"Children, for the Virgin, for the motherland!" Father Spasokukotsky held up the cross, encouraging the morale of the recruits.

Encouraged by the priest, the soldiers of the two squadrons began to recover their calm. Throwing down the matchlock musketeer, he rushed up with only the spear and the short spear.

A simple ladder was built on the fence. Because the fence was not high, it made the ladder even higher than the height of the Soldiers found that it was easier and faster to use a human ladder than a ladder to go up.

So, the soldier who was the first to climb through the ladder shouted "God" and fought with the Swedish soldiers.

While the two armies were fighting hand-to-hand on the fence, Bachit, who was heading straight to the entrance and exit of the village, was hindered. Although the gates of the entrances and exits of the village had long been gone, the enemy had piled up obstacles on the mouth, and bullets came from behind the obstacles from time to time.

Bashit, who was leaning against the wall to avoid bullets, slashed with his axe a few times, but he couldn't break it.

"Bombs, bombs!" Bashit shouted to the people around him. But no one came with the bomb.

A horse ran hurriedly back to fetch the bomb and gave it to Bacht. But Basit felt that the power was not enough, so Ma Bian had to go back and get another one.

Two bombs were ignited and dropped under the obstacle.

A earth-shattering explosion sounded. The people on both sides of the entrance and exit were shocked.

The obstacle was cleared by the bomb. Bashit rushed in with someone. At this time, it was meaningless to guard the wall. Swedish soldiers jumped off the wall and retreated towards the village.

But the battle did not end there. The Swedish soldiers who had lost their outlying positions did not panic. They gradually withdrew towards the north instead of the east in an obstructive manner.

Obviously, their commander had a foreboding that the east was not a way out but a trap.

Fedot's squadron greeted the Swedish soldiers with more than seventy men.

But even in the contrast of such disparity in force, the Swedish soldiers pierced the Fedot squadron in front of them with their spears, smashing a **** path abruptly.

From beginning to end, Cheerchen just watched the battle. Even if Pedro, who commanded the Hessian infantry, had to lead the team to support several times, Cheerchen absolutely forbidden it.

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