Ye Xian smiled maniacally and shouted in a low voice.

“Heaven and earth are chessboards, all things are pawns, and I am the world.”

The people below, their eyes widened, looked at the sky, dozens of huge dirt squares.

“This… Is he a monster? Lieutenant General Ghost Spider swallowed his saliva and said bitterly.

“That’s too much? If they all fall down, they may be buried alive! ”

The weasel tightened the sword in his hand and said helplessly.

How else to fight this? It’s too late to smash! You will be crushed alive.

Virgo’s eyes widened, his face was shocked, and his hand holding Doflamingo tightened, and he secretly said in his heart,

“Is this the one who defeated Dover? Dover is not dead now, maybe the other party is not serious! We have to get out of here quickly, or we will all die when we are affected!” ”

Just when Virgo was trying to find an excuse to leave, Qingzhi spoke.

“Three lieutenant generals, please take Doflamingo away and get out of here, otherwise it will affect you when the fight starts, but you will die…”

Hearing this, the ghost spider quickly spoke.

“Young General, let’s stay, we can help a little, even if we contain each other…”

The weasel patted the ghost spider on the shoulder and shook his head.

“This is not a battle we can intervene in, we can’t hold on to a few moves, don’t distract the two generals here…”

“But…” The ghost spider wanted to continue, but finally found that he really couldn’t say anything that could help, and finally turned into a sigh. Alas! ”

The yellow ape shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said with a bitter smile.

“Let’s go! Tell the Marshal of the Warring States about the situation here, possibly the task … It’s a little tricky…”

Looking at the two figures in the sky, fortunately this time the old man came, otherwise if only the young man came, maybe he would have been…

Hearing this, Virgo rushed out of the field with anxiety and relief, and the two lieutenant generals of the ghost spider and the weasel followed behind with unwillingness.

“Oh? Want to leave? Am I not good enough? Ye Xian in the sky looked at the virgo who left quickly, waved his hand lightly, and smashed it with three mud and stone blocks.

“Pawn Charge”

Three soldiers and pawns smashed mud and stone blocks at Virgo.

A flashing figure instantly came to the three mudstone blocks, and the yellow ape stood on them, and his hands were a laser against the other two mudstone blocks.


The smoke and dust cleared, and all that came into view was a mud and stone square with a missing corner.

“This is? So hard? ”

The yellow ape said a little incredulously.

“Hah! I forgot to tell you that these chess pieces are not made just by compressing mud and stones, but with seasonings in them! Please enjoy it. ”

Looking at the surprised yellow ape, Ye Xian said in a mocking tone.

“Condiments? Beat you and you’re done! ”

Qingzhi, who was rapidly approaching, shot several three-pronged spears towards Ye Xian, and was immediately picked off by Zhao Yun with several shots.

Ye Xian stopped Zhao Yun, who was about to go over, and his face was full of interest. “Zilong, let me play with them first, there are still five minutes…”

“Yes!” Zhao Yun took two steps back.

Beckoning a block of words, Ye Xian stood up.

“Now it’s time to start lining up.”

Ye Xian controlled four or five pawn carriage squares and smashed towards Qingzhi.

As soon as his hands pressed the earth, a large area turned into an ice world, and the childish squatting on the ice quickly created seven or eight ice giants, facing the square ground that fell from the sky, and slammed up with a punch.

“Ice Keeper.”

Rumble! Rumble……

Within two clicks, several ice giants were smashed, and the cubes were also shattered in three, and mud and rock fragments were scattered all over the place.

“Hah! This is the beginning! ”

The scattered mud and stone fragments slowly condensed in one place, turning into a huge mud and stone, and three mud and stone giants wielded stone swords and smashed towards Qingzhi.

“Is it the second form after shattering?”

The young figure who dodged flexibly suddenly came to the mudstone giant, printed on the stone with one hand, and a cold breath swept by instantly, freezing the mudstone giant.

“Frozen Hour.”

And the yellow ape was also entangled by several mudstone giants, and was also bombarded by mudstone cannons that fired stone shells not far away.

He wanted to leave to attack Ye Xian, but when he flashed there, he would be blocked by mud and stone blocks, as if he was going in a strange circle.

If he knew what the yellow ape thought, Ye Xian would definitely tell him that this was just a simple formation.

The field is the chessboard, and these squares are just the formation flags of the formation, if you want to attack him, at least destroy a third of the blocks before you can get close to him.

“What is this? It’s too difficult. ”

Again a stone shell flashed. The yellow ape said a little impatiently.

“Aurora Falls”

The yellow ape’s whole body emitted a light, dazzling and unbearable, while the mudstone giant was completely unaffected, and continued to swing the stone sword and smash over.

“Aurora Execution”

One after another laser shot out from the yellow ape, completely shooting in all directions without dead angles.


The sound of explosions resounded through the heavens and earth, and smoke and dust flew up.

“Ahem… It’s a bit of a mess! ”

Qing Zhi shot several lasers, otherwise he was shot, and it was not comfortable.

“Hah! Snap … Awesome, all of them disappeared by you? Ye Xian patted his palm and praised.

“It’s just that it’s not over yet!”

Ye Xian’s five fingers grasped it, and he suddenly clenched into a fist, and shouted in a low voice.

“The dragon will return to its place.”

The mud and stone fragments on the ground, little by little, floated up and combined in the air, turning into a dragon and twelve huge mud and stone generals, which had clear lines with the dragon.

“It’s not over yet.” The yellow ape, who consumed a little bit, looked at Ye Xian with an unkind face and rushed towards him.

And Qingzhi also rushed towards Ye Xian, and the two met in mid-air, looked at each other, and both saw trickiness in each other’s eyes.

“Let’s pass this level first!”

With a wave of one hand, several mudstone giants swung their swords and smashed down.

“It’s so flexible, it’s much more flexible than before.” The yellow ape dodged easily.

“Laser rays.” A golden laser burst out.


“What? It’s such a small pothole. ”

The yellow ape said incredulously.

“Please subscribe, please collect, I have to go to work tomorrow, say I can’t afford to hurt, good night.”

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