The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 590 The strange emperor

"If this is all what the empress wants to tell me today, I can tell you that this is unnecessary." Ye Yuxiao smiled slightly, "Although the appointment of a prince is a family matter for the emperor, it is also a state matter, but regardless of Neither my concubine nor King Yingchuan intends to favor anyone. No matter who is established as the crown prince or who ascends the throne in the future, we will remain loyal to the country."

She didn't understand politics, but she had heard of the so-called pure minister, and that was probably what she meant.

As for Ouyang Sheng's thoughts, she knew very well that no matter who they supported in private, they would not show it publicly, so her answer should be able to represent him.

The good concubine was obviously very satisfied with Ye Yuxiao's answer and opened the door for her personally: "With Princess Yingchuan's words, I feel relieved."

As she spoke, she went to hold Ye Yuxiao's arm, but Ye Yuxiao avoided it: "The empress just said that I hope that I can be impartial, so we should keep an appropriate distance and not get too close."

That's a good thing to say. I hope they will remain neutral, so why should they deliberately try to get closer? There are so many people and so many pairs of eyes in Baohe Hall. If they enter the hall hand in hand, they don't know how much information they will convey. The good concubine is not only duplicitous, but also too greedy. After getting a little, she wants more.

The embarrassment on the good concubine's face flashed, but she quickly returned to normal: "The princess is right, you please go first."

"Your Majesty is here, I dare not cross." Ye Yuxiao bowed slightly and stopped.

Seeing her insistence, the good concubine said nothing more and walked ahead of her.

Ye Yuxiao deliberately stayed there for a while, and waited until the concubine had disappeared, then walked towards the main hall.

As soon as she reached the steps at the back of the palace, she saw Ouyang Sheng coming to greet her. Ouyang Sheng had a serious face and looked unhappy, but his eyes were full of worry. He walked up to Ye Yuxiao, looked her up and down first, and made sure she was fine. Then he took her hand, walked to the corner of the corridor, and asked, "The good concubine didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

Ye Yuxiao shook his head: "No."

Ouyang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. I just finished chatting with Zhang Chengxuan, and when I came back, I heard that you were accompanied by a concubine to change your skirt. That place is reserved for female relatives only, and I can't trespass, but if you If I don’t come out yet, I won’t be able to care so much.”

"Don't worry, even if she wants to do something to me, she can't beat me." Ye Yuxiao joked.

Ouyang Sheng suddenly remembered that she had used a silver needle to restrain him in those days when they were still dealing with each other, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"My good concubine insisted on accompanying me to change my skirt because she wanted a promise from me." Ye Yuxiao said.

"What promise?" Ouyang Sheng asked.

"She hopes that we will remain neutral and not interfere with the establishment of the prince." Ye Yuxiao said, "But I see her acting like this, and she hopes that we will stand on her side and support the young prince."

Ouyang Sheng was not surprised at all that a good concubine behaved like this: "Then how did you answer her?"

"I told her that both you and I will be pure ministers." Ye Yuxiao said.

"You answered very well. Of course we will be pure ministers." Ouyang Sheng said, sighed and lowered his voice, "To be honest, I don't want to support either of these two princes. Why doesn't the emperor have more children?" Where is this?"

Prince Rong is cowardly and incompetent, and it is said that his ears are soft; the little prince's mother and uncle are not kind people, and they really can't help each other up the wall.

Ye Yuxiao comforted him half-jokingly: "Don't worry, the emperor is still young and should still be able to give birth."

The emperor is planning to appoint a prince. Even if another prince is born in the future, the title has been determined. If he wants to seize the throne, it will be bloody. Ouyang Sheng sighed slightly and did not continue the topic. He took Ye Yuxiao's hand and returned to the main hall.

The music in the hall was melodious and cheers came one after another. It turned out that the concubine Qing had come to perform a dance for the emperor.

Ye Yuxiao returned to the dining table and asked Gu Qingyan, who was sitting next to her: "There are so many people today, why did Qing Bin come to perform the dance?"

She was not familiar with the ladies in the palace at all, and she had no idea who this concubine was, but she knew that high-ranking concubines would not dance in front of so many people because they maintained their own status.

Gu Qingyan came over and said, "I heard that this Qing concubine has been out of favor for a long time. Women like them can't do anything to fight for favor. What does it mean to dance in public? As long as you can make the emperor smile, everything will be worth it."

It sounds pitiful and pathetic, but they have already entered the palace and are locked up within this high wall. They can only rely on the man on the throne. What can they do if they don't work hard to win favor? Unlike the contempt in Gu Qingyan's tone, Ye Yuxiao still sympathized with them.

Ouyang Sheng handed over a glass of wine, and Ye Yuxiao took it and drank it. She was about to pour a glass of wine in return when suddenly there were exclamations from all around.

"Oh, Concubine Qing fainted!" Gu Qingyan shouted.

Ye Yuxiao raised his head and looked towards the center of the hall, and saw that the concubine Qing, who was wearing a snow-white gauze skirt, fell to the ground, and several accompanying dancers stopped in place, helpless.

Three or five palace maids hurriedly ran to Qing Bin, trying to help her up, but at this moment, a large amount of blood gushed out from Qing Bin's body, dyeing her white dress into red in the blink of an eye.

The white skirt made this scene particularly shocking, and the hall screamed again.

"Oh my God, Concubine Qing is bleeding!"

"Quick, quick, call the doctor!"

"Princess Yingchuan is here, please quickly invite Princess Yingchuan!"

Ye Yuxiao didn't wait for anyone to come to invite her. She quickly stood up, ran to Qing Bin and knelt down to check her pulse.

After a while, she raised her head and said to the emperor, "I'm afraid Concubine Qing may have had a miscarriage."

"Miscarriage?!" The emperor was shocked, "Concubine Qing is pregnant?"

"Yes." Ye Yuxiao nodded, "Looking at the pulse, it should be two months old."

She was two months pregnant, at the very moment when she was unstable, and yet she came here to dance. It would be strange if she didn't have a miscarriage.

The emperor's face turned from shock to disbelief: "Princess Yingchuan, are you sure that Qingbi is pregnant? Did you diagnose the wrong pulse?"

The happy pulse is the best pulse condition to diagnose. How could it be wrongly diagnosed? Ye Yuxiao was helpless: "If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can ask another imperial doctor to come. However, it is a fact that the Qing concubine is bleeding. The emperor should hurry up and ask someone to carry her to the side hall."

The emperor's face darkened little by little, and it took him a long time before he nodded.

Eunuch Wei hurriedly tightened his grip and asked several young eunuchs to carry the imperial concubine's couch as a stretcher, and carried Qing's concubine to the side hall.

The imperial doctor arrived quickly, and the person who came was Dong Yi. Following the emperor's instructions, he checked Concubine Qing's pulse and reported the result to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Concubine Qing has had a miscarriage. The baby cannot be saved. I'm going to prescribe some medicine and have it fried. Give it to your Majesty, otherwise the blood will not stop and your Majesty will be in danger."

At this critical moment when people's lives were at stake, the emperor looked gloomy and did not respond to Dong Yi for a long time.

Ye Yuxiao looked strange, pulled Ouyang Sheng's sleeve, and asked him in a low voice: "What's going on, Your Majesty? It's already this time, why don't you hurry up and save people?"

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