Cai Jie hesitated, speechless, and his face turned red. If Jing Zhaoyin used Ye Yuxiao's status as an excuse, he could accuse Jing Zhaoyin of following people's influence and looking down on others. However, Jing Zhaoyin ignored his status and only talked about Ye Yuxiao's achievements in the medical field. This made Jing Zhaoyin Not only was he unable to refute, but he was instantly inferior to Ye Yuxiao, which was both embarrassing and humiliating.

Some people nearby even laughed quietly: "Thankfully, he is a grown man who has been practicing medicine for generations and has studied medical skills since he was a child. In the end, he is no better than a woman who became a monk halfway."

When Cai Jie heard this, he felt even more ashamed and panicked. He wished he could dig a hole in the ground and get in there.

Jing Zhaoyin himself studied hard for ten years in Hanchuang, and he looked down upon people who had no ability and only knew how to rely on power. He glanced at Cai Jie with disdain, ignored him, continued to talk to Ye Yuxiao, and repeated the previous question.

When Ye Yuxiao saw that Cai Jie was frustrated, he was lying if he said he was unhappy. She didn't hide it, smiled openly, and then answered Jing Zhaoyin: "Generally speaking, mass diarrhea incidents are caused by people gathering to eat. For example, treating guests to a meal, going to a restaurant, etc. However, , I asked someone to ask them yesterday, and they didn’t eat at the same place.”

The patient was right in front of him, and Jing Zhaoyin immediately sent someone to ask. Sure enough, they didn't recognize each other. They had never had drinks or meals together, nor had they been to the same restaurant or restaurant.

Jing Zhaoyin clasped his hands behind his back, lowered his head and thought: "Since the problem is not about food, then..."

"Water. Since the problem is not with the food, then it is probably with the water source." Ye Yuxiao took over.

They thought of a place! Jing Zhaoyin suddenly raised his head: "I will immediately order someone to conduct a thorough investigation of the capital's water source."

Ye Yuxiao's previous judgment was correct, Jing Zhaoyin was a capable person. He did not blindly ask the government officials and soldiers to investigate the water source all over the capital. Instead, he first went to these patients to inquire about the situation. After he found out where they got their water, he went to investigate separately with purpose.

After assigning errands, Jing Zhaoyin took the people back to the Yamen.

The group of people who caused trouble earlier had already registered their names and addresses. It was clear that they would be brought to court sooner or later, so they were much more honest.

But they are not willing to leave. Although Mingche Medical Center cannot come up with a treatment plan now, what if they can find a way later? Anyway, if they go back now and wait to die, they might as well wait here. Once Mingche Medical Center has a cure, they can get the news as soon as possible.

Ye Yuxiao did not drive them away. Instead, he had a spare ward be vacated and arranged for all patients with diarrhea to be admitted.

When there was trouble just now, many male patients' family members and men watching the excitement poured into Anding Lane. When the situation calmed down, Gu Changping took the guards and "invited" them all out.

Those patients and their families, who had made such a violent fuss just now and were now facing lawsuits, found out what was going on and lined up to go to the ward honestly, not forgetting to thank Ye Yuxiao.

Cai Jie clasped his hands and watched the patients and their families walking towards the Tianzihao ward. He sneered and said: "The Tianzihao ward in Mingche Medical Center is not cheap. I heard that it costs a hundred and ten taels of silver in one day. Even if there are so many of you sharing it, , everyone has to pay a lot of money. Can you afford this money? But you have to think carefully first. Don’t go back and not be cured, but end up with a lot of debt."

You may not have heard of Tianzihao wards, but you have always heard of Tianzihao guest rooms. Since they are all Tianzihao, this ward must be very expensive. After hearing Cai Jie's words, the patient and his family members stopped and hesitated.

Did Cai Jie resort to such childish tactics because he had lost face just now? Then he might have miscalculated. Ye Yuxiao glanced at him contemptuously and said, "Until their illness is cured, there is no charge for this ward."

"Mrs. Ning Hui is indeed a noble lady, she is so generous." Cai Jie narrowed his eyes, looked at Ye Yuxiao and smiled, "Then what if they can't cure her?"

The patients and their families at the door of the sky-high ward began to move in line after Ye Yuxiao said they would not charge money.

Ye Yuxiao watched them all enter the ward quietly, then called two guards and pointed at Cai Jie: "Slap me."

Cai Jie was startled: "Why do you beat me? Because you are the granddaughter of King Pingnan and a titled wife, so you can bully others? But I am not an ordinary untouchable - "

Ye Yuxiao didn't answer at all, and didn't even look at him seriously.

Ye Yuxiao didn't take back his orders, so the guards naturally didn't care what Cai Jie said. They immediately stepped forward, one person restrained him, the other opened his bow left and right, and slapped him several times.

Ye Yuxiao listened to the slap in the face until it sounded about ten times before he called out and signaled to the guard: "Tell him why he was beaten."

The guard pointed at Cai Jie's nose and said, "You were disrespectful to Mrs. Ning Hui, your words were disrespectful, and you dared to stare at her. If you didn't gouge out your eyes or cut your tongue, it would be considered polite to you."

Just because of this? ? Last time she asked Gu Changping to beat him, and this time she asked the guards to beat him again! Cai Jie was furious and could not be restrained. The Cai family has been practicing medicine in Jizhou for generations. Although they are not as respected as the officials, they have never been bullied. Later, he entered the capital. Although he was unfamiliar with the place and had no foundation, as his beloved concubine became pregnant and favored, whoever saw him would not treat him respectfully and treat him as a royal uncle? But this Ye Yuxiao never took him seriously.

The annoyance in Cai Jie's heart at this time overshadowed the pain on his face. He pushed the guard in front of him hard and walked away: "Ye, please wait for me!"

"What are you waiting for? Waiting for you to go and complain to your sister?" Ye Yuxiao laughed, "You can go ahead and complain, but you might as well ask your sister if you are disrespectful to a superior, should you be beaten? Your sister is now a concubine. , on the matter of establishing authority, he should be more knowledgeable than me."

This seems to be the truth, but Cai Jie could not swallow this breath. He immediately returned to Jishi Hall, had his horse prepared, and with a face swollen like a pig's head, he went to the palace to find a good concubine.

Seeing his appearance, the good concubine was shocked for a long time, and then gasped: "Brother, it's only been a few days, why are you beaten again? Although we are not afraid of anyone now, you can't grow old either." If you have grudges with others, you will make enemies everywhere."

Why do you make enemies everywhere? He was beaten by the same person twice before and after! Cai Jie was even more angry when he heard what the good concubine said: "I live with my tail between my legs every day, and I never make enemies everywhere. Your brother and I have been bullied by Mrs. Ning Hui time and time again. You don't want to take revenge on me, but instead Come and talk to me.”

The good concubine was shocked and stunned: "Brother, were you beaten by Mrs. Ning Hui again??"

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