The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 504 Something happened!

Yes, thank you Ye Yuxiao for letting her know that there are so many types of venomous snakes, but can you first tell her what is the connection between these venomous snakes and the horses she raises? Is it possible that when she talks about raising horses, she means letting these venomous snakes bite the horses one by one, so as to watch the tragic behavior of the horses after being poisoned?

Although the people in Prince Pingnan's Mansion are not taboos about meat and vegetables, is this hobby too perverted?

Gu Qingyan couldn't help but shudder as she thought about it.

No, no, no, her cousin is a doctor who treats illnesses and saves people. She has a compassionate heart. How could she do such a cruel thing. Gu Qingyan was excusing Ye Yuxiao when she saw her take the syringe handed over by Chunxiao, absorb a little of the venom of the five-step snake, and then waved to a horseman and asked him to lead a horse to the door.

What is she going to do? ? So instead of letting the snake bite the horse for fun, the horse needs to be injected with venom? ? But how is this different from letting a snake bite a horse directly? It’s also a perverted hobby to appreciate the miserable state of horses after being poisoned!

Gu Qingyan panicked, rushed over and grabbed Ye Yuxiao's wrist: "Cousin, we can't do this. You'd better go with me to the west overpass to watch the snake charmer."

can not be like this? What can't be done? Ye Yuxiao stared at her hand and said, "Relax and be careful of the needle, it's snake venom."

Of course she knew it was snake venom, otherwise what would stop her from doing it? Gu Qingyan patiently advised her: "Cousin, although this horse is not valuable, it still has a life. If you take this injection, it will die. If you really have this hobby, I will catch mice for you, okay? Okay? Everyone shouts about beating the rats, but it will do no harm to them. If you inject them with snake venom, you can eliminate the harm for the people."

"Not good for rats." Ye Yuxiao shook his head, "The rats are too small and will die if injected with even a little bit of snake venom."

Look what this says! "Could it be that if you inject snake venom into a horse, it won't die?" Seeing that Ye Yuxiao didn't listen, Gu Qingyan was helpless.

"Would you know if you try it?" Ye Yuxiao saw Gu Qingyan's nervous face and deliberately teased her.

"No! You can't try!" Gu Qingyan insisted, "Cousin, as long as you take this step, you will be out of control in the future. If you act like this, yes, yes - my ex-brother-in-law will not want you anymore!"

Gu Qingyan was good at whipping but not good at speaking. After being speechless for a long time, she didn't know how to persuade him, so she had to move Ouyang Sheng out. But after she finished speaking, she felt frustrated. A man like Ouyang Sheng, who puts his wife first, would only help her catch venomous snakes. How could he not want her? These words had no deterrent effect at all.

"If he doesn't want me, I will live with you for the rest of my life." Ye Yuxiao teased Gu Qingyan and patted her shoulder with his free hand, "Don't worry, I have sense. This amount of snake venom is not good for Malay." It's not fatal enough."

There was indeed very little snake venom in the syringe, but Gu Qingyan still didn't believe it and refused to let go of her hand.

Ye Yuxiao thought for a while and found an explanation that she thought was easier to understand: "Suppose the snake venom in this syringe is put into a water tank. If you drink the water in the water tank, will you be poisoned?"

"Of course I will." Gu Qingyan said without thinking.

"What if the same amount of snake venom is put into the sea? Will you be poisoned if you drink the seawater?" Ye Yuxiao asked again.

"I've never seen the sea!" Gu Qingyan glared at her.

This... okay, let's change the place. Ye Yuxiao thought for a while: "If you put this amount of snake venom into the moat, will you be poisoned if you drink the river water?"

moat? That long and wide moat in the capital that goes completely around the city? Gu Qingyan thought about the surging river water and said hesitantly: "Isn't it possible?"

There is so much water in the moat that a small amount of snake venom will be diluted immediately.

It seemed that she understood a little bit. Ye Yuxiao looked at Gu Qingyan and patted the horse's back: "In the same way, if this snake venom is injected into the bodies of mice or us, we may die, but because horses are larger, , this bit of snake venom entering his body is like being thrown into a moat, and he will not die from it."

Gu Qingyan felt that comparing horses with moats was inaccurate, but Ye Yuxiao's explanation made her understand one thing - she was doing business, not having a perverted hobby.

This made her completely relieved and let go of Ye Yuxiao's hand.

Ye Yuxiao smiled at her and inserted the needle into the horse's body.

The venom in the needle disappeared quickly, and the horse in front of him, as Ye Yuxiao said, did not show any symptoms of poisoning.

Gu Qingyan felt it was a bit magical, so she touched the horse's belly, then touched its head, and stared at the needle hole where the venom had just been injected.

"Don't just look at it, come and help me." Ye Yuxiao handed the used syringe to Chunxiao and waved to Gu Qingyan.

"Help? Won't all the hundreds of horses on your racecourse be injected with snake venom like this?" Gu Qingyan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, the horses in this racecourse are all used to inject snake venom. They are divided into groups of ten and injected with different snake venom." Ye Yuxiao said, "Come on, this is not difficult, I believe you You’ll learn it soon.”

It seems easy, but for what? for what? Lu Qingyan chased after Ye Yuxiao and kept asking questions.

"I'll tell you the answer all at once, so you won't have any expectations." Ye Yuxiao raised a finger and shook it at her, "I'll be here to inject them with snake venom for the second time. You can follow me again then."

Are you still trying to sell things off? Gu Qingyan was angry: "I won't come!"

"Then in two months, you can follow me to draw blood from the horse." Ye Yuxiao said with a smile.

"No!" Gu Qingyan said angrily, "Why don't you tell me the answer all at once? I won't have any expectations. You have obviously stayed with your ex-brother-in-law for a long time and have acquired the bad habit of showing off."

"You also know that Ah Sheng likes to show off?" Ye Yuxiao laughed loudly thinking of Ouyang Sheng.

Speaking of Ouyang Sheng, Gu Qingyan thought of the Northern Expedition. When he thought of the Northern Expedition, he thought of Zhang Chengxuan who had gone to the north first. She couldn't help but become frustrated: "My father is leaving soon, but there is no news from King Lu yet."

Yes, there has been no news. When will Ouyang Sheng come back? Ye Yuxiao felt melancholy for a while, then teased Gu Qingyan: "Are you worried about Zhang Chengxuan, or are you worried about your own marriage?"

What's the difference? Gu Qingyan knew that she was making fun of him, so he glared at her and ignored her.

Ye Yuxiao took her to the stables and injected the first group of horses with five-step snake venom. While she was teaching Gu Qingyan, she asked her: "When uncle leaves, can we see him off?"

After all, he was a general guarding the border, and his status was unusual. She was afraid that the court would have any regulations on this, so she asked first.

Sure enough, Gu Qingyan shook her head: "We can't give it away. We don't know exactly when he will leave. Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. In the past, after he came back to visit his relatives, he always left secretly in the middle of the night. When we woke up the next day , only to realize that he was missing.”

After she finished speaking, she smiled bitterly: "Now that my father is gone, I don't know when he will come back next time. My mother should make Korean fruit cake at home every day."

This topic is too sad. The freedom and unrestraint they have in the capital are all earned by their two uncles who lived and slept in the open air at the border, sweating and sweating. Ye Yuxiao had no choice but to comfort her and said: "Guarding the border and protecting our country are our responsibilities. Someone must go there."

Gu Qingyan nodded: "It's a pity that I'm not a man. Otherwise, it would be great if I had to guard the border and let my father come back to accompany my mother."

Ye Yuxiao smiled and said: "Even if you are a man, it is not your turn to guard the border. There are so many brothers above you."

"That's true." Gu Qingyan laughed herself.

Gu Qingyan quickly learned how to inject snake venom, and the two of them were busy talking and laughing. Suddenly, a guard rushed over and said hurriedly: "Madam, it's bad, something happened to the whitening and rejuvenating powder!"

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