The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 494: Ginger is still spicier when old

But, how to save? Like Xie Qingling said, apologize and give in? No, she couldn't bear that face or bear the grievance.

Who is their Xie family? That is a truly aristocratic family that has gone through several dynasties and is still standing today. Their family has produced five prime ministers, two queens, and countless descendants of the family have entered the court as officials.

As for Pingnan Prince's Mansion, despite their current popularity, in fact, they only made a fortune in just a few decades. When King Pingnan was young, he was still a reckless man digging in the soil for food!

Let her plead with Prince Pingnan in a lowly manner for a snake? impossible.

But it’s still possible to theorize. Yes, it should be theorized. This is such a ridiculous thing. It is clearly Gu Changping's fault. She is in the right here and naturally wants to talk to his elders.

Mrs. Feng leaned on her crutches and stood up: "Here, prepare a car and go to Prince Pingnan's Mansion!"

Princess Pingnan received Feng in Weihu Hall with a smile. She spoke kindly and had a kind attitude. She asked with concern whether Feng could adapt to the dry and hot weather in the capital. If she needed anything, just ask Pingnan Prince's Mansion.

Seeing Princess Pingnan like this, Mrs. Feng became more and more confident. She put on airs and asked with a straight face: "Princess, do you know that Changping Shangguan Palace sued our Zi Yan?"

"I heard it, I heard it." Princess Pingnan smiled brightly.

heard? that's all? No more content? Mrs. Feng waited for a long time, but before Princess Pingnan said anything, she suddenly felt her blood boiling, her chest tight, and she was so angry.

She tried her best to maintain her composure and suppress her anger: "Princess, do you know that Chang Ping sued Zi Yan because of a snake?"

"I know, I know." Princess Pingnan still smiled broadly, "Children are just messing around."

right! It's not just nonsense. Finally getting to the point. Feng's anger dissipated a little and said: "It's nothing if a child is acting up, but Changping actually sued Zi Yan to the government. This is outrageous."

"Hey, isn't it just a snake?" Princess Pingnan waved her hand indifferently.

Yes, it's just a snake. This is the truth. It seems that Princess Pingnan thinks the same as her. Feng's face, which had been long since she entered, finally showed a smile: "After all, the princess is sensible, she is just a snake, this is a trivial matter."

"Yes, yes, small things, small things." Princess Pingnan echoed, "Let the children solve such small things by themselves."

What? ! The smile that Feng showed just now solidified. Let the kids figure it out on their own? Does this mean that she plans to let Gu Changping continue to sue Xie Ziyan? She wasn't prepared to take care of it at all?

Feng's anger couldn't be suppressed, and she almost slapped the table: "Princess, Zi Yan is from the girl's family, how can she go to court??"

"Why can't the girl's family go to court?" Princess Pingnan first expressed doubts, and then said seriously, "Old sister, you are wrong. In a family like ours, we do not favor sons over daughters, whether it is the son's family or the son's family. Daughters’ families are all the same. Since boys can go to court, girls can also go to court.”

What? ! What is this and what? ? Is it an honor to go to court? ? Now Feng not only wants to slam the table, but also wants to smash the teacup. It is really difficult to maintain a dignified and elegant manner in front of the people of Pingnan Palace!

Calm down, calm down, she is here to solve the problem, she must be calm. Ms. Feng forced down her anger and tried to bring back Princess Pingnan's distorted cognitive outlook: "Princess, in a big family, a family of officials, if a man commits a crime and the female family members are implicated and have to go to court to be tried, they would rather Why did he choose to hang himself on a white silk beam instead of going to court to be humiliated? Because a woman’s face and reputation are more important than her life. So today, Changping forces Zi Yan to go to court to take her life. !”

"Old sister, do you take the matter of going to court too seriously?" Princess Pingnan was extremely surprised. "How can a small lawsuit in court be compared with the family members of a criminal officer going to court to be tried?"

"No, it's so serious for a girl's family to go to court." Feng said with great certainty, "Girls from our Jiangnan family cannot show up easily, let alone go to court. For them, this is a great shame and humiliation and cannot be tolerated."

"Oh, my old sister, that was Jiangnan, but this is the capital, it's different." Princess Pingnan patted the armrest of the chair repeatedly, as if Feng was the stubborn person, "Changping just wants Zi Yan to Go to court and ask Jing Zhaoyin to be a witness and make it clear that you are taking the matter too seriously. Such a trivial matter is not worth your trip."

Princess Pingnan said every little thing, which made Feng feel depressed and panicked. The trivial things she imagined were completely different from the trivial things Princess Pingnan said! Snakes are a trivial matter, not going to court is a trivial matter. What should she say to make Princess Pingnan understand!

No wonder Xie Ziyan couldn't defeat Gu Changping. It turned out that she felt the same way when facing Gu Changping's grandmother. Feng felt that she had lost the ability to organize words at this time, and all she could think about was lifting the coffee table next to her, picking up the teapot, and smashing it to the ground.

Just when she was so angry that she was about to explode, Princess Pingnan was urging her: "Sister, please stop nagging at me and tell Zi Yan to go to court. If you go there early, it will be over."

Is it too late to leave early? That's going to court, not visiting someone! Feng felt that it was unreasonable to talk to her, so she got up and left without even saying goodbye.

Princess Pingnan watched her disappear outside the Weihu Hall. She picked up the tea and drank it with a smile. She didn't mind her rude behavior at all.

Ye Yuxiao watched the whole audience from behind the screen, walked out with fists in hand, and gave Princess Pingnan a 90-degree gift: "After all, ginger is still hotter when she is older. I admire her later, but I must learn from her in the future."

Princess Pingnan watched her imitate men's salutes and was overjoyed: "You monkey, you can make grandma laugh."

"Smile, I'm ten years old." Ye Yuxiao smiled and sat next to Princess Pingnan, "To tell you the truth, the old feudal lord of the Xie Mansion and that Xie Ziyan are very annoying, so they should be Teach them a lesson."

Princess Pingnan didn't take the grandfather and grandson seriously at all. She only cared about Ye Yuxiao: "My grandson, did Xie Ziyan really kill your snake?"

If Feng and Xie Ziyan saw Princess Pingnan caring about snakes, they would definitely be angry to death on the spot, right? Ye Yuxiao held back her laughter, took out the small brocade box, and showed it to Princess Pingnan: "I just fainted after falling, but now I'm alive."

In the brocade box, a green and transparent little snake quietly coiled itself into a coil of mosquito coils, looking a little wilted.

Princess Pingnan looked at Ye Yuxiao's hand and said: "Look at this poor little one. He lost all his energy after the fall. It's all because of the fuss made by the two girls from the Xie family. It's neither light nor heavy. She doesn't look like a lady." None, but fortunately her grandmother still claims to be from a wealthy Jiangnan family."

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