The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 366 A strange disease

The palace maid shook her head, expressing her ignorance.

She was confused. Since King Heng wanted to see Ye Yuxiao on his way to the Northern Expedition, it must be a big deal. How could the emperor let the news get out? The queen was worried about King Heng and urged Ye Yuxiao repeatedly: "Go quickly, don't keep the emperor waiting."

Ye Yuxiao responded and asked the Queen: "My Lady, I wonder where Liangtong County is?"

The queen replied: "Liangtong County belongs to Xuantong Prefecture and is the only way to leave the country from the north."

The only way to go out of the country? So King Heng just passed through Liangtong County? Then why call her there? Could it be that he wanted to take her to the Northern Expedition? Or is this Ouyang Sheng's arrangement? Ye Yuxiao was confused, resigned to the queen, and went to the royal study.

There were only a few people in the imperial study room. Apart from the emperor who was behind the imperial examination, only Eunuch Wei stood by his side. Ye Yuxiao came to the Imperial Study Room more and more, and found out some doorways. The smaller the number of people, the more confidential the matter. But she is just a doctor, what confidential matters can she be involved in? Ye Yuxiao became more confused and stepped forward to salute.

The emperor went straight to the point without any falsehoods: "Ning Hui, I just received a letter from King Heng Feige. Your uncle Gu Heng has not returned yet. He is trapped in Liangtong County because of a serious illness. . Prince Heng proposed to me that you go to Liangtong County to save people. I thought about it, since you have excellent medical skills and are Gu Heng’s closest relative, no one is more suitable than you to go, so it’s OK.”

Is your uncle so seriously ill? ! But weren't the people who went to take him back to Beijing specially sent by the emperor? Why has no definite news come back until now? Ye Yuxiao couldn't figure out the twists and turns, so he had to choose a question in his own professional field to ask: "Your Majesty, what disease does my concubine's uncle have?"

"None of the local doctors have seen this kind of disease, and no one dares to prescribe medicine." The emperor frowned, with a solemn expression, "According to King Heng, your uncle's complexion is blue, his tongue has lines, he has cold and heat, chest tightness, and general tightness. I have a headache, dizziness and pain, and flea spots have appeared on my front, heart and back."

This symptom...? ! Ye Yuxiao was suddenly alert and raised his head.

"What? Do you know about this disease?" The emperor saw her expression was different and asked.

If the description of the symptoms is correct, is this some kind of infectious disease recorded in ancient books? However, the emperor said from the beginning that the only one who was sick was her uncle. So, maybe it was a misdiagnosis. Ye Yuxiao did not dare to be decisive and shook his head slowly: "I have never seen it."

"Daxi has never had such a disease, and I didn't expect you to have seen it." The emperor nodded.

At this time, an announcement from the chamberlain came from outside the royal study: "Your Majesty, Ambassador Dong Yuan and the two young ladies from the Xue family have arrived."

Ye Yuxiao knew that Dong Yuan was the former left hospital judge of Taiyuan Hospital. He replaced the fallen Ding Mengze and became the new dean of Taiyuan Hospital. But who are the two ladies of the Xue family?

"I announced that they have come to the palace." The emperor seemed to see her doubts and took the initiative to explain, "The disease that Gu Heng suffered from is unprecedented. To be cautious, I decided to send Dong Yi and the two young ladies from the Xue family. Let’s go to Liangtong County with you.”

After the emperor finished speaking, he said "come in".

Then I saw Dong Yi taking the lead and walking in.

Behind Dong Yi were two young women, one of whom was Ye Yuxiao's "old acquaintance", Xue Jingyu. The other Ye Yuxiao has never been seen before, but she has bright eyes and white teeth, a face as smooth as ice, and her appearance seems to be better than Xue Jingyu's.

Are these the two ladies of the Xue family? However, isn’t there only one young lady from the Xue family, Xue Jingyu? Of course, Ye Yuxiao was more worried about the emperor's judgment than this little doubt. Xue Jingyu has mediocre medical skills and bad morals. Why should she be sent to Liangtong County?

While she was complaining secretly, the emperor looked at the second Miss Xue up and down, and asked Xue Jingyu: "Is this your cousin from the same clan?"

"Exactly." Xue Jingyu replied, "She is the thirteenth in the family, and she is known as the Thirteenth Mother. Her great-grandfather and the great-grandfather of Min's daughter are cousins. Her family started practicing medicine since her grandfather, and her family has been practicing medicine since her grandfather. There are many secret recipes. Her medical skills are even more outstanding, but because she is hidden in a boudoir, few people know about them. The folk girl’s medical skills were learned from this group of people."

"Oh?" The emperor's eyes fell back on Xue Shisanniang again, "Have you heard from your cousin about General Gu Heng's illness?"

Xue Shisan nodded: "The daughter of the people already knows."

"Then is there any good remedy for the disease in your family's secret recipe?" the emperor asked again.

"Back to the Emperor, the root cause of all diseases in the world is nothing more than deficiency, excess, coolness and heat. After the daughter of the people sees General Gu with her own eyes, she can check his pulse and choose the right recipe for the disease." Xue Shisan's answer was neither humble nor arrogant, neither sick nor sick. Xu is obviously very confident in his medical skills.

The emperor smiled: "It seems that your family's secret recipe range is very wide."

Xue Shisan didn't even say a word of humility, but acquiesced.

The emperor became more and more happy and said: "In that case, you should go back to your homes immediately, pack your luggage, and set off early tomorrow for Liangtong County. If you need medicinal materials and manpower, just report it to the Dong Yuan Envoy and he will make arrangements."

Everyone resigned in unison.

They each took soft sedans out of the palace, and met again in front of the veranda outside the palace.

Dong Yi took the initiative to greet Ye Yuxiao and asked diligently: "What medicinal materials does Mrs. Ning Hui need? Just ask and I will order people to prepare them immediately. If you need related equipment, you can also tell me and I will order people to work overnight to ensure there is no delay." It’s your business.”

He had problems with Ye Yuxiao before, but after all, it didn't involve personal grudges. In his opinion, the reason why he rose to power was because Ye Yuxiao pulled Ding Mengze down, so he had a good impression of her.

Ye Yuxiao was very dissatisfied with his overtures, but it was better to have several comrades in the same trench than several enemies, so she was also very polite: "Then I would like to thank Dong Yuan for the envoy first. I will make a list when I get back. I'll send someone to bring it to you."

"Okay, okay, Mrs. Ning Hui, don't be polite to me." Dong Yi responded repeatedly.

Xue Jingyu saw that Dong Yi was trying to curry favor with Ye Yuxiao, and was extremely unhappy. She immediately said, "We are also going to Liangtong County to rescue General Gu Heng, but the Dong Yuan envoy only asked Mrs. Ning Hui, not us, if there was any Do you think you favor one over the other?"

Dong Yi was very dissatisfied with her tone, but looking at Xue Shisan and thinking about the secret recipe that made her so valued by the emperor, he still endured it: "Miss Xue, don't worry, after I asked Mrs. Ning Hui, shouldn't I ask you now?" What?"

"Okay, with the words of Director Dong, I feel relieved." Xue Jingyu said immediately, "I want deer antlers, whole ginseng, saffron, cordyceps..."

Is this a prescription for medicine, or is it taking advantage of the situation? Dong Yi suddenly became angry again: "Miss Xue doesn't know what kind of disease General Gu is suffering from. How did she know that he needs such precious medicinal materials?"

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