"He won't." Yang Liu said confidently, "The King of Wei is a man who cares about face. I have been a cook in his house and have done great service for him. If he even has me in his house, He can’t tolerate even setting up a stall in the alley, and others will only call him stingy.”

In fact, King Wei did not necessarily want to save face, but he wanted to ascend to Dabao and become emperor, so he could not allow himself to have any stains, including stinginess.

Yang Liu had set up a stall before in Luocheng, and now he was familiar with the road. With the help of Green Branch, he quickly set up the stall.

The ingredients they purchased included flour, pork belly and skin, pig offal, etc.

Luzhi asked: "Ms. Yang, what are we going to sell?


Yang Liu answered her while pouring water and noodles, "Let's make wontons."

There is flour and pork belly, so it is suitable to make wontons, but Luzhi hesitated: "The people living around here are rich people, and the wontons they want to eat must be good soup stock, but we don't even have big bones. How to make soup stock? It’s easy to buy big bones, but it takes at least several hours to make soup stock. By the time we finish it, breakfast will become dinner.”

"You're right. It takes a lot of time to make soup stock, so I didn't buy big bones." Yang Liu said.

"Then how do we make soup?" Luzhi asked.

"Use these to cook." Yang Liu pointed to the meat skin and the water.

What? ? Make soup from pork rinds and pig offal? How can these things be used to make soup stock? Luzhi's eyes widened: "Miss Yang, did I hear you correctly?"

"You heard it right, these are used to make soup." Yang Liu said with certainty, "Let's start cooking now, mash all these things, and then filter the soup."

Okay, just do whatever she says. Anyway, she has no choice but to listen to her. Why didn't she have any idea? Luzhi thought. Following her instructions, he boiled the water and poured the meat skin and pig offal into it.

The firepower is very strong, and the pork skin and pig offal are much easier to boil than the large pork bones. Soon the soup becomes thick, and the pork skin and pig offal are boiled into meat residue. Luzhi followed Yangliu's instructions and filtered out the residue with gauze, leaving only the clear soup.

Luzhi smelled the soup and said, "Miss Yang, this soup is a bit fishy."

"It doesn't matter, you put the ginger." Yang Liu said.

Luzhi added ginger according to Yangliu's instructions. Because there was only soup left in it and no ingredients, the fishy smell was quickly removed.

But will this soup taste delicious? Will anyone buy it? Green Branch expressed doubt.

Yang Liu quickly made the dough, rolled out the wonton wrappers, and mixed the meat filling.

Because she participated in the finals of the gourmet food competition and won first place, many people who came and went knew her. Before her wontons were ready, many people gathered in front of the stall waiting to buy wontons. She really didn't have to worry about business, so it was good for this person to be famous.

Seeing so many people gathered, Luzhi felt happy and nervous at the same time. The happy thing was that their business didn't seem to have to worry about, but the nervous thing was that if they were dissatisfied with the soup later, it would ruin the business. His reputation was ruined again.

They spent all their ten taels of silver to buy these things, and now they are penniless. If the things cannot be sold, what will they do?

“A bowl of wontons!”

“A bowl of wontons!”

The customers who crowded in front of the stall shouted when they saw Yang Liu making preparations.

Yang Liu's hands and feet are very fast, wrapping wontons, placing wontons, and filling wontons all in one go.

After a while, the first batch of customers were holding bowls of wontons.

Many people couldn't wait to stand in front of the stall and start eating.

"These wontons taste really delicious. Miss Yang deserves to be the first place in the culinary competition."

"Yes, not only does it taste good, but there is actually a lot of meat inside and the skin is thin enough."

"Try this soup. This soup is the highlight. It's so fresh. Even my cooks can't make it this well."

Soup? Is this soup delicious? This is a soup made from pig skins and pig offal. The pig skins were just returned. In the Yunxi Dynasty, pig offal was something that no one wanted. The pig offal was given to them for free by the pork seller, and they didn’t ask for any money at all. This shows how cheap they are.

How can the soup made from these things be delicious? Lu Zhi was a little dumbfounded.

But it is a fact that everyone loves to eat these wontons. One person passed it on to another, and soon the stall was crowded with a second wave of people, and their wontons were quickly sold out.

Luzhi counted it on the spot and made a full five taels of silver. Five taels of silver, wouldn’t it be possible to get your money back the next day? It turns out that setting up a stall is so profitable, then they don’t have to do anything else in the future and just set up a stall here every day. Not only can they solve their livelihood problems, but they can also make a fortune.

After selling the wontons, Yang Liu packed up his things and prepared to close the stall.

At this time, many people asked: "You are not the King of Wei. Are you Chef Yang? Didn't you just win the first place in the finals of the cuisine competition? Why didn't King Wei keep you in the King of Wei's Mansion, but kicked you out?" Are you going to set up a stall here?"

Yang Liu smiled and said: "I was not kicked out by the prince. I left the house on my own after my contract with the prince expired. If I was kicked out by the prince, why would the prince allow me to set up a stall here?"

This is true. But everyone still has questions: "You are now so honored that you can open your own restaurant. Why would you set up a small stall here? It's so shabby."

Yang Liu said: "I have stayed in Prince Wei's Mansion for too long. I feel that I am a frog in a well and a bird in a cage. I want to broaden my horizons and improve my cooking skills by setting up a stall."

These people listened to it every day and nodded to express their admiration: "He is indeed the god of cooking. His insights are so unique."

Yangliu packed up the stall, pushed the cart with Luzhi, and finally rented a small house with the five taels of silver they earned. Although the house was small, they finally had a place to stay.

Luzhi expressed his admiration for Yangliu: "Miss Yang, you are really good at predicting things. King Wei really didn't come to chase us away. We will be safe from now on."

Just because King Wei didn't drive them away doesn't mean he has no other ways to deal with them. Don't be too happy too soon, Yang Liu thought, but didn't say it to Lu Zhi for fear of scaring her.

Her guess was absolutely correct. King Wei learned that Yang Liu had set up a wonton stall at the entrance of the alley of King Wei's Mansion, and the business was very good. He was very angry, smashed the tea cups on the floor, and called Concubine Yu over to scold her.

Concubine Yu felt that she was extremely unjust. What did Yangliu's early departure from the palace have to do with her? However, she did not dare to get into trouble with King Wei's anger and could only listen silently.

After King Wei finished scolding the concubine, he said angrily: "Why don't you speak? Give me an idea quickly."

"What's your idea?" Concubine Yu asked.

"Of course I came up with an idea to drive away the willows." King Wei said angrily.

"If you want to drive her away, just send someone there, but you still need to think of something else." Concubine Yu was very surprised.

Nonsense, as soon as Yang Liu left his house, he went to chase her away. People would say that he was uncaring and heartless. King Wei said impatiently: "You can just think about it. Where do you come from so many words?"

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