The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 1143 The case is really solved

After all, it was Jing Zhaoyin who immediately guessed her intention. Ye Yuxiao smiled at Jing Zhaoyin and said, "Sir, please compare the fingerprints and footprints of the people in the house."

Jing Zhaoyin immediately followed the instructions and ordered people to bring ink pads and burnt ashes from the stove, and asked everyone in the house to put their fingerprints on the ink pads, and then step on the two footprints on the ashes.

They were the only ones in the room, and soon all the fingerprints and footprints were printed.

Under Ye Yuxiao's guidance, Jing Zhaoyin compared these fingerprints and footprints one by one with the fingerprints and footprints he had just made.

After a while, Jing Zhaoyin came to the conclusion: "The fingerprints on the rope belong to the second Miss Xie, the third Miss Xie, and the second Miss Xie's maid Yuchao'er. The footprints on the stool mainly belong to the third Miss Xie." , but there is also a half-shoe print, which belongs to Jade Chuaner."

Ye Yuxiao smiled slightly: "Please explain to us, sir, what this means."

"This shows that the people who touched the rope were not only Miss Xie San, but also Miss Xie Second and her maid. The people who stepped on the stool were not only Miss Xie but also Miss Xie's maid," Jing Zhaoyin said.

Xie Ziyan's expression changed obviously.

Jing Zhaoyin's face darkened: "Please explain to Second Miss Xie why there are your fingerprints on the rope and your maid's footprints on the stool? Could it be that Princess Yingchuan's judgment is right and that Third Miss Xie did not commit suicide at all?" , but you and the maid conspired to kill her? She missed her sisterly love, so she lied about committing suicide and covered it up for you? "

Xie Ziyan strongly denied: "Those fingerprints were left when I rescued my third sister."

Jing Zhaoyin snorted and said, "But when I asked you earlier, you clearly said that you had never touched the rope."

Xie Ziyan's face turned pale. When Jing Zhaoyin asked her those questions, she didn't know that her fingerprints would be checked later. If she had known this, she would have lied and said that she had touched the rope when she rescued Xie Chengfeng.

Jing Zhaoyin pressed her and asked, "What on earth is going on? Why don't you recruit her from the ground up?"

Xie Ziyan couldn't resist. She looked at Feng and was about to speak.

Feng gave her a sharp look and warned her with her eyes.

Xie Ziyan's heart dropped, and she felt angry and angry. She knew very well what Feng's glance meant. She wanted to let her take care of everything by herself to protect Xie Chengfeng. If Prince Ping'an knew that Xie Chengfeng took the initiative to pursue this matter, she would be doomed.

However, she and Xie Chengfeng are both Feng's granddaughters, why should she be sacrificed? Is it just because Xie Chengfeng has more prospects than her now? Xie Ziyan was angry and aggrieved, but thinking that she still needed Feng's support in the Hua family, she could only grit her teeth and said, "I secretly brought the third sister out of the Pingnan Prince's Mansion."

"What?" Jing Zhaoyin didn't understand.

Xie Ziyan took a deep breath and said: "After my third sister married into Prince Pingnan's palace, she was locked up in a separate courtyard. She couldn't get out and couldn't see her husband. I was really angry, so I coaxed my grandmother's maid Cai Die, come with me to see the third sister, and ask the third sister to come with me. The third sister insisted and I hated her, so I drugged both her and Cai Die, and then asked Cai Die to stay in another hospital and pretend to be the third sister. sister, and I took the third sister out of the other courtyard."

"I was thinking that Pingnan Prince's Palace was too bullying and I must give them some color, so I took my third sister to the door of Prince Pingnan's Palace in the dark while the medicine had not worn off and she was groggy. Then I asked my maid Yu Chua'er to help me hang her up on the beam at the entrance of Prince Pingnan's Mansion."

"I wanted to make her crack deeper, but I was also afraid that she would really hang to death, so I asked Yu Chua'er to lift her up every once in a while...and then..."

Xie Ziyan glanced at Feng as she spoke. Feng didn't look at her, but she pursed her lips tightly.

Xie Ziyan's eyes darkened and she said: "Later, when it was almost dawn, my grandmother came. My grandmother was shocked and thought that the third sister couldn't think of it. I just followed the trend and said that she couldn't think of it. My grandmother was very angry. He forced Prince Pingnan’s Mansion to carry the third sister in, and even said he wanted to settle a score with Prince Pingnan’s Mansion..."

Although she spoke in a long-winded way, Jing Zhaoyin understood clearly: "Did you do everything by yourself?"

Xie Ziyan glanced at Feng again and nodded: "Yes, I did it alone."

Jing Zhaoyin waved his hand: "Take it away!"

Xie Ziyan was dejected and allowed the officer to cut her arm and take her away.

Sun Weifang was stunned. She still doesn't fully understand how Jing Zhaoyin convicted Xie Ziyan based on the fingerprints on the rope and the footprints on the stool.

Feng took out her handkerchief, wiped her tears, and apologized to Sun Weifang and Ye Yuxiao: "It's all my fault. I didn't understand the situation, so I blamed Pingnan Prince's Mansion. It turned out that it was the second girl of our family who caused the trouble. I thought it was you who forced us three girls to hang themselves."

Sun Weifang was surprised and happy to see Feng's surrender.

Ye Yuxiao glanced at her sideways and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Xie, we know the truth of this matter, so don't treat us like fools."

Feng's face sank: "What's the truth? Haven't you already found out the truth? Although our third girl lied about this matter, why did she do this? Isn't it because you Pingnan Prince's Mansion bullied Are you too rude to treat us three girls as human beings? Our second girl is just doing this to fight for our sister's injustice."

"You keep saying that Xie Ziyan did it, are you sure?" Ye Yuxiao smiled half-heartedly, "You probably forgot one thing. When you took Xie Ziyan to the Pingnan Palace to find Xie Chengfeng, many servants saw it. Now, do you want me to call them over and go to the government to be witnesses?"

Feng's face suddenly changed and she didn't dare to say a word.

Why had she forgotten this? Although she could completely dismiss the matter of hanging, Xie Ziyan was with her when she went to another hospital. Many people saw this and she couldn't deny it.

After all, she was a mature woman. She calmed down after a while and said: "Since Princess Yingchuan's words are true, why didn't you confess me just now?"

Ye Yuxiao snorted and said: "Looking at your age, I just want to give you a way to survive. If you make trouble against Xie Chengfeng again, don't blame me for being rude."

Ms. Feng understood that she just wanted to hold on to this handle and keep pinching her.

What a cruel thought! Feng glared at Ye Yuxiao, but was helpless.

Ye Yuxiao sneered: "Why don't you quickly go find your good son-in-law and fish out Xie Ziyan?"

Sun Weifang smiled and said: "Her good son-in-law is not in the same situation as before. How can he still be able to get people out of prison?"

Feng's face turned red and white, she turned around and left, holding back her anger.

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