Xie Qingling nodded again.

"Second sister-in-law, you are taking too many risks." Ye Yuxiao sighed softly, "I suspect you have an ectopic pregnancy."

"Ectopic pregnancy? What kind of disease is ectopic pregnancy?" Xie Qingling asked confused.

"Ectopic pregnancy, as the name suggests, means that the child is conceived outside the uterus." Ye Yuxiao explained roughly.

Xie Qingling was frightened: "What can I do? I won't die, right?" Her daughter is still young, and she hasn't given birth to a son for Gu Changping yet, so she can't die yet!

"Don't panic. I'll operate on you right away. The chance of accidents in this operation is low, so you don't have to worry too much." Ye Yuxiao said, glanced at Gu Changping who was half-stretched outside the screen, and said, "It's just , this operation will most likely require the removal of one side of your fallopian tube, and you will only be left with the other side of the fallopian tube, and the chance of pregnancy will be greatly reduced."

Will the chance of pregnancy be greatly reduced? No, no, no, it’s already very difficult for her to conceive a child. If it gets worse, what if she can’t conceive in her old age? Xie Qingling shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, no, Xiaoxiao, I don't want any fallopian tubes to be removed, I still want to have a baby."

"Second sister-in-law, what's more important, the child or life?" Ye Yuxiao urged her hard.

Gu Changping rushed in: "Cousin, please leave her alone and perform surgery on her quickly."

It would be nice to reduce the chance of pregnancy, but it would be even better if you couldn't get pregnant at all. Xie Qingling's body was no longer suitable for pregnancy, so it was just right to remove her fallopian tubes.

Xie Qingling still objected strongly. Jiang rushed over after hearing the news and made the final decision. He signed the surgery agreement with his own hand. Xie Qingling stopped making noises.

Gu Changping quickly carried Xie Qingling into the carriage and sent him to Mingche Medical Center.

Ye Yuxiao rode horseback all the way, arriving at the hospital ahead of her and preparing the operating room.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Xie Qingling was pushed into the operating room. Ye Yuxiao performed the surgery herself, and Chunxiao acted as her assistant. This operation was almost not difficult. Ye Yuxiao quickly removed her ruptured fallopian tube and embryo, sutured the wound, and sent her back to the ward.

Ye Yuxiao knew that Xie Qingling would be in a bad mood after she woke up, so he stayed in the ward to wait for her to wear off the anesthesia, and then enlightened her for a while before going home.

But what she didn't expect was that not long after she returned home, Yinhuan hurriedly came to report: "Princess, something is wrong! The second young lady of Pingnan Palace has committed suicide!"

Ye Yuxiao was startled and almost jumped up from the chair: "Didn't she just have the operation? How could she commit suicide? How did she commit suicide?"

She was anxious, and while asking, she was already running outside.

Yin Ling chased after her and replied: "While no one was paying attention, she pierced her throat with the hairpin on her head..."

Hairpin? Well, if a woman in ancient times wanted to commit suicide, weapons were indeed readily available. Ye Yuxiao ran out of the gate in one breath. Regardless of the fact that she was wearing a skirt, she tore the skirt directly, got on her horse and went straight to Mingche Medical Center.

In Mingche Medical Center, Chunxiao was leading several doctors and medical women to rescue Xie Qingling.

Ye Yuxiao put on surgical clothes, sterilized, and rushed in: "How is the situation?" Since he was being rescued, he probably wasn't dead yet.

Chunxiao turned sideways and showed her: "Although the wound is deep, it is not large and the trachea is not injured. It is not life-threatening."

Ye Yuxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Chunxiao sewed up Xie Qingling's wound and asked other doctors and medical women to send her back to the ward. She stayed a step aside and tugged on Ye Yuxiao's sleeve: "Princess, she has a heart problem. If the knot in her heart is not resolved, She will continue to look for opportunities to commit suicide, so you must find a way to enlighten her as soon as possible."

She understands this. In fact, Xie Qingling was lucky enough. Although it was difficult to give birth, neither her mother-in-law nor her husband rushed her, let alone made things difficult for her. It was because of the education and outlook she had received since childhood that she could not overcome the hurdle in her heart.

Ye Yuxiao analyzed it carefully and felt that she was not the best person to persuade Xie Qingling. After all, her three views were too inconsistent with hers. She thought about it, and after walking out of the operating room, she went to find Gu Changping to discuss: "What do you think about inviting my eldest cousin to enlighten Qing Ling?"

Gu Changping didn't agree very much: "Her own affairs are in a mess, and she still wants to enlighten Qing Ling?"

"I think that just because they are in similar situations, they might have something in common." Ye Yuxiao said.

Indeed, both of their sisters-in-law had difficulty in giving birth and shared the same illness. Although Sun Weifang was not doing well, at least she had no suicidal tendencies. Asking her to enlighten Xie Qingling might have good results. Gu Changping thought of this and nodded: "I will go and invite my sister-in-law myself."

When Sun Weifang heard that Xie Qingling attempted suicide, she was already on her way to Mingche Medical Center. She happened to meet Gu Changping and went to the medical center to visit Xie Qingling.

At this time, Xie Qingling looked haggard, full of tears, and looked like she no longer wanted to live.

Sun Weifang walked to her and sat down, saying, "Second brother and sister, at least you have a daughter under your knees, and you want her with all your heart. Then should I also take a rope and hang her from the beam?"

After hearing her words, Xie Qingling immediately opened her eyes: "Sister-in-law, that's not what I meant."

When Gu Changping saw this scene, he gave Ye Yuxiao a thumbs up. Before this, many people had come to persuade Xie Qingling, but she would not even open her eyes, let alone speak. As a result, she reacted as soon as Sun Weifang came. It seemed that following Ye Yuxiao's opinion and inviting Sun Weifang here was the right choice.

Sun Weifang looked very angry: "That's not what you mean, what do you mean? I still can't conceive a child. If you are alive, we are like sisters, we can still have someone to rely on. If you die, I will be the only one left." It will only make the situation more difficult, so I might as well just let you go."

Xie Qingling opened her mouth and found that she couldn't refute. After all, no matter how miserable she is, she is still stronger than Sun Weifang.

Sun Weifang held her hand tightly and said, "We are already like this. Death can't solve any problems. We should think carefully about how to live our lives in the future."

"If I knew how to live, I wouldn't be seeking death." Xie Qingling said with tears, "I was in danger of giving birth to a child, but now it's even more difficult to get pregnant."

"As I said just now, you are much better than me. At least you have a daughter." Sun Weifang said, "I have already thought about giving your eldest brother some concubines so that they can flourish the Gu family, but Your eldest brother just disagrees and always thinks that I can get pregnant. How about we unite and take concubines and have a son together."

Xie Qingling looked at her blankly and remained silent for a while.

Sun Weifang looked in the direction of Ye Yuxiao and lowered her voice: "You won't be like Xiaoxiao and refuse to take a concubine, right?"

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