The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 1123. Chicken that falls into manure

The group soon arrived at Mabei Village.

The villagers of Mabei Village all gathered in front of a house at the east end of the village to watch the excitement, allowing them to find the place easily without asking for directions.

In front of this house, there were many corpses lying in a mess. The corpses were all wearing beggars' clothes and were in tatters.

"These are the beggars who held the prince and the little prince hostage!" the eldest princess cried out.

These corpses were indeed the robbers. Outside the house, there was a circle of guards sent by Ouyang Sheng. They were holding long guns and surrounded the house, but no one dared to act rashly.

Ouyang Sheng led them forward, called the leading guard, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on inside?"

The guard replied: "Your Majesty, the only remaining robber has kidnapped His Highness the Crown Prince. The subordinates and others are afraid of attacking rashly."

Ouyang Sheng nodded: "You are right, the safety of His Royal Highness is the most important."

The eldest princess was anxious: "Then what should we do now?"

Ouyang Sheng said: "The robbers kidnap people for a reason. Why don't you let me go talk to the robber in the house and see what they are planning."

That's all. The eldest princess nodded heavily.

Ouyang Sheng asked Sun Xiuyuan for her opinion again. Naturally, Sun Xiuyuan had no objection and nodded.

Ouyang Sheng slowly stepped into the courtyard gate with his hands behind his back.

The robber's voice immediately came from the house: "Stop and don't move! Otherwise I'll kill him right away!"

The prince's panicked voice also sounded: "Don't move, don't move! I don't want to die yet!"

Look at how cowardly he looks! Ouyang Sheng secretly scorned him, stopped at the entrance of the courtyard, and shouted to the robbers inside: "You strong man in this room, why did you kidnap the current prince?"

The voice of the robber came out: "Who said we were going to kidnap the prince? We were just hired by others to kidnap a child of about four or five years old. This man was just caught by us and used as a hostage when necessary. To save your life.”

They kidnapped the prince just to be used as a hostage? Then they really caught him right, and they wouldn't just use him as a hostage now. The eldest princess heard it outside the courtyard and was speechless for a while.

Ouyang Sheng raised his voice and said: "Since you just want a hostage, why do you have to kidnap the prince? I am here to be your hostage, how about you let the prince go?"

He wants to trade himself for the prince? ? Ye Yuxiao immediately became anxious: "Are you crazy?"

Ouyang Sheng looked back at him and smiled: "The prince is the crown prince of a country, and there is no room for any mistakes. It would be better to exchange him for him with me."

Ye Yuxiao bit her lower lip tightly, looking like she wanted to object but didn't dare to.

The eldest princess was deeply moved: "King Yingchuan is so loyal, I will definitely repay the favor to the emperor after I return to the palace."

Are you supporting Ouyang Sheng to change for the crown prince? It seems that although the eldest princess cares about the little prince, she has not forgotten that the prince is also her nephew.

Ouyang Sheng smiled at Ye Yuxiao again and turned back.

The robber in the room seemed to have thought it over carefully and made a decision: "Okay, you come and replace him, but don't try to do any tricks, otherwise I can still kill him even if he walks into the yard."

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise and never play any tricks." Ouyang Sheng said, raising his hands in the air, and walked into the house step by step.

This is a poor farm family. The house is sparsely decorated with almost no furniture, which is perfect for escape.

When the robber saw Ouyang Sheng approaching, he let go of the prince and went to twist Ouyang Sheng's arm.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ouyang Sheng shouted to the prince in a low voice: "Run! Run! Run towards the back of the house!"

The prince had countless confusions in his heart at this time. He heard Ouyang Sheng asked him to run towards the back of the house, and thought that someone was coming to meet him behind the house, so he ran away.

The robber immediately abandoned Ouyang Sheng and chased the prince with a wooden stick.

The prince panicked and quickly fell into the manure pit behind the house.

The pit was full of filth and stunk. The prince subconsciously shouted "help", but a mouthful of feces was immediately poured into his mouth. He was so disgusted that he almost fainted.

The robber looked at him for a moment, then spat with disgust on his face and ran away quickly.

Ouyang Sheng loudly ordered the guards outside: "Chase, chase for me!"

Several guards immediately chased the robbers.

The prince was furious. Isn't it more important to save him at this time than to chase the robbers?

He was flopping up and down in the manure pit, but he didn't dare to call for help again. He was so anxious that he almost burst into tears.

Ouyang Sheng was busy directing the guards to chase the robber, but did not pay attention to him. It was not until Ye Yuxiao, the eldest princess and Sun Xiuyuan from outside the courtyard came after hearing the news that they quickly organized the guards and fished the prince out.

At this time, the prince seemed to have become a "shit man". His whole body was covered with "golden soup", and even his hair was not spared.

Ouyang Sheng came over and apologized: "I was so busy sending people to chase the robbers just now that I forgot about His Highness the Crown Prince."

The eldest princess expressed her understanding: "There is only one person left alive, so of course we have to catch him."

Even if there is only one person left alive, we can't ignore him, right? ! What if he died in a cesspool? The prince was very dissatisfied: "Aunt, he did it on purpose——"

Before he could finish his sentence, everyone stepped back with expressions of disgust and embarrassment.

The prince then remembered that his mouth was full of feces, and they could see every mouth.

His face turned red with embarrassment and he wished he could dig a hole in the ground and crawl in.

Even Sun Xiuyuan felt embarrassed and advised him: "Your Highness, no matter what you have to say, just wait until you go back and clean up before saying it."

The prince could only follow her into the car angrily.

Sun Xiuyuan didn't want to ride in the same car with him, so she shamelessly squeezed in with the eldest princess.

Ye Yuxiao looked back at the "smelly" carriage behind him and asked Ouyang Sheng in a low voice: "Why do I think you made the prince jump into the manure pit on purpose?"

Ouyang Sheng asked her back, "Did you enjoy the show just now?"

Sure enough, he arranged it deliberately. Ye Yuxiao laughed so hard: "The prince failed to kidnap the little prince, but turned into a dung chicken. He must be very angry, right?"

She was not wrong, the prince was indeed furious.

He returned to his residence, bathed ten times in a row, and brushed his teeth hundreds of times, but he still felt stinky all over his body.

Sun Xiuyuan stayed far away from him and complained a little: "Your Highness, aren't the robbers one of our own? What were you doing in a hurry just now?"

This was the point. The prince's face was full of gloom: "If the robber just now was one of my own men, would I be so anxious to run towards the back of the house?"

Sun Xiuyuan was surprised: "That's not one of your own?"

The prince slowly shook his head: "While I was being kidnapped, the guards of King Yingchuan came and the two sides got into a fight. In the chaos, I was kidnapped to the house just now, and then I realized that all of my people were He died outside the house, and I don’t even recognize the person who kidnapped me inside the house!”

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