The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 1103 The last chance

Hua Zixu suddenly felt ashamed and panicked. It doesn't matter that he can't beat Ye Yuxiao at every turn, but his medical skills are actually inferior to hers. No, the logical sequence of this sentence is wrong. When the prince invited him to come to the Xi Dynasty, it was so that he could surpass Ye Yuxiao in medical skills. Who would have thought that not only did he not surpass Ye Yuxiao, but now he had to ask her for help and was ridiculed by her.

However, Hua Zhengqiang is now lying on Ye Yuxiao's operating table. The so-called person under the eaves has to bow his head. No matter how unwilling or angry he was, he could only endure it.

Ye Yuxiao first checked Hua Zhengqiang's blood type, and then asked someone to draw Hua Zixu's blood.

Hua Zixu suddenly became alert: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Yuxiao sneered: "How filial do you think you are, even donating some blood to your second uncle?"

Donate some blood? What's the meaning? Hua Zixu didn't understand at all. He wanted to ask Ye Yuxiao, but he was afraid of being ridiculed by her again, so he had to pretend to understand: "Who said I can't bear it anymore? Donate, I will donate now."

"This blood donation is not something you can just donate if you want." Ye Yuxiao signaled to the doctor to come over and draw his blood, and said, "We have to check your blood type first to see if it matches your second uncle's."

blood type? match? Hua Zixu couldn't understand again. He pretended to be calm, rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms as the doctor asked, but secretly he was a little disappointed. It turns out that the gap in medical skills between him and Ye Yuxiao is so huge. Will he still have a chance to catch up in this life?

The doctor checked Hua Zixu's blood type. His blood type matched Hua Zhengqiang's.

Ye Yuxiao immediately extracted 400cc of his blood and injected it into Hua Zhengqiang's body.

When the blood was drawn, Hua Zixu did not express any objection, but his face turned pale. Those who didn’t know better thought he was the one who lost too much blood.

Ye Yuxiao glanced at him and smiled sarcastically: "Don't be so nervous. Drawing such a small amount of blood will not cause any damage to your body. Just go back and eat more blood-replenishing food."

Hua Zixu was indeed worried about this problem. Now that she had exposed it, he felt embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

After Hua Zhengqiang received blood transfusion, Ye Yuxiao immediately used tweezers to take out the handkerchief stuffed in the hole in his leg.

"Be careful! Blood will spurt out!" Hua Zixu shouted quickly.

"Of course I knew blood would spurt out, otherwise why would I transfuse blood first?" Ye Yuxiao took out the last handkerchief and quickly disinfected the wound.

While cleaning the wound, she said to Hua Zixu: "Removing the sarcoma sounds simple, but in actual operation, it is not just about cutting off the sarcoma. You must first determine whether the sarcoma has invaded the organ and whether it is connected to the aorta. . If you don’t figure this out and you cut it off hastily, of course it will bleed like a well.”

Hua Zixu didn't want to admit his failure, but he couldn't help but ask: "What if it's connected to the aorta? Transfuse it first and then remove it?"

"That's only half correct." Ye Yuxiao said, "If it is connected to the aorta, the blood vessel must be sutured immediately after the sarcoma is removed to avoid causing greater damage."

As she spoke, she gestured to Hua Zixu: "What I'm doing now is suturing blood vessels."

Hua Zixu poked his head and looked at it very seriously.

Ye Yuxiao said, "No matter how carefully you look, it's useless. This skill can't be learned overnight."

If they were not on opposite sides, how good would it be for him to worship her as his master? Hua Zixu suddenly had such an idea, which shocked him.

While he was thinking about it, Ye Yuxiao suddenly asked him: "Do you want to learn?"

Hua Zixu's heart skipped a beat: "Of course I do."

Ye Yuxiao smiled meaningfully at him: "What about your apprenticeship ceremony?"

Is she willing to accept him as her disciple? Could it be that she can read minds? ? Hua Zixu was startled and did not dare to answer rashly.

Ye Yuxiao looked at him deeply and said, "This is the last chance I give you. Because of your obsession with medical skills, this is the last chance I give you."

What does she mean? What is the last chance? What is the apprenticeship ceremony she asked for? Could it be that she wanted him to tell the truth? Wouldn't that be tantamount to confessing on your own? How can it be! Hua Zixu denied it without thinking, pretending not to understand her words and remaining silent.

Ye Yuxiao didn't say anything more, but whispered to himself very quietly: "Don't regret it."

When Hua Zixu heard this, his heart skipped a beat, but then he thought about it, he had already agreed to exonerate her, and his plan was a complete failure. What else could she think of, and what could she do? Thinking like this, he felt that Ye Yuxiao was bluffing and quickly put the matter behind him.

Ye Yuxiao stitched up Hua Zhengqiang's wound and ordered him to be transferred to the ward.

Hua Zixu asked her, "My second uncle, should he be okay?"

Ye Yuxiao said: "Any operation has the risk of postoperative infection. No one dares to say that he is completely fine until he recovers completely. What's more, due to your fault, he lost too much blood and the wound has been damaged. The handkerchief was contaminated, so he faced more uncertainties and difficulties. If you had sent him to Huairen to remove the sarcoma from the beginning, he would never be like this."

Hua Zixu remained silent.

Hua Zhengqiang's servant couldn't help it anymore: "Our master originally wanted to come to Huairen Medical Center, but the young master insisted that he could do it himself."

Actually being brought down by his own slaves? ? Hua Zixu was angry and annoyed, and glared at him fiercely.

"Doctor Hua, please stop being so stubborn." Ye Yuxiao said sarcastically, "I have completed your second uncle's surgery. Whether he can recover smoothly depends on your performance. Otherwise, I have done it for him." If he dies of infection after surgery, the responsibility is yours, who asked you to block his wound with a handkerchief?"

Is she threatening him? If he didn't abide by the agreement and clear her name, not only would she let his second uncle die of infection after the surgery, but she would also put the responsibility on him? Hua Zixu felt angry again, but he had to say: "Princess, please don't worry, I'll go right away."

He gritted his teeth and returned home, calling Xie Ziyan: "I calculated everything, but I didn't expect that my second uncle would come to Daxi, and I even asked Ye Yuxiao for him. My plan this time , it is considered a complete failure, and now I have to save the situation myself."

Why are you telling her this? Could it be that there is another task for her to do? Xie Ziyan has now separated from him and is very reluctant, but has no choice but to escape, so she can only ask: "How do you want to recover?"

"We can only find a scapegoat for her to clear her name first." Hua Zixu sighed, beckoned her to come closer, and lowered his voice: "Fortunately, there are many old men and women in Dugu Yuan, you can go wherever you like. Find one, frame him, and make him bear Ye Yuxiao's crime. The people in Dugu Yuan are all lonely old people. Even if they know that they have been wronged, there is no one to redress their injustice. "

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