The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 1068 Stealing Business

King Chu opened the medicine package in front of Ouyang Sheng and Ye Yuxiao. In the medicine bag, apart from a few pills, there was indeed a note attached.

King Chu unfolded the note, glanced at it, followed Hua Zixu's words, and put it in his arms without showing it to Ouyang Sheng and Ye Yuxiao.

It seems that this pill is very common. What is on the note is more important? Ye Yuxiao and Ouyang Sheng became more and more curious.

Hua Zixu looked at the expressions of the couple and smiled secretly. Did they come in a hurry to spy on him? It's a pity that he was on guard and mixed the medicine into pills. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they wouldn't be able to tell what it was.

Ye Yuxiao stared at the pill for a while and said with a disappointed look on his face: "Since Divine Doctor Hua refuses to introduce this medicine, let's go."

The King of Chu did not keep them, but as soon as they went out, he closed the door of the study and went to talk secretly with Hua Zixu.

Ouyang Sheng stared at the door suspiciously for a few times, took Ye Yuxiao's hand and walked towards the way he came from: "What kind of medicine is sold in Hua Zixu's gourd?"

Ye Yuxiao chuckled: "He showed the medicine to you openly and did not hide it in the gourd."

Ouyang Sheng pinched her nose: "This is not funny at all. He refused to say anything. When we saw the pills, it was as if we didn't see them."

"Who said it's just like you haven't seen it?" Ye Yuxiao smiled, "That pill probably contains ginseng, poria, atractylodes, yam, coix seed, amomum villosum, platycodon and licorice."

"You smelled it?" Ouyang Sheng was surprised and happy, "Then do you know what diseases these medicines treat?"

Of course you know, otherwise all these years of being a doctor would have been in vain. Ye Yuxiao lowered his voice: "That's medicine to treat body odor."

"Body odor?" Ouyang Sheng didn't understand.

"Body odor is a disease. To put it simply, it means that there is a pungent odor in the armpits." Ye Yuxiao explained.

Pungent odor? Ouyang Sheng immediately thought of Princess Huaping: "Could it be that Hua Zixu's medicine is not for King Chu, but for Princess Huaping?"

That's probably it. Ye Yuxiao nodded slowly: "The girl's family is born with body odor, and it is probably difficult to find her husband's family. The Prince of Chu's palace kept this secret very strictly. Hua Zixu knew that this was a secret, so he wrote down the purpose of the pills. It was on the note. And it was precisely because of this that the King of Chu did not show the note to us."

Ouyang Sheng listened and frowned: "If this is the case, we can't let Hua Zixu succeed. Princess Huaping's body odor must be the King of Chu's concern. As long as Hua Zixu cures her, he will definitely get The King of Chu’s favor has been on the line with him since then.”

Hua Zixu is still a member of the prince, but he is blatantly in contact with the King of Chu? What on earth is he going to do?

No matter what he was going to do, it was definitely not good. Ye Yuxiao made a quick decision: "He must be stopped. He cannot be allowed to treat Princess Huaping's illness."

Ouyang Sheng was very troubled: "He has already given the pill to King Chu. King Chu will definitely use it. How can we stop him now?"

"If we can't reduce expenditure, can we increase revenue?" Ye Yuxiao said, stroking his chin.

Open source? What's the meaning? Ouyang Sheng was confused.

Ye Yuxiao did not explain, but went straight forward: "I'm going to find Princess Huaping."

Could it be that she wanted to persuade Princess Huaping not to use Hua Zixu's medicine? But how is this possible? Hua Zixu extended the emperor's life and was now famous. Princess Huaping would definitely be happy to use his medicine. Even if Ye Yuxiao prescribed the same medicine, she would not accept it. Ouyang Sheng felt that this was an impossible task and sighed secretly.

It was very convenient for Ye Yuxiao to do things under the name of Princess Yingchuan. After a while, she got the opportunity to meet Princess Huaping alone and went to her boudoir with her.

Princess Huaping was very polite. She poured tea for her with her own hands and thanked her for coming to attend the wedding ceremony.

Ye Yuxiao recalled the past and expressed her guilt first: "There was no antivenom back then, so I couldn't save Aunt Zhang. Until now, every time I think about this, I can't sleep all night."

Princess Huaping waved her hand: "This is not your fault, don't take it to heart."

Princess Huaping did not blame Aunt Zhang's death on her. Ye Yuxiao was very happy and felt that he could talk to her about body odor: "What kind of incense did the princess use? It has such a strong smell?"

Princess Huaping smiled unnaturally and said: "This is the incense from the Western Regions. If the princess likes it, I will have someone pack some for you later."

Ye Yuxiao shook his head: "Actually, what I want to say is that my nose is naturally sensitive. Even with such a strong fragrance, I can smell your body odor."

Princess Huaping's face suddenly changed: "Princess Yingchuan, what are you talking about?!"

Ye Yuxiao said calmly: "Princess Princess, why are you not surprised? How could I be so reckless and expose your shortcomings in front of you?"

Princess Huaping said in a blunt tone: "I really don't know where I offended the princess."

"No, no, no, the princess has misunderstood." Ye Yuxiao said, "The reason why I dare to directly point out the princess's body odor is naturally because, in my opinion, this body odor is just a minor illness and not worth hiding at all. .”

Princess Huaping stared at her for a long time and suddenly said: "Princess Yingchuan, don't think that I don't know about the dispute between you and Divine Doctor Hua. You came here specifically because he gave me pills to cure body odor. Are you looking for me?"

As expected of the princess of Prince Chu's Mansion, she is well-informed and smart. Ye Yuxiao smiled and did not defend himself: "Princess, don't worry about the grudges between me and Hua Zixu. We are only talking about your illness now."

Princess Huaping said unhappily: "What grudges you have have nothing to do with me, but don't use my illness as a bargaining chip."

The princess seemed too smart to be persuaded by ordinary methods. Ye Yuxiao thought for a while and said simply: "Yes, you are right, I just want to use your disease as a bargaining chip. But if my treatment method is better than Hua Zixu's, doesn't the princess want to Try it?"

Princess Huaping took out a pill from her sleeve and said: "Doctor Hua told me that as long as I insist on taking his medicine, the stench under my armpits will be completely eradicated in half a year. The effect of this medicine is, It’s already perfect, even if you boast about your medicine, I won’t listen.”

"Half a year? So long?" Ye Yuxiao smiled, "Don't delay the princess's marriage."

Princess Huaping sneered: "Princess Yingchuan's medicine, the treatment time is shorter? But how much shorter can it be? I don't mind waiting for half a year, so don't think about stealing the job of Miracle Doctor Hua."

"No matter how short it is, how short can it be?" Ye Yuxiao touched his chin, "Probably the princess will take a nap in this room, and when the hairpin ceremony officially begins, you can do it without using any spices. Went out clean, fresh and without any smell.”

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