The Kung Fu Baby is Four Years Half and has 17 Pampering Brothers

Chapter 668: Little Black Panther: I'm so fat

  Chapter 668 Little Black Panther: I'm so fat

  After Ji Zhangzhuo settled down, Li Zhou couldn't wait to go out, as if he was eager to do something.

  The man with white hair and blond eyes closed the door and said calmly, "Are you looking for a video from Senior Brother?"

  Li Zhou paused.

  He sneered: "No, no, I just want to ask the senior brother, why are you targeting the second senior brother?"

  That's what he said, but he asked himself in his heart, he must be the second senior brother who is usually too annoying, and the senior senior brother just thought of a way to make fun of the second senior brother without hurting the second senior brother.

   Tantai Yi sighed silently.

  In the past, he felt that what the second senior brother said was completely different from what the master said, but now it seems that, except for the younger junior sister, everyone does not conform to the master's impression.

  He vaguely understood the reason for this difference.

  After everyone came to modern times, they gradually relaxed and revealed their true nature. For example, the fourth junior brother in front of me, when he first came, he looked sunny and cheerful, but he was actually a little reserved. He felt that he owed his senior brothers and sisters even after eating a meal, and he was very embarrassed. Now, he is very active in betting with people, and whoever loses must invite him to dinner.

   If you invite a black panther with a huge body to eat, your wallet will bleed profusely.

  Tired Tan Taiyi waved his hands, Li Zhou turned and ran away.

  At this moment, it seemed that Tantai Yi was the senior brother.

  Li Zhou quickly found Duan Xiayou, and the two sides had a friendly exchange—after complaining about Ji Zhangzhuo, Li Zhou successfully got the video, played it immediately, and laughed appetizingly.

  Although there was still part of the food in the restaurant, Li Zhou didn't dare to eat it, so he ordered takeaway.

   After more than half an hour, the takeaway was delivered, but Li Zhou's leopard ears popped out because of his agitation, so he could only hide in the room and asked Duan Xiayou to help him get it.

  Duan Xiayou responded, but when he got the takeaway, he turned around and was stopped by the real Hao Wei.

   "The food is cold, I'll help you warm it up."

  Duan Xiayou asked suspiciously: "You know how to use a microwave oven?"

  The young chef stretched out his hand, "I use zhenqi heat."

  Duan Xiayou then handed over the takeaway.

   Not long after, Zhen Hao Wei brought out several dishes and rice and put them on the table.

  Duan Xiayou has already gone upstairs to call Li Zhou for dinner.

   "The food is a bit cold, and it is put on the table after it is warmed up."

   Three minutes later.

  Li Zhou sits in the dining room and feasts.

  The food on the table was exactly the same as what he ordered, and the black panther didn't have any doubts.

   Li Zhou was windy and cloudy, and after sweeping away the food, he patted his stomach.

   "Did this restaurant change the chef? The cooking skills are much better than last time. It seems that you can order next time."

   Satisfied, he stood up, and with a 'bang', he turned into a little black panther, staggering.

  Gu Cheng who came out of the study to pour water in the restaurant: "..."

  A trace of astonishment flashed across that serious face, and soon recovered.

  Pushing the glasses, Gu Cheng walked around the little black panther with a natural expression, ready to pour water. However, the little black panther refused to let him go, and blocked his way aggressively, spitting out people's words.


   Nai fierce milk fierce voice.

  Gu Cheng couldn't help pushing his glasses again.

  Could it be that the fourth brother's voice became smaller after his body became smaller? But before, my sister clearly said that Li Zhou still has an adult voice after his body shrinks.

  He could only look down at this fierce black panther.

   "Is there something wrong?"

   "You said, am I fat?"

  Gu Cheng: "..."

  He carefully looked at the hair that was as smooth as black satin.

  Most of the animals were chubby when they were young, like my sister who had a chubby face when she came back last year. Of course, she is also chubby now, but he is too witty to tell the truth.

   "How do you want me to answer?"

  Gu Cheng picked up his EQ and asked seriously.

  Little Black Panther didn't hesitate: "Call me fat! I'm the fattest! I'm in poor health, chubby!"

   Gu Cheng began to suspect that he was too tired and had hallucinations.

   In my impression, this fourth senior brother still pays more attention to figure, right?

  Li Zhou often exercises during the day, and the eight-pack abs he shows makes Dongmendong cry with envy.

   Most importantly, what's with this childish tone?

   Suspecting it was a prank, Gu Cheng refused to answer.

  He just took a detour, but the little black panther blocked the way again with a snort.

   "Ah!" The voice was still milky, "I'm too fat, too fat to walk!"

  Gu Cheng: "..." What a showman!

  Thinking of Ji Zhangzhuo's Rabbit Dance not long ago, Gu Cheng has doubts about the candidate. He insists on staying away from the little black panther, and finds the real Hao Wei who is hiding in the kitchen.

   "What did you do again?"

  Hao Wei had an innocent face, "I took the wrong food."

  He pointed to the exact same food on the desk, "But the ones I cook must be better than those outside, no problem, brother, go to work."

  Gu Cheng does not believe in coincidences.

   Li Zhou ordered takeaway on the front foot, and Hao Wei on the back foot made exactly the same meal, and accidentally mixed it up.

   "Don't go too far."

  Gu Cheng can only say so.

  The fight between these senior brothers is no different from a fight between gods and gods, and it is really difficult for him to intervene. Fortunately, Li Zhou just turned into a little black panther, just talking and whistling.

  Zhen Hao Wei enthusiastically poured water for him, and urged him to leave quickly.

   "I still need to observe."

  He is doing an experiment. If Li Zhou behaves well in the end and there are no accidents, he can make it for his junior sister tomorrow. He didn't want to see his junior sister's disappointed eyes.

   At the same time, he was also thankful that his junior sister had just received a call from a man named Wen Li, so he took his fifth and sixth senior brothers out, otherwise his junior sister would definitely stop him.

  Gu Cheng was holding a water glass, passing by the little black panther who was blocking the way again.

  The little black panther wobbled, as if his body was really bulky, "I'm so fat! I'm too fat! Ahhh!"

  Gu Cheng: "..."

  For some reason, I wanted to take out my phone to take a video.

   Reason stopped him and sent him back to the study.

  Just after returning to the study, he looked at the water in the glass and hesitated whether to drink it or not.

   "This water won't be tampered with, right?"

  The real Hao Wei poured the water in front of his face, seemingly without making any small moves.

  However, a person who cultivates immortals can make small movements, which even mortals can't see with his naked eyes!

  Tuanzi took his fifth and sixth brothers to eat at Wen Li's house, and didn't arrive home until around nine o'clock in the evening.

  Just after entering the door, I saw a one-meter-tall black panther roaring at the real Hao Wei.

  Behind him, a passing resident outside the courtyard greeted Tuanzi with a smile.

   "Miao Miao, is your family watching Animal World?"

  Danko tried to block the entire gate with her small body.

   "Yes, yes, Miaomiao really likes watching Animal World, auntie, go home early."

  She greeted casually and quickly closed the door.

  Still outside the door: "..."

  It is impossible to bear grudges against Junior Sister, if you want to bear grudges, you must also bear grudges against Li Zhou and Zhen Hao Wei.

   Finally entered the door, Dongmenxi said unhappily, "If you want to fight, hit him quickly, what's the point of only growling? Use your claws to scratch him hard!"

  In his heart, Dongmendong said weakly, "You are resenting the good figures of Fourth Senior Brother and Seventh Senior Brother."

   "How is it possible? It's just eight-pack abs, I'll have them sooner or later!"

  (end of this chapter)

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