The Kung Fu Baby is Four Years Half and has 17 Pampering Brothers

Chapter 328: Gu Che with thick eyebrows and big eyes

  Chapter 328 Gu Che with Thick Eyebrows and Big Eyes

  In the end, Yang Heng and other children went to take care of the little wolf cubs.

  Seeing the little wolf cub drinking goat milk from the bottle, he smiled contentedly.

  But when the veterinarian strolled over with his hands behind his back, he became alert again.

  After what happened just now, he understood a truth, just like sometimes when he meets an aunt, the other party prefers to call him sister, but if he meets someone who looks like an uncle, the other party is actually more willing to call him brother.

  Your Excellency is really strange, Yang Heng scratched his hair.

  The other children stared at the little wolf cub drinking milk lovingly.

  Tuanzi held her little face, "It really looks like a puppy, it's fluffy, it must be easy to touch."

   Wen Jing's pair of kitchen knife eyes glanced at the little wolf cub, wanting to refute it, but after observing it again, he found that it was irrefutable.

   This wolf is really similar to a dog, and it is also fat.

   "Its mother raised it very well." She commented reservedly.

   Zhou Shang thinks more.

   "The wolf mother ran away with her children, so she must have no time to hunt, but the wolf cubs are still fat, which shows that they haven't been running for a long time, and it's not even long before they are caught."

   Poachers don't take good care of them.

  The little wolf cub who was repeatedly described as "fat" suddenly let out a "wow".

"I am full?"

  Yang Heng stretched out his hand to take the milk bottle, but the little wolf cub held the milk bottle and refused to let go of his claws.

   "Then what are you whining about?"

  Duanzi substitutes himself.

   "It definitely doesn't like being called fat, just like I don't like being called chubby."

  She rubbed her chubby little face, "Second Brother said, it's baby fat, it's normal, but people always say I'm chubby, huh."

  Yang Heng glanced at her face, then at the little wolf cub who was drinking milk, and when he was about to tell his true feelings, Wu Yu, who was squatting aside silently, covered his mouth with his hand.

  The little boy was stunned.

  He pulled down his little friend's hand, puzzled, "Why are you covering my mouth?"

  Wu Yu glanced at him lazily, "Prevent you from being beaten."

   "How is it possible? I just want to tell the truth, Miao Miao is..."

  Wu Yu's small hand covered his mouth again, and the other hand pressed the back of his neck to prevent him from breaking free.

  Yang Heng was at a loss.

   Not far away, Yang Jin patted Wu Ti on the shoulder.

   "Your son is too similar to you."

   EQ is quite high.

  Wu Ti smiled and said nothing.

  The audience had already understood what Yang Heng had said, and laughed out loud.

  【This kid is too sincere, Miaomiao just said that he doesn’t like what others say, so he wants to say it, but luckily Wu Yu saved his life】

  【Wu Yu has a high EQ at such a young age】

  【I think he should be good at observing. It must be that the people around him have reacted violently to similar words. After he saw it, he felt that he should not say that, so he stopped it】

  【How can a five or six-year-old child be as smart as you say? It must be taught by his father, isn’t everyone in the circle know that Wu Ti is deep-minded?]

  【The one in front, are you an insider? Come, tell me about your scope of work]

  The most embarrassing guest present was Yang Zhi.

  Although his cousin always looks fierce, the other children are all little angels, so they still take her to play.

  But adults are always more scrupulous, he doesn't know how to get along with other parents at all, this will be so embarrassing that he starts to dig his toes.

  So how did the association send him to participate in the show?

  How could he agree in the first place?

  Recalling carefully, he found that what the president said at the time was, "Miao Miao is also on that show. Don't you always want to compete with her again? There are many opportunities to compete with her when you participate in the show. Of course, don't forget to promote our association."

   After participating in the show, he realized that the competition was a daydream.

  Mountain patrolling during the day and study at night, where is the time to learn from each other? The president lied to him!

   "I heard that you are a member of the Wushu Association?"

  Wu Ti noticed that Yang Zhi started to wander off, so he simply changed the subject, "What do you usually train?"

  Yang Zhi came back to his senses, and almost looked at Wu Ti with tears in his eyes.

   The kids are little angels, and this handsome guy is an archangel!

  Martial arts is an area he is familiar with. Yang Zhi talked endlessly, but accidentally revealed his purpose for participating in the show.

   "But I found that there is no time to learn from each other."

  Gu Che woke up instantly, and looked at him sharply.

  Good guy, it turns out that this person came after his sister.

He didn't know that Yang Zhi had become his younger sister's die-hard fan. Seeing Yang Zhi's face full of fighting spirit, he thought he was a martial arts lunatic, and immediately turned the situation into trouble, "Actually, Miao Miao's elder brother is also there. They come from the same school and have similar strength. You and elder brother The same is true for sparring, he is relatively free."

  Duan Xiayou hiding among the staff: "..."

  He didn't want to follow at first, but the younger junior sister didn't know how to use her internal energy to heal people's injuries, and worried that something might happen to the female wolf, so he followed while yawning.

   As a result, Gu Che was tricked as soon as he arrived.

  He looked at Gu Che's handsome profile in disbelief.

  Well, Gu Che with thick eyebrows and big eyes, isn't it cool brother, why is your heart so dark?

  Yang Zhi is just a little bit closer to Wu Crazy.

  After hearing Gu Che's words, he immediately started looking for Duan Xiayou.

  Gu Che enthusiastically reminded: "The man in the light blue overalls."

  Yang Zhi quickly thanked him, and excitedly went to find Duan Xiayou.

   "Hero, please compete with me!"

  Duan Xiayou turned around and left.

  Yang Zhi didn't even care about his cousin, so he hurried to catch up.

  Duan Xiayou performed lightness kung fu when he left the door.

   "Hero! Brother Duan! Senior brother! Wait for me!"

   One is flying in the sky, and the other is chasing on the ground.

  The cameraman is very busy. While chasing, the camera will point upwards and forwards for a while.

  【Pfft hahaha, Duan Xiayou's expression is so funny】

  【I originally thought that Yang Zhi was here as a display, but I didn’t expect it to be quite a joke】

  Nine thirty in the evening.

  The guests finished their studies, and the program team also turned off the cameras.

   Tuanzi strolled towards the room with his little hands behind his back, and there were footsteps behind him.

   "Miao Miao, wait."

  Tuanzi turned around suspiciously, "Brother Chun Ting, are you still asleep?"

  Jin Chunting was helpless: "My phone is still with you."

  Before, his younger sister stayed in the study room, so it was difficult for him to go in and ask for it, so he has been waiting until now.

   Tuanzi took out his phone with a guilty expression, and handed it over with both hands.

  She glanced at Jin Chunting's expression, "Brother Chunting, what time will you get up tomorrow?"

  Jin Chunting reported the time, and was a little puzzled, "We should wake up around the same time, right?"

   Tuanzi chuckled, but thought in her heart that she must get up earlier than her cousin tomorrow, and then go to the door of her cousin's room to guard. When the other party came out with a mobile phone, she snatched it.

  If Mr. Jin calls and scolds, then she will answer, and you can scold back!

   Rolling his eyes a few times, Tuanzi enthusiastically recommended someone to him.

   "You can add Brother Gu Chi as a friend," Tuanzi encouraged him, "You can follow Brother Gu Chi to learn how to become a fox."

  Jin Chunting: "?"

  (end of this chapter)

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