The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 492: What are you talking about

Jin Li is a bit dazed.

Sir Beckdorf, isn't this a human being? ? ?

This recognition made her a little curious, and by the way, she wanted to see what this person wanted to do.

Thinking like this, Jin Li closed her eyes and pretended to pass out, but she could still "see" what was happening outside.

She saw herself galloping in the sky.

The jazz who embraced her was like a big bird with a light figure, with his toes gently tapping on the top of a tall building, gliding in the wind.

The night view of the Silver City, which was not seen last night, was completely displayed before her eyes.

Lu Zhengya was right, it was really beautiful—at this time, Jin Li was still thinking about this out of fashion.

This situation did not last long, or that the Sir Beckdorf moved too fast.

He landed outside a castle.


Jin Li looked at the majestic and magnificent building in front of him with a little amazement. Before he looked carefully, he felt that the people around him moved.

Sir Beckdorf seemed to want to embrace her instead to hold her sideways.

Jin Li: "!"

This kind of intimacy is really beyond the acceptance of Xiaoxianyu.

She thought for a while, her mind moved.

She was already standing behind Sir Beckdorf, hiding in the air.

But Sir Baker was actually holding a "jinli" in his hands.

This is a small spell.

People from this white pigeon country, or not people, are definitely invisible.

Jin Li walked into the castle together behind Sir Baker.

It was very quiet along the way, and occasionally I met someone with a very retro dress and a maid passing by, and the other party just bowed his head and saluted Baker and left silently.

Sir Beckdorf walked into a certain hall without squinting his eyes.

The hall is covered with blood-colored long-pile carpets, which can sink to your ankles when you step on them. The furnishings are luxurious, complicated and gorgeous, but they don't make people feel crude.

The owner of this castle has quite high taste. Jin Li thought in her heart.

The reason why he is called the owner of the castle, not Sir Beckdorf, is because Jin Li has seen the real owner of the castle.

He is sitting on the main seat in this hall.

He seems to be taking a nap.

One hand propped his forehead. Long blond hair fell to his side, unable to see his face.

The snow-white suit on her body and the shirt at the neckline were tied to the top one, the most serious and abstinent appearance, but there was a bright red rose on her chest, which instantly formed a peculiar contradictory charm with its flamboyance and beauty.

Jin Li's interest was in that hand.

The bones are too beautiful.

This hand is thin and pale, but it is not awkward and ugly, but has a cold jade-like beauty.

Jin Li leaned in curiously, wanting to see what the owner of this hand looked like.

But before she came close, the man woke up.

His long eyelashes trembled slightly and opened his eyes.

The long golden hair moved back, revealing the man's entire face.

"Wow!" Jin Li couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Who?" The man turned his head abruptly and looked exactly where Jin Li was. The sound was as sweet as a collision of gold and jade.

Sir Beckdorf, who was still holding "Jin Pear", did not notice anything wrong at all. He knelt down on one knee towards the man with a pious expression: "My Lord Duke, I have brought you the most touching gift."

Jin Li stood aside, biting her fingers in distress: What are they talking about?

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